Avyakt BapDada 4th December 1985

Today, there are two gatherings of loving children in front of BapDada – children present in corporeal form, and children present in avyakt form. Children have taken their subtle forms and have come from all directions to celebrate a meeting with Baba, the Ocean of Love. They are revealing their love before BapDada. Listening to the different feelings of their hearts, Baba is hearing the children saying the sweetest things, while claiming their rights, on the basis of the relationship of love.

BapDada listens to the heart in three ways – the language of the eyes, the language of feelings, and the language of thoughts. The language of lips is ordinary, but the language of spiritual life takes three forms. The spiritual children and the spiritual father understand and experience this. The more you stabilise yourself in sweet silence, by turning inwards, the more you will be able to give other souls that experience through these three powerful divine languages.

The language of lips is limited and takes time, but through the language of the eyes you can simply give a signal. The language of the feelings is clearly revealed on the face – you can clearly see whether they have love, animosity, or selfishness. Their feelings speak through their features. The language of thoughts is the most elevated language, because the power of thought is the most elevated power, the foundation of all powers. The language of thought travels fastest of all, and distance is no barrier. Ultimately it is the language of thought that will be useful. When all instruments of science have failed, then you will use this instrument of silence.

But the line has to be kept clear. Practice keeping yourself constantly busy thinking of the one father, the knowledge from that one, and the service you do with that knowledge. The line will be kept clear with these elevated thoughts. Wasteful thoughts are disturbing: the more you finish waste, and the more there is only powerful thoughts, the clearer will be the experience of the elevated language of thoughts.

The language of thoughts can give you a greater experience than the language of lips, and instantaneously. The essence of a three minute lecture can be shared within a second through the language of thoughts. The language of introspective souls is divine.

The three spiritual languages require less labour and less time, and they produce more success. So practice using spiritual language.

BapDada is merging the children’s love into the ocean of love. In return for the remembrances of all he gives elevated blessings: may you become the form of your remembrance, and may you be constantly powerful. Baba’s pure wishes are the pure desires of all the children. At present the pure desires and pure feelings are to give co-operation. All your pure wishes will be fulfilled.

Sometimes as the children move along, old karmic accounts come in front of them as tests. Sometimes there is sickness of the body, sometimes storms of upheaval in the mind, or in relationships. Even souls who are very close come into some light forms of conflict. But these old accounts just come to be settled, so don’t be disturbed. Let the intellect be very powerful and settle the old debt. Experience settlement, not punishment. If the intellect lacks power, then a burden will be felt, there will be misjudgement, and the soul starts to go down. Instead of the debt being settled, it continues and even increases. So, to settle old debts, keep the intellect constantly clear and light. The burden is waste thoughts of “why?”, “what?”, and “maybe”. Be double light, and not double burdened with both past accounts and waste thoughts. Finish the burden of the intellect forever. Keep your intellect light through the power of yoga.

The Lord is pleased with a true heart. The soul with a true heart always experiences satisfaction and contentment, and will be successful in service.

To those children in all directions who are constantly experiencing self progress, BapDada is giving blessings: may this continue. BapDada is giving greetings to all the children: may you be constantly victorious in your life’s elevated efforts. Love, remembrances, and namaste.

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