Avyakt BapDada 16th December 1985

Today, BapDada is seeing his numerous arms. Every soul performs karma with its arms. Arms are also the sign of co-operation. A co-operative soul is called a right arm or right hand. The arm, and its instrument the hand, are the sign of love – this is why people shake hands when they meet. Arms can also symbolise power.

All of you are Baba’s arms. Are you right or left arms? To what extent have you revealed practically each one of Baba’s elevated thoughts and words? Actions are very easily seen. The right arms reveal baba through every action they perform – their actions are always pure and elevated. The right arms also act more quickly than the left. Only the highest of instruments can reveal the Father, the highest on high. To reveal Baba through spiritual vision, or the happiness of spirituality, is also karma. Do you perform such elevated karma?

Are you constantly co-operative? There is a difference between those who co-operate sometimes and those who always co-operate – some work part time and others work full time! Be always co-operative in body, mind and wealth. Spend your time, thoughts, and wealth on Baba’s task, and not on the body or on bodily relations. Just as there is a large household of bodily relations, so also the household of your own body is very long and complicated – some children spend more time, thoughts and wealth on their body rather than on the Godly task. The household of the body is a huge net, but a right arm will stay beyond that net. Be detached from both households, and engage yourself lovingly in the Father’s task.

The third aspect of the arms is love. Love means meeting. Just as souls in bodily costumes meet by shaking hands, so too the one who is the right hand and arm has a meeting in thoughts, words and sanskars – their thoughts will be Baba’s thoughts. Baba has no waste thoughts, and so his thoughts are always powerful. Baba’s words are always sweet and constantly bestow happiness – they are always supreme words and never ordinary. And so let there be words of the subtle consciousness of the soul, and never of gross consciousness. This is the sign of love, that is, the meeting. In the same way, let the sankars meet: Baba’s sanskars are of generosity, of altruism, of giving benefit. These will be the sanskars of the right arm. To be equal in this way means to be loving.

Your thoughts, vision, and attitude should be powerful. Powerful thoughts transform others and create an elevated world. With your vision you can give others the experience of the form of the bodiless soul. So are you such powerful arms, or weak ones? If there is weakness then you are on the left side.

So now you know what is meant by right arm and right hand. All of you are arms, but recognise for yourself which quality of arm you are. Know exactly who you are and what you are, because there is still a little time left to transform yourself. Don’t allow arrogance or carelessness to bite you. Keep checking yourself accurately – only through this can you progress.

To those who always think of the the eternal self for self transformation; to those who check themselves and fill themselves with all specialities; to those who are detached from the households of the body and of bodily relations; to those who are engaged with love in Baba’s task; to those who are constantly liberated from arrogance and carelessness; to such intense effort makers, elevated souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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