Avyakt BapDada 16th March 1995

Today, BapDada, the One who enables you to attain all attainments, is seeing his children in all four directions who are complete with all attainments. You are the children of the complete and perfect Father, the Bestower of all attainments, and so Baba has given each child the inheritance of all attainments. Every child has the right to the full inheritance. So, BapDada is seeing to what extent each child has claimed this right. You have become numberwise by making these attainments your own, according to your own capacity.

A soul who has all rights, and is full with all attainments, and who stays in the intoxication and experience of all attainments from amrit vela until night, will be content, and will spread the sparkle and vibrations of contentment to others. Their face will be satisfied. They will be free from all questions. So, are you the embodiment of satisfaction, or the embodiment of questions? What are you? You are laughing! You are not saying yes. Achcha.

Discontentment come from a lack of attainment. You have to become complete now, not at the time of destruction. There are many souls who think they are already constantly contented, with no questions about andy aspect of the self or others. Who thinks that they are constantly satisfied, that no mater how much Maya tries to make them fluctuate, they will not fluctuate, but will make Maya fluctuate? Always remember the word “constantly”. You are not those who are something only sometimes. There are very few of you, a few out of multi millions. There are question marks, are there not? The question mark should be removed from your dictionary. Your intellect should be able to apply a full stop. You should be constantly satisfied and able to finish the question marks of others. If there are question marks in the self, you do not make others satisfied, but in fact increase their questions. The vibrations of having questions spreads more quickly than the vibrations of being satisfied. If you support others in their questions, you use the exclamation mark, and not the full stop. Everyones aim should be to be complete and satisfied.

Those who are satisfied will not have a fast speed of wastage in the mind and intellect. The will constantly be gentle and humble, and through this will give everyone the coolness of the shadow of being the embodiment of satisfaction. No matter how much someone is burning like a fire, or how hot their temper might be, under the vibrations of this shadow, they will become cool.

Generally you move along very well, in your own way. But when you come into relationship and connection with others, whilst seeing and hearing of their weaknesses, you come into their influence. Then you put forward very sweet words to the Father. You tell many stories to those who are instruments here. BapDada constantly gives the signal that you have to speak of such things very briefly, in only a few words, and not long explanations, because the wasteful things are very delicious and very entertaining. Whilst moving along, you, interest in listening, speaking, and doing wasteful things increases. You listen to others create a sanskar, and when you have this sanskar, you don’t even realise that this is wrong. This wasteful sanskar finishes the decision power of the intellect.

The easiest method to remain constantly content is to always keep one special attainment or another in front of you. You may forget points of knowledge, but you will never forget attainments. What have you received from the Father? How much have you received from the Father? You like a variety, do you not? So look at the treasures of knowledge you have attained, the powers you attain through yoga, the divine virtues you have. It is a long list of attainments is it not?

The vices have a very deep relationship with each other. If you have anger externally, then check within and you will find greed and ego. Some are in emerged form and others are merged.

In the same way, virtues have a connection with one another. You may keep one virtue in an emerged form, but others would also be merged with that one.

So, every day, experience being the embodiment of one or another attainment. If the attainment is in an emerged form, then all lack of attainment will be finished, and you will be constantly content. Everyone wants to attain a good name, regard, and honour. You want this also – not of the limited, but of the unlimited.

People of the world chase after a limited name. But God himself is chanting your name – so does anyone else have such an elevated name? “Brahmin” is your name, is it not? Even now, those who are Brahmins in name only are considered to be so elevated. So do not chase after a limited name. Your name is constantly elevated in Baba’s heart. For the majority, it is desire for limited name, regard, and honour that makes you fall. Maya comes in this form a great deal. So do not worry about that. Your name is fixed in the rosary of victory. Your name is in Baba’s heart. Your name will be doing service till the end.

How much regard do you receive? Even God has kept you ahead of himself. God himself gives you so much regard. The proof is that your non-living images have so much praise even in this last birth. Even now the most elevated regard is for your images. If there is such regard for your images, there must be more regard for your worship worthy living form. And if any limited aspect of regard arises, what will regard from other souls do, when you have received regard from the Supreme Soul?

Anything limited that you chase after is like a shadow. When you try to catch hold of a shadow, it moves away. Limited name and regard are like shadows. They are visible under the sun of Maya, but in fact they are nothing. So you have received name, you have received regard, and you are honoured so much. Remember each honour of yours, and remember who has made you sit so honourably – the Father. You are seated on the heart throne of the Father. And the greatest honour of all is the ruling status. You have received the heart-throne and the crown, have you not?

Sometimes you make a small mistake, and you feel that you have to maintain your honour – this is arrogance. Real honour – spiritual honour – will never make you feel insulted. It is good to maintain your honour, but check whether it is your honour or your arrogance. Sometimes you consider your arrogance to be your honour and pride, and then you are not able to be humble. The sign of your arrogance is that you consider your pride to be real, and others consider it to be arrogance, so that whenever someone says something, you will feel insulted. Those who have arrogance will very quickly feel any insult. Even when someone says something jokingly, they will feel insulted. So check the difference between self respect and arrogance. Constantly keep your unlimited name, regard, and pride in an emerged form.

Do not be careless – become equal and become perfect. In physical terms you need good health, wealth, and relationships – this is all the attainment you need. So how healthy is your soul? Every day at amrit vela BapDada gives you the blessing of constantly remaining healthy. The body may have karmic accounts, but the soul is constantly healthy. The soul does not have any illness. Seeing a healthy person, someone who is ill will become healthy. Your health is so great. And in terms of relationships, people of the world will have some relationships and not others, and even these relationships will sometimes finish. But you have all relationships with the one Father. Remember the Father in any relationship, and he is constantly ready to fulfil the responsibility of that relationship. It does not take the Father any time to do this. And he can fulfil the responsibilities of his relationships with everyone at the same time – he is never busy elsewhere – he is ever present, at your service. So you have the attainment of all relationships. Do you have this experience? Those sitting at the back, ar
e you saying yes or no? Look – those who are sitting at the back renounce sitting at the front, and so BapDada looks at the back again and again.

Sometimes, because of your stage, you are not able to remember the point, because the point is very subtle. Your stage may be weak because you are in a gross consciousness, and so you will not be able to remember the point, even when you try to. At such a time, apply the dot – the dot should come – remember your attainment, remember your relationships, remember the corporeal meetings, remember your variety of experiences. That is easy. When you think you cannot give a lecture, the best lecture is to relate your experience. Speak in the form of relating an experience, and you will become number one. Continue to distribute your various experiences, and they will continue to increase. Do not battle – finish the wasteful by using any method, and let the powerful emerge. Battling develops sanskars of weakness. If you are not able to destroy your sins, at least perform pure actions. Do not waste your time in the wasteful. Time is of the greatest value: if not now then never. The more time you waste, the more the sanskars of waste are becoming firm. When someone relates something very long to you, make it short. Leave aside the wasteful. Teach them how to make it short. This is pure service, and having mercy.

Remain content with whatever you receive. You should be able to develop all habits. Achcha.

To the souls from all four directions who are constantly the embodiment of all attainments – to the elevated souls who remain content and satisfied – to the close souls who constantly experience themselves to have an elevated name, regard, and honour – to the satisfied souls who give everyone the light and might of the vibrations of contentment – BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

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