Avyakt BapDada 2nd September 1985

Today, BapDada has come to give the return of love to the special children. He has also come to meet the Madhuban niwasis, and to give the fruit of their untiring service.

The foundation of a yogi life is faith, but the foundation of Brahmin life, and the Brahmin family is love. People have heard about knowledge and yoga, but the speciality and newness they are experiencing are elevated thoughts and love through drishti. And this is what the world needs especially today. No matter how body conscious a soul may be, love can bring them close to Baba. Those who are beggars of peace are also beggars of love. You can give them the experience of peace through the drishti of spiritual love. This love brings a natural experience of peace – they become lost in love. They become naturally bodiless for a short period of time, and thereby experience peace naturally and easily.

BapDada is also giving you the response of your love. Although the chariot may not be able to cope, BapDada has to give the proof of the love He has for the children. And BapDada also wants to see the obvious and immediate fruit of the love that the children have.

Some have come back and some are going away for service – this is also a result of the love that souls have. In the programme made by drama, each one has played a very good part. Drama is eternally made, and everyone receives the fruit or return easily. Courage and enthusiasm are spreading all around, everywhere.

You (Jagdish) gave drishti to the Pope didn’t you? This is an easy method to achieve success in service, especially with V.I.P.s. In Bharat the president came, and became a good means of doing service. You also met the Prime minister. These are just examples to show that as such people come to you, help is given to the people of the world. And, as many people have questions, so their questions are answered automatically. Now they are coming closer, just their names will do the work, they will prepare the land. They won’t spread the message, they won’t spread the sound – other mics will do that. The Pope is to give the light to the mics.

The majority abroad are Christians, because it is still the Christian kingdom, although there is no power in Christianity, the power has not remained in Christianity. They haven’t left their religion, but they have left the churches – they do not go to the churches. Anyway, the Pope is like a king for them, and if you are able to approach the king, then naturally the subjects will experience regard and respect for you – especially those who are staunch Christians – for them, meeting the Pope is is a very good example. This very example will become a method to meet Christians. There is a connection between Christians and Krishna. The Pope met with you with great love, it is very good. To take time with royalty, and meeting him systematically, is influential. This shows that now the time is coming closer.

London is number one in studying the murli – they have great love, especially for studying the murli – this is their foundation. No matter what happens, they do not miss the class. The importance of the early morning, the yoga of the hour of nectar, and the class, mean a great deal in London, and the reason for this is also love. They are pulled because of love. There is a great deal of attention to keep the atmosphere powerful – this is very good. Abroad they do understand that the atmosphere is the main support. They do not allow the atmosphere to be spoilt by little matters. Attention is paid on personal efforts, and also on creating the atmosphere in the centre.

Wherever Brahmin instruments place their feet, there is a special achievement for the Brahmins, and also for the country as well. The message brings benefit, and the Brahmins receive sustenance and special power. Especially in personal meetings with the corporeal form of the instruments, they receive special sustenance and there is great happiness, and they proceed further and achieve success. Especially those who live very far abroad – they need sustenance because it makes them fly – those who cannot come to Madhuban have the experience of being in Madhuban – the bliss of heaven and the confluence age. So the part that emerged in the drama, of going abroad, was essential, and successful as well.

BapDada is seeing each child, from every country, in front of him, and is giving love to each one. On seeing the love of those who are longing to meet BapDada, and seeing the wonderful service they are doing, BapDada always showers the flowers of love on such children.

There is a misunderstanding that you do not do social work. When the youth marches are seen, this misunderstanding will be erased.

(to Dadi Kumarka) Give congratulations to everyone for having a great deal of enthusiasm and courage in service. everyone is swinging on the swing of happiness. Through service they are glorifying Baba. Brothers Ken and Charlie were the first fruit that emerged. This group is very good – it is giving a good return. The work of creation is done very easily with humility. To listen to everyone, to merge it, and to give love to everyone is the foundation of service. The unity in the gathering of Brahmins is very good. Now service is improving. Once the expansion takes place, then the waves will continue.

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