Avyakt BapDada 31st December 2005

Today, BapDada is giving everyone from everywhere – whether they are sitting personally in front of Baba or are close to his heart while sitting far away – three types of congratulations. First are congratulations for the new life, second are congratulations for the new age, and third are congratulations this New Year’s day. All of you have also come here to give congratulations and to receive congratulations for the New Year. In fact, only Brahmin souls receive and give the greetings of happiness of a true heart. Today has great importance – it is the day of confluence of farewell and greetings – it is celebrated with so much pomp and splendour. It is because of the praise of the Confluence Age that there is praise of the confluence of the old year and the new year. There is also praise of the confluence where two rivers meet. But the greatest praise is of this the Confluence Age, the most auspicious age, where you fortunate Brahmin souls are sitting. You have this intoxication do you not? You are not in the iron age – you are in the Confluence Age. This Confluence Age is praised because of the meeting between God and the children – a gathering which doesn’t take place in any other age. Did you ever think, even in your dreams, that you, the soul, have such fortune recorded in the drama?

So, at this time of confluence, have you thought about what things you have to bid farewell to? You have to bid farewell for all time in order to celebrate for all time. Give such greetings that, seeing your face, any soul who comes in front of you also attains those greetings, and becomes happy. You are to become an angel from a Brahmin., and a deity from an angel. Have you given your burdens to the Father? If you keep even the slightest burden it will not allow you to become and angel. If you have not given away the burden, what have you kept it for? Do you love burdens? Do you like burdens? Look, what does BapDada call each of you children? Oh my carefree emperor children. The Father has come to take away the burden, and is telling you children, with love, to hand it over.

The most subtle burden of all is that of the old sanskars. BapDada saw every child’s chart for this past year – all of you too must have checked your own chart for the year – what did BapDada see? For the majority the burden of old sanskars still remains, in some form or other, it is visible in waste thoughts, in words, relationships and connections. These sanskars that still remain will deceive you some time. So, today have the cremation ceremony of the sanskars. You do make effort to renounce them – you want to renounce them – but your effort is not intense enough to transform the sanskars. Just as you kill Ravan and also burn him, you must kill the sanskars and also burn them in the fire of yoga, or they will awaken again.

You do have yoga, but your yoga is not in the form of an intense fire. You remember Baba with love – you also have many heart to heart conversations – you also practice taking power from Baba – but you havn’t made your remembrance so powerful that you can actually bid farewell. You are not using yoga in the form of the fire of yoga. So make your yoga powerful. THe power of concentration is necessary: whichever form you wish to become stable in, for however long you wish to remain stable in it, just have a concentrated thought, and you will be able to burn it. This is called the fire of yoga – all name and trace of it finishes. You are the masters – so issue orders and the required powers should become present.

You are raja yogis – not praja yogis (yogis who become subjects). BapDada says with intoxication that, at the Confluence Age, every child is a kingly child, a self sovereign king. So BapDada is giving you three months homework – check your chart – when you issue and order is it obeyed in a practical form? Do not allow royal carelessness to come by thinking it will happen by the end. Are you going to do this? Teachers, are you going to do this? What should happen if you don’t do it? BapDada will not allow you to come for one season, because BapDada has seen that time is waiting for you. Nature, the satopradhan elements are invoking you as well. So, in the three months, with your powerful stage, transform the sanskars that still remain.

You do not have to wait for time – “when will destruction happen?”, “will it be in 2 years or 10 years?”. Why should you wait for time? Time is waiting for you. BapDada is asking you children – have all of you become equal to the Father? Should we open the curtains? Or is it that, if the curtains are opened, someone will be combing their hair, someone will be putting cream on their face? If you are ever-ready and your sanskars have finished, it will not take BapDada time to open the curtains. At least become ever-ready first! You have pleased the Father for a long time, saying “I will become that” – now do not say that any more – it has to happen – you have to do it.

You will follow Father Brahma in the corporeal form will you not? He had renunciation, tapasya and practical service until the last day – he fulfilled his duty of allowing Father Shiva to speak the elevated versions until the last day. He didn’t renounce his old room. The children requested Father Brahma with so much love to live in the new buildings, but he made everything for the children, and didn’t use it for himself. He always awoke at 2.30 or 3.00 am and did tapasya for the self. He burnt his sanskars, and that is how he became karmateet, avyakt, and an angel. He demonstrated by doing practically whatever he thought. His speaking, thinking and doing were all equal. Follow the father. Till the last moment he always remained engaged in his task. He wrote many letters. He was a great donor continuously till the last moment. Till the last moment he sat in his tapaswi form, without physical support. He didn’t wear glasses. This is subtle power – free from support. The body is old, and day by day the climate, air and water are getting polluted, and this is why BapDada is not asking you why you take support or why you wear glasses. You may wear them. However, you must definitely make your stage powerful.. Have you finished your work for the whole world? Has world benefit been completed? So, how can you say that destruction will take place? You haven’t completed your work yet!

Everyone is asking: what should we do in the New Year? You have done well, but you have just given a message, and not given an experience. You have to prepare 900,000, the population of the first birth – not just 900,000 who are in relationship, but BapDada says that the subjects of the first birth will be those who have claimed a good number, because they are to receive number one in everything – the first number, the date will be one, the period will be one, the kingdom will be one. The royal family should also be ready – it is, but this year they just have to finish some sanskars. BapDada has the thought that every centre should have an official programme for this yoga practice, and have the aim that it should be printed in the papers in this land and abroad, that the Brahma Kumaris are going to have the same programme in so many centres on the same day. Also have the aim that you won’t just have yoga with a commentary, but that you will give them an experience – an experience makes them strong. There should be the same programme at the same time at every centre. Each centre should write the result of what everyone experienced. You may have a one day or a three day programme, but it should be at the same time everywhere, just as you have programmes for the third sunday. Aim to make them experienced – they should go away not having just heard something, but with an experience. How did all of you come to belong to the Father? You experienced something or other, whether it was love, or whether you experienced love by eating toli. You experienced the behaviour of the sisters, the smile of the sisters, their hospitality. You experienced something or other, and this is why you came to belo
ng to Baba. So make them have an experience in this way. Now do continuous service. A lot of service remains to be done. Achcha.

You have already given greetings to one another on this day. What else do people do? The give gifts. BapDada has received many gifts and many beautiful cards. Anyone who comes to you should not go back empty handed – even if you give them the gift of power through your mind, the gift of knowledge through words, or the gift of virtues through actions, but definitely give a gift to whoever comes into relationship or connection with you. Do not send anyone away empty handed – you are master bestowers. At amrit vela, consider yourself to be sitting on the world stage – you are hero actors sitting on the stage. Make your amrit vela powerful – you do fulfill the discipline, but your yoga has to be powerful – there has to be the fire of yoga. So for these three months, especially note down your chart of amrit vela. You speak of very good things – you are in a very loving form – but the fiery form is missing a little. And together with that, use all of your treasures in a worthwhile way, and accumulate them.

No matter how much service you do, the sign, or the golden key, of whether you accumulated it in your account, is to do everything in the consciousness of being an instrument, with humility, and with pure words. If one of these three is missing, then your service doesn’t accumulate in your account. If there is consciousness of “I”, you do not accumulate anything, no matter how much effort you make. Whenever you meet others, always see them as souls – see them as the same soul of the previous cycle, come to create their fortune. Even if he has anger or a bad nature, just keep your nature elevated.

You have been given lot of homework for this year – Baba will give a gift to each one who passes. First he will want a certificate from your companions. It isn’t that you will say something and Baba will believe you. First is the certificate of the mind, then is the certificate from the Brahmin family, and third is the certificate from the Father. You will claim these certificates will you not? Achcha.

(double foreigners)
BapDada gives you double foreigners the title “double intense effort makers” because your speciality is that you do whatever you think – whether it is right or wrong! You have the courage to do something. Therefore use this courage in your spiritual effort and in service. It is possible that the sound will first of all emerge from abroad to awaken India. You have the sanskar of determination, and can claim a number ahead of those from India.

You make everyone content through your drishti and your yogyukt stage. Having been here a short time, everyone goes back happy. You are receiving the fruit of the income that you have accumulated over a long period of time. You are playing a good part.

All the children celebrated the New Year with a lot of love. You celebrated and also made a promise to BapDada that you will finish your sanskars – so you have to finish them and unite everyone with good wishes, pure feelings, and elevated vibrations. Finish, unite, and celebrate – everything is included in this. Now remain very cheerful through the whole year and make everyone happy. Remain content and make others content. This is celebrating – this is the Father’s love, and these are the blessings. These are the love and remembrance. Namaste to everyone.

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