Avyakt BapDada 30th January 1988

Today, Baba the Almighty Authority is seeing his first elevated children. The Brahmins are the first creation. Brahma is the first one of the first creation – called Adi Dev (first deity). Due to this there is a memorial in the name of Adi Dev in Mount Abu. Adi Dev is also called the first creation. As well as that, Adi Dev is the first deity of the beginning of the new world. Brahma becomes the first deity soul in the form of Shri Krishna. So, the first one at the beginning of the new world is called Adi Dev – and at the Confluence Age as well, he is the first one at the beginning of the creation, which is why he is called Adi Dev Brahma, the creator of Brahmin souls. Brahma is the one who first becomes karmateet, an angel. Brahma, who becomes an angel, and from an angel a deity, is number one in everything. Why did he become number one in this way? With which method did he achieve the result of becoming number one? All you Brahmin souls must only follow Brahma. How must you follow? His first step was that of surrender. You heard about this first. With the first step, he surrendered in all aspects.

The second step is that of tolerance. When he surrendered himself, he received the most elevated inheritance from Baba, but what did he receive from the people of the world? Who was showered with the most insults? In his lokik life he didn’t have to hear one bad word, but after becoming Brahmin, he became everyone’s enemy. However because of the virtue of tolerance, and his dharna of the power of tolerance, he remained always cheerful. He never wilted. He made huge things very small, heavy things light. He reduced the expansion of difficulties to its essence. He was always unshakeable, immoveable, and remaining in pleasure – he didn’t labour.

The children who did tapasya for 14 years experienced it as a few moments. Did you live in pleasure, or did you feel there was labour? Some who had been delicately brought up had to make balls of cow dung. You had to become mechanics as well. You had to sew your own slippers, you were made cobblers were you not? You were also made gardeners, but did it feel like labour or pleasure? Those who became confused ran away, and those who lived in pleasure are now giving the experience of pleasure to many others.

Brahmin life is a life of pleasure – whether it is physical ordinary work, or a speech on a stage to a gathering, both should be done with pleasure in the heart. Those who have confusion in the heart will not take pleasure – even when something is clear they will have confusion – they will see the world as confused – and they will confuse others. The life of a Brahma Kumari is a life of pleasure – the basis of this is tolerance – of being constantly unshakeable and immovable.

So there was tolerance bad words from others, and tolerance of the obstacles that came in establishing the yagya. He also had to tolerate those Brahmin children who became traitors – he had to face their discontentment in small or large matters. He constantly had the desire to change a discontented soul into a contented one. With sweetness, good wishes, and pure feelings, he inspired each one to move forward. Someone who opposed him one day would ask for forgiveness the next day. So why have you been told about this? Place a step on a step – follow the father – become like the father – equal to Baba. Achcha.

To those who are equal to Baba in this land and abroad; to the souls who are surrendered; to those who are constantly tolerant in all situations, with all individuals; to those who change a huge thing onto a small thing and overcome it easily; to those who reduce an expansion to its essence; to those who constantly live a Brahmin life of pleasure; to such elevated mahavir souls who become like Baba, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste, filled with love and the blessing of becoming equal to Baba.

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