Avyakt BapDada 26th November 1994

Today, BapDada is seeing the three special lines of elevated fortune on the forehead of each child. One is the line of Godly sustenance. The second is the line of elevated study. The third is the line elevated directions. In this life, whether lokik or alokik, everyone has these three attainments in their life. They receive sustenance, teachings, and also directions. Through these three, every soul becomes an instrument to create his own present and future.

The souls of the whole world say “Father”, but they do not become worthy of the sustenance or the teachings – whereas you few souls have become worthy of this fortune. Divine sustenance and human sustenance are received during many births, but this elevated sustenance is only received at this time. You wish to attain for all time, so your effort should be constant and intense.

There is a difference between thinking something, and keeping it in your awareness.

Who awakens you at amrit vela? The beginning of the day is so elevated. Baba himself calls you to celebrate a meeting. He meets you, has a heart to heart conversation with you, and fills you with power. So the beginning of every day is so elevated. Do you awaken with Baba’s love, or do you sometimes awaken out of compulsion? The songs of love awakening you is the correct method. Form amrit vela, Baba calls you so sweetly – sweet children, lovely children, come. So imagine what the middle and end would be of someone who has such an elevated beginning.

The practical form of Baba’s sustenance of love is the “easy yogi” life. Baba has made the difficult easy, out of love – he cannot bear to see you having difficulties. It is constantly easy. So are you easy yogis, or are you sometimes difficult yogis? Who makes it difficult? You yourself make it difficult.

You have the habit of thinking, and only sometimes emerge the sanskars of being the embodiment of awareness, the embodiment of power. The embodiment of thoughts is not the embodiment of power. Awareness is power. You are compelled by your habits, if you are not strong. But your original habit is that of forgetfulness. When you come from paramdham in the beginning you are the embodiment of awareness. And at the end, in the confluence age, you become the embodiment of awareness. Forgetfulness comes in the middle period. So, should the original and eternal form be easy, or should the middle form be easy? You are thinking “yes, I am a soul” but you have to embody the awareness that you are a soul, with a right to Godly sustenance.

When BapDada checks the chart, sometimes the line is elevated and straight, and sometimes there are stains. You make a mistake, but even after making it you continue to think about it. The situation leaves you and goes away, but you do not let go of the situation. As long as you embody these thoughts, you cannot embody awareness, and the stains will accumulate. As soon as test passes, you should become completely free from any wasteful thoughts. Constantly bring your Godly sustenance into your awareness.

The toys of Maya are very attractive. Yu begin to play with the toys of Maya. Maya plays with you with a lot of love, and after she has defeated you, whilst playing games, you become conscious. The majority of you lack the power of transformation. You understand when something is not accurate, but you lack the power to transform it. For instance, take thoughts: when you have wasteful thoughts, you understand that they are wasteful, but just as there is great force in a river or ocean, so the flow of wasteful thoughts continues to pull you – you allow them to continue to flow.

The first special transformation is the transformation of your form – I am not a body, but a soul. Check, when there is the force of body consciousness, whether you are able to stabilise yourself in soul consciousness, or whether you flow away with your thoughts. If the power of transformation were to be used in one second, so much of your time and thoughts would be saved.

The next transformation is of your nature. The old nature deceives you in your effort making life. You even understand that your nature deceives you from time to time, but you come under the influence of your nature. The, to protect yourself, you say “this was not my intention – but may nature is like this”. Your birth has changed, your relationships have changed, your father has changed, your mother has changed, your family has changed, but your nature has not changed.

Th third is the transformation of thoughts. Transform the wasteful into powerful in one second. Whatever happens again and again becomes a sanskar, and becomes difficult to change. So transform your sanskars. Apply a full stop. Those who have the power of transformation are constantly pure and gentle and humble. Those who are able to mould themselves are real gold. So you need to increase the power of transformation. Those who have the power of transformation are loved by everyone. They will be easy in their thoughts and will remain engaged in service.

No matter what happens, your nature should always remain gentle. A gentle nature indicates humility. A gentle nature means a cool nature. So have a pure and gentle nature.

To all the souls in all four directions who are the embodiment of awareness – to the elevated souls who bring about self transformation within one second – to the souls who constantly experience yoga to be easy – BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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