Avyakt BapDada 15th November 2005

Today, BapDada is seeing his elevated children from everywhere – those who have a right to self-sovereignty and who are stable in their stage of self respect. The respect the Father has given the children is even higher than that of himself. He has liberated every child from falling at the feet, and has made them the crown on His head. He has always called himself the servant of the lovely children. So, do each of you consider yourself to have such self respect? One with self respect will give respect to everyone – he will be humble, and will be loved by everyone, and will be loving to all – his love will be unlimited – there will be no arrogance, no body consciousness. Even the last number in the rosary of 16000 has received one or another speciality from the Father. One with self respect gives respect to others and sees their speciality. Anyone who belongs to the Father is a special soul compared to the souls of the world, he is one out of multi-millions.

Every child is loved by the Father. The Father’s love is a magnet, pulling you here. Love from the heart is the foundation of this Brahmin life. Just as the Father has love for everyone, the children should also have love for everyone. Do not look at the weaknesses of others – if you see something bad, step away from it – you are those who give the mantra that disciplines the mind – the mantra that liberates them form an influence – you liberate them, do you not? Love in the heart is the very easy method to become complete and perfect. No matter how knowledgeable someone is, if they don’t have love in the heart, they will not have an enjoyable Brahmin life – it will be dry and tasteless. If there is love with knowledge, then you remain absorbed in love. Someone who has love does not have to make effort to remember the one he loves. Knowledge is the seed and love is the water.

: Today BapDada was checking love in the hearts of the children. You have love for the Father – are you loving to everyone else? Does each of you think: this is my brother or sister – this one belongs to me? At this time the Father is establishing both a religion and a kingdom at the same time. There won’t be just the father in the kingdom, there will also be the family. Be loving to the Father, and also be loving to the family.

As soon as you children took Brahmin birth, the Father gave you respect, and this was how you became so elevated. You have to give respect in this one birth, and you will receive respect – the reward of that – throughout the whole cycle. For half the cycle, you have the respect of having a right to the kingdom, and for half the cycle you receive respect from the devotees. The basis of this for the whole cycle is to give respect in this one birth and to receive respect.

You double foreigners do double service – not even double, you do triple service – you have your lokik job, you give knowledge, and the majority of you also do karma yoga service at the centres. In order to increase the speed of your service, you have such a good Dadi – when she sees even a little weakness, she gives class upon class about that.

If you have to make effort, check the love in your heart – is there a leakage anywhere, attachment to a person or a person’s speciality, or to any facility – if there is a leakage there will not be constant contentment. Where there is contentment you will be constantly smiling like a spiritual rose – you will not have an off-mood – you will remain always double light. So save yourself from labouring – Baba does not like it when the children have to labour – you have laboured fro half the cycle – now enjoy yourselves. Remain absorbed in love. Experience the pearls of love at the bottom of the Ocean of Knowledge – do not just take a dip and come out again, but remain merged in it.

All of you have promised you will live with the Father and go back home with Him. Are you ready? Are you ever-ready? Those who are equal will go with him. If you are given the order tomorrow will you go with him? WIll the householders go with him? Will you not remember your children? Will the mothers go with Baba? Will you not remember anyone? Will the teachers remember their centres and their students? Have all of yo become free from attachment? Achcha. Then you won’t have to labour, will you?

: Today BapDada wants to make everyone free from labour – will you become that? From tomorrow, no-one will go to the Dadis – you won’t make them make effort on you will you? You will meet them for enjoyment. You will not go to the zonal heads. You will not complain. You will be complete. Is that OK? No one belongs to you , and “I” and “mine” have finished. You very quickly make a promise, but to take the benefit of it, have realisation every day, and revise it – what benefit are you taking? When there is a balance, it will be all right.

The success of service is through self service. Self service is the basis of world service. You are master almighty authorities and you can do whatever you want. Before you have a thought, word or action, check whether it is equal to that of the Father. Check first, and then put it into a practical form. Simply remember two words – “instrument” and “humility”.

Use everything in a worthwhile way – all the treasures you have, all the powers – thoughts, words and actions are also powers – time is a treasure and also a power. Whether it is physical wealth, or spiritual treasures, you have to use everything in a worthwhile way, and enable others to use everything they have in a worthwhile way. If someone is not using something in a worthwhile way, then do not say anything or give corrections, but do it with your good wishes, pure feelings, and pure regard. If you have to give correction then let it be with forgiveness and then correction. Give teachings through your form of forgiveness. Be merciful. Be merciful. When surgeons perform an operation they put you to sleep first – so you too have to first become merciful, and then give correction – otherwise when you begin to give correction, they are already cleverer than you – a teacher would not accept correction from a teacher.

Emerge your original sanskars, your deity sanskars, and the eternal sanskars of the soul. Have a cremation ceremony of the wrong sanskars. Make your original and eternal sanskars emerge. You just have to be the instrument. Achcha.

Seeing all the children, BapDada sings the song: wah children wah! Achcha. What are we going to do now?

To all the children everywhere who have self respect; to those who always have love for the Father in their heart; to the elevated souls who have love for everyone; to the intense effort-making children who always remain free from labouring, and who experience liberation in life; to the blissful children who always maintain a balance between the promise they make and the benefit they take from that promise; to those who always remain in pleasure, and who always enable others to stay in pleasure; to such Confluence Aged children who have a right to the elevated fortune, love and remembrance from BapDada and blessings from the heart of the Comforter of Hearts. Love, remembrance and namaste.

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Avyakt BapDada 21st October 2005

Today, BapDada was seeing the three forms of the children everywhere. At this time the children are in the Brahmin form, and the last stage of the Brahmin form is the angelic stage, and the angels are then to become deities. Brahmin life is the most special of all – Brahmin life is invaluable. The speciality of Brahmin life is purity. Purity is the reality of Brahmin life. Purity is the personality of Brahmin life. Purity is the mother of peace and happiness. Purity brings happiness and peace in your life in a natural way, and it will be your nature. And the aim of pure souls is not to be deities, but first to become angels. The angels then become deities.

Have your three forms come in front of you? You are already Brahmins – now your aim is to be angels. Check how many specialties of an angel are visible in your life. An angel has no connection with the old world, and old sanskars. An angel is double-light – not just a the time of problems, but constantly double-light in thoughts, words, relationships, and connections. An angel is loved by all, and detached from all. Not just loving, but detached, to the same extent. The sign of an angel is to be loved by all – whoever sees you, meets or comes into connection or relationship with you, experiences that you belong to them, just as everyone experiences the Father to belong to them. You have this experience do you not? Your lightness makes you loved by everyone. The whole Brahmin family should feel that you belong to them. An angel is unlimited in thoughts, words, actions, relationships, and connections. There should be no limitations. Everyone is mine, and I belong to everyone. Where there is a feeling of belonging, there is lightness. So check to what percentage you have reached the angelic stage.

All of you have written the result of your homework. BapDada has the pure desire that at present, according to time, the majority should have a minimum of 75% in all the seven things you have written about. Those who consider themselves maharathis should have 95%. Pandavas, should it be this? OK a few of you are in the second number, so then it should be 75%. What do the Dadis think? Is it 95%? What do all of those sitting in the front row think? What f destruction were to take place tomorrow – if you have 75% then, you will not be part of 1-1-1. Ok, never mind – today is special – so today BapDada is letting the past be past. OK, it is not 95% – will you claim at least 85%? Will those sitting at the back have this much? Congratulations – eat a gulab jamun because you can see and you definitely know you have to become that.

Check what percentage of faith and success you have. Now intensify your speed of checking. First of all check, and then act. You are the VVIPs of the world drama – those who are VIPs today are just that for one birth, and that too for only a short time – whereas you Brahmins who are to become angels are VVIPs, and you can put as many “V”s as you want. You must have seen your own images that are worshipped. OK, you may not have seen the temples, but you must have seen the photos. They build such big temples although your pictures are only 3 feet. There are so many queues to have a glimpse of your images. You are such VVIPs in the living form.

So check before every step. If you check afterwards, the step is gone. Remain seated on your seat of self respect. When you stay in your position, there cannot be opposition.

Everyone’s aim is to become complete and perfect. By when? You ask people this question do you not? Teachers ask students this question. So today BapDada is asking you teachers, those who have been 30 years in gyan. You fix dates for other functions and programmes, so is there no date for this? Tell Baba how many years you want, because nature is asking the Father when it should carry out destruction.

Double foreigners are sitting here – become examples – become complete and perfect in front of the Brahmin family and the world – complete with all powers and virtues. Be light with everyone, not just those from your own zone or centre – whoever you come into connection with should experience that you belong to them. There is lightness with those whom you feel belong to you.

BapDada is giving you zeal and enthusiasm. When Maya sees that you have this she uses all her weapons and gives you such sustenance that you don’t even understand that it is Maya’s sustenance. Maya’s directions get mixed with the Father’s. The main obstruction in becoming an angel is the two words “I” and “mine”. So when you use the word “I” see the soul in front of you. When you use the word “mine” then first say “my Baba”. Make this your nature, and natural, so that when you say “mine” Baba comes in front of you, and when you say “I” the soul comes in front of you. The world of the soul is BapDada, The sanskars of the soul are to be a Brahmin becoming an angel, and an angel becoming a deity. So perform this exercise – I the soul – my Baba.

According to the drama, the speed of time has to be slowed down. The creator should be fast, not the creation, but at present time is going fast. Nature is ever-ready – it is just waiting for its orders. Time will give orders to the drama will it not? If those who are carrying out establishment are not ever-ready, there will be annihilation after destruction – so is establishment definitely going to take place after destruction? Those who have become instruments for establishment have to be ever-ready now, according to the time – this is what BapDada wants to see. Look at yourself and also see the time.

BapDada has already told you that you must have the consciousness of being an instrument, and also have feelings of humility. Underline both these words, and the “I” and “mine” of body-consciousness will end. I am a humble instrument. Humility brings respect. Those who are humble are loved by all, and those who are loved receive respect. So be an instrument, be humble, and also have good wishes and pure feelings for everyone, no matter what they are like. Create such an atmosphere that others will change through your vibrations. Even if they don’t change, at least keep yourself OK, at least stay in your position. Do not leave your seat of self respect. No waste thoughts as to “why” should ever arise – do not open the door to waste thoughts, or it will be difficult to close it again. Be merciful and continue to give vibrations. If you leave your position there will be opposition in nature and sanskaras, and in ideas.

Follow Father Brahma – did he leave his position when there was opposition from souls and from nature? He didn’t – this is how he became an angel. Now move along while seeing yourself and each other as angels – I am an angel, all are angels – I have no connection with the old world and sanskars, nor do any of these Brahmins – all of that has finished. Look at everyone with the vision: this one is an angel, that one is an angel. Spread this atmosphere. Achcha.

Just as all of you are smiling very sweetly now, always remain just like that. Whenever you speak to anyone, then always smile. When you smile, half the other person’s sorrow will be removed. Charity begins at home. Whoever you speak to, whether it is your companions, Brahmins, or those without knowledge, have a smiling face – be a spiritual rose. Everyone wants to go close to someone with a smiling face.

The foundation of service is love between the Father and the child. Through service souls receive the fruit of the Father’s love. So remain light – there should be no burden – BapDada doesn’t like you to labour – you are master almighty authorities.

Once children have taken birth, they must be given sustenance or they do not grow. In many centres, very good service of VIPs takes place, but the students are not being sustained as much, so their number doesn’t increase – they will come to class and do whatever you ask them, but will not have their own zeal and enthusiasm. So, all the instrument teachers who are sitting here –
however much attention you are giving to the VIPs, also give just as much attention to the students – bring newness to the students. By bringing one newness or another, zeal and enthusiasm will increase. You become very busy in service and you become tired, and you don’t give sustenance with that much interest. First of all create a kingdom – that can only happen through the students. Sustain them with your heart. Make effort to remove each one’s weakness. Work hard with happiness, not with a burden, because the more students there are in the class, the quicker the kingdom will be ready. Bring into relationship those who are co-operative, and make them into students. Otherwise it is good – teachers are doing very good service – teachers raise your hands. Achcha. A hundred thousand fold greetings.

Now become complete with all powers, and for one minute give souls of the world such powerful rays that the vibrations of your powers spread throughout the whole world. Achcha.

To all the Brahmin children everywhere who are to become angels; to those who check and change the self with realisation of the self; to the obedient children who follow Father Brahma; to the angelic souls who do service and make effort while always being double light; to the master almighty authority children who always remain seated in position, and finish all opposition; to the children who are close and who experience the practical fruit of the confluence age, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

(to the Dadis)
You are all pleased to see the Dadis, are you not? Just Dadi’s smiling face and drishti gives a lot of happiness. When you meet them with a smile, when you give them drishti, everyone becomes very happy. You are smiling now. BapDada has said that everyone’s face should always be smiling – it should never be without a smile. Look, Dadiji is saying that if you don’t smile, there will be difficulties. (Dadiji just gives signals) Dadi is becoming an angel – the angelic stage is coming close. Everything is merged in smiling. You have given many lectures, and conducted classes from the time you were born – now you only speak as you would say a slogan (a few words only). As an angel, you continue to dance. What else do angels do? They fly and dance. Achcha.

(to the three senior brothers)
All three are moving together with one thought – Ha ji, ha ji. You are all receiving everyone’s blessings. It is good that there are examples among the Pandavas. Very good.

(double foreigners chart of 7 points – the “homework” referred to above)
1 – what was the speed of my self-transformation?
2 – do I always remain stable in my self respect and give respect to others?
3 – have I received blessings from everyone, and given blessings to everyone?
4 – to what extent have i accumulated a stock of all powers?
5 – am I able to stabilise my mind in one second, and remain constantly stable.
6 – am I able to be a point, remember the Point, and put a full stop in a second?
7 – for the past 6 months, have i been a sun of knowledge spreading rays of happiness, peace, and power

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Avyakt BapDada 22nd September 2005

(bhog message)

(Today, at amrit vela, I took all your remembrances and reached Baba. Baba said:)
Child, what is the state of your world? Why do I ask, even though I am Janijananhar? What do you children think? Do you know what time we are passing through? What kind of time is it? (the time of the final moments) What efforts are the children making in these final moments? To what extent have you become complete and perfect? Day by day the atmosphere of this world will get worse, and that which is not in anyone’s thoughts or dreams will happen suddenly. Everyone has to change – the elements and nature in all four corners have started their work. Now the time for asking questions is over. Now is the time to do and become.

Again and Again Baba continues to signal to the children, and the children are also becoming experienced – they are seeing and also understanding. Those who are sensible in listening and understanding are able to transform themselves. Now Baba will not say any more. Baba has already given a signal. Now you children have to make a decision for yourselves, and decide what it is that you have to do. Each one has to remain yogyukt and yuktiyukt. You have to make yourself detached and beyond because time is moving towards completion.

The advance party are ready and they keep asking “Baba, when will we be revealed? When should we come onto the stage? You have to bring us onto the stage”. Now Baba will not wait much longer. Whoever wanted to make that effort has done it. Now whatever remains to be accomplished, time will make you do that. The time that is to come will get the work done, because it has been seen that children create their stage according to the time and the atmosphere. The children have made time their guru. When there is upheaval in the time, the children’s effort also has upheaval, and when the external upheaval finishes then their effort ends. This is why everyone is watching what you are doing. Where have you reached? They are looking at you and you are looking at them. So the greatness will be of time. Time, not you, will earn the income.

(Baba then took me to a very beautiful hall. Mama and some sisters were sitting on the stage and others were sitting in the hall, and it felt as if they themselves were sitting number-wise. As I and Baba entered, everyone stood up and was taking drishti filled with love from Baba. The rays that were emerging from Baba were reaching everyone, and their was a star sparkling on everyone. While giving drishti to everyone, Baba came and sat on the gaddi. I said to Mama “you have many sisters with you, whereas we have very few original sisters – the whole group has come here. She replied that the advance party has to do the work in advance. This is very big work and this is why such senior sisters are needed. Baba has called them all. Then Baba said:)

Mama child, is your army ready? (ji) The advance party are completely ready. What about your group? (everyone is ready according to their capacity, and according to the time) Even nature and the elements are ready, the advance party are ready, and you are saying you are also ready, so why is there a delay? OK, begin. I will not start just like that. I have said that whatever will happen will happen suddenly. Baba will only be a detached observer. Others are going to do this. The elements will do it by themselves. Now people have begun to feel that something is going to happen.. however, apart from you children, no-one knows what is going to happen, because only you children are carrying out the task of transformation. Only you are master trikaldarshi. This is why you now know this. Child, the time has come to be very fearsome. At that time you do not need the upheaval of “what happened? How did it happen?” You ned to be completely stable, unshakeable, and immovable, because at that time you require the stage of being a bestower. A bestower does not get frightened, but continues to give patience to souls who are stumbling and frightened. If you yourself are frightened, then you will not be able to give them patience. This is why you need to make your stage unshakeable and immovable. At the end, two powers especially will help you – the power to face and the power to merge. You children have to especially imbibe these two powers now.

Achcha, today you have brought Brahma bhojan for everyone. See how much Dadi has sent.

(Baba then emerged the trimurti Dadis – Dadiji, Dadi Janki, and Dadi Gulzar, and all the friends that were there – Mama, Didi, Chandramani Dadi, Pushpashanta Dadi and others – all gathered around Dadiji. Daidiji said “you have left us and gathered here. I am all by myself down there”. everyone began to laugh and said “you are not alone, you are trimurti, and Baba is with you”. Dadiji said “Baba is with me, but my friends are not with me”. They all replied “Dadi, you are carrying out the work of establishment, and we are doing the same here”. Dadi looked at Baba and asked “where are they all? Just show us once!”. So, Baba says:)

I cannot avoid anything that the specially beloved children ask me.

(Baba then changed all the Dadis that were sitting there into their form of light. Everyone’s faces changed into their present form. However, in a short time, their form of the Confluence Age appeared again. It felt as though all the older youths were in front of me – everyone’s face was sparkling – I couldn’t understand what each one was like and how they were. Dadi said “Baba, I could not understand anything”. Baba said:)

Children, these things are not to be understood. Understand them later.

The Madhuban residents are sitting under the canopy of Baba’s protection as carefree emperors. They are totally beyond what is happening, and how it is happening. The world is living with fear, eating with fear, moving along with fear. In each one, there is the question “what will happen tomorrow?”. Whenever something happens, that fear penetrates them. So you have to make them free from worry, fearless from fearful. Then whoever becomes this, however many become this, depends on them.

(Baba gave everyone love and remembrance, and made the scene that had been emerged merge again and sent me back down to the corporeal world.)

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