Avyakt BapDada 14th January 1988

Today, the unlimited Father, who makes souls the highest of all, is especially seeing those children who are obedient. All consider themselves to be obedient but only some are constantly obedient. The Father gives the same instructions to all of the children at the same time – He does not speak to each one individually – nor does he give different instructions. Why is everyone still number-wise? Every thought word and action of those who are easily the embodiment of Baba’s instructions, is automatically according to the instruction. However those who are not the embodiment of the remembrance of these instructions have to remind themselves again and again – sometimes they are obedient, but other times they remember only after the action has been carried out. These are the two numbers in this – the first rosary is a small one, and the second one is larger. There is no third rosary in this.

Obedient children experience special blessings from Baba in the form of fruit – their actions are powerful and they achieve contentment and success. A number one obedient souls will experience contentment with the self, with the result of actions, and in the connections and relationships with others. If there is a lack of contentment in any of these three aspects, then that soul is not number one obedient.

Because the activity of a number one obedient soul is according to instruction, they do not have to keep questioning the accuracy of their actions – they always remain light. As a result of the special blessings they claim from BapDada, they experience constant internal will-power, and super-sensuous joy, and the feeling of being full and complete. Those who sometimes disobey will be pulled by the burden of that disobedience towards the self, and will not be able to burn all their accounts in the fire of love. The accounts that remain pull the soul – sometimes the mind will not concentrate, or there is a wave of sorrow.

A constant stage of the form of fire means a powerful stage of remembrance, the seed stage, and the stage of a lighthouse and might-house.

Silence through knowledge brings sweetness and bliss – this is not the empty silence of loneliness.

If Baba’s instructions are to sit in powerful remembrance in the early morning hours of nectar, and the soul does not follow this instruction, then is this obedience or disobedience? Every action must be performed as a karma yogi, as an instrument, with humility… These are just examples of the instructions – there is a very long list of them.

It is easy to come into the first rosary – the instruction of every step is clear. When a child places their steps in the footsteps of the father, when they follow as soon as the father speaks, then this is being number one obedient. Achcha. So, check and change.

To the elevated obedient souls of all four directions, who constantly experience BapDada’s blessings and attain success and contentment in every action; to those obedient children who place each step in Baba’s step, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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