Avyakt BapDada 30th November 2005

Today, Baba was seeing all the complete and equal children everywhere. Only the equal children are merged in the Father’s heart – they are humble and pure, always free from obstacles and sinful thoughts, not tied in any type of limited bondage. So ask yourself – have you become a soul who has such unlimited freedom? The first freedom is freedom from the consciousness of the body – to take the support of the body whenever you want and to become detached from the body whenever you want – do not be attracted by the body. Secondly, souls who are free will not be in bondage to old nature or sanskars. Together with that they will not be attracted to any bodily beings in their relationships and connections – they will be detached and loving.

So check yourself – are any small physical organs tying you in bondage? Remember your self respect – you are master almighty authority. Are you able to become free from all bonds in a second? The practical proof for the last paper, and to become number one, is to be able to focus your mind and intellect whenever you want in a second, and not fluctuate. Just as, through science, a lighthouse gives light everywhere as soon as you switch it on, are you able to switch on your lighthouse and might-house, and give souls light and might? When you receive an order to become bodiless in a second, will you become that? Or will you have to battle? You must practice over a long period of time, or you will need effort at that time. BapDada is giving you a signal – practice this throughout the day, while performing actions. Controlling power of the mind is required for this. If your mind is under control, none of the physical organs can influence you.

All souls now require a blessing of power from you – to be liberated through your drishti and vibrations. Everyone is tired now from having laboured. All of you have become free from labouring have you not? You were told earlier that the easy method to become free from labouring is to be extremely loving to the Father in your heart. Remember the promise of your childhood to belong to the one Father and none other – the world is in the Father – you have all relationships with the one Father – you have all attainments from the one Father – it is just the one who teaches you and sustains you – everything is in the One. Even if it is the family – the Godly family – it is also the one Father, the one family. In the family too you have spiritual love for one another – not just love, it is spiritual love.

Remember also what you gave to the Father – body, mind and wealth – whatever you have given to the Father, he has entrusted that to you for you to use for the task. You gave them to the Father – if you take them back that is being dishonest. Some children say “my mind is distressed” – where did “my mind” come from? You have surrendered “mine” – now nothing is yours – you are without a shell – emperors without even a shell. The Father’s treasures have become your treasures, and so you are emperors, are you not? God’s treasures are the children’s treasures. The Father took away your responsibility, with the words “simply remember me”, and you said “I am yours and you are mine”. That was a promise, was it not? So the Father says: constantly use the treasures for yourselves and for all souls – the more you use them, the more they will increase. Use all the powers – do not simply keep this knowledge in your intellect, but use all the powers for service according to the time.

In the chart of the majority of the children, BapDada has seen that there are two powers which you still need to remember to remain free from obstacles – the powers of tolerance and realisation. You do realise, but there is less attention paid to putting that into a practical form. Whoever does something receives the return of it, so the Father cannot do it for you, although he definitely co-operates.

BapDada has seen that children have very good thoughts – at amrit vela BapDada receives many many garlands of very good thoughts – so why do you become weak in doing it? Sometimes the atmosphere in the gathering of the Brahmin family is weak, and that quickly affects you. Your language then is very sweet: “this happens all the time… this happens anyway…”. Such thoughts bring carelessness, and this doesn’t allow there to be determination, and determination is the basis of success.

So, you don’t take as much benefit as the promises you make. BapDada wants you to be ever-ready before time. Time should not be your master. You are the masters of time.

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