Avyakt BapDada 8th January 1986

Today, the Sun of Knowledge is seeing the special stars. Each star gives light to the world for transformation. The world is especially interested in research about the stars of the sky, and these stars have an influence on the earth. But you are the stars of the earth, who fill the world with purity, happiness, and peace. You protect the world from upheaval, and create a happy world, a golden world.

At present both nature and human beings are creating upheaval and chaos in the world. You souls, who are becoming the highest of all, give happiness and peace to the world. You stars of the earth fulfil the desires of all souls by being the embodiment of attainment. You are the elevated stars of hope who change everyone’s feelings of hopelessness into hope again. So check your influence and see: am I a star of peace, a holy star, a star of happiness, a star of constant success, a star that fulfils all desires, a star that brings contentment to others? To what extent do you have this light and sparkle? To what extent do you exert this influence? The world, especially at this time, has a great need for you holy stars.

How elevated is the gathering of spiritual stars, and how great is the happiness that you give! There are many who are interested in looking at the other stars, but the time is coming when they will search for you holy stars – they will ask where this influence of peace, happiness, and stability is coming from? They will research into it. At the moment their attention is engaged in research into matter. When they get tired of research into matter, the thought of this spiritual research will arise. But before that happens you holy stars must make yourselves complete. Prepare to fill yourselves now with one of the virtues, or with peace or power. You also must research this. Although you must have all of the virtues, you must make yourself complete by having the speciality of at least one specific virtue. In bhakti when they sing the praise of the goddesses, they praise each one for a specific quality, and the worship is also according to that. Saraswati has been remembered and worshipped specifically as the goddess of wisdom. She is also the embodiment of power, but they specifically call her the goddess of wisdom and worship her for that. In the same way, they specifically call Laksmi the goddess if wealth, and worship her accordingly. So too, although you must fill yourself with all the virtues and powers, you must also research one specific quality and make yourself powerful in that.

Go into the subtle depths of every virtue, every power, every stage of remembrance, every stage of effort. It is by going into the subtlety that you will experience its greatness. So go into the subtlety and have deep experiences. Don’t swim around on the surface, but go to the bottom of the ocean. Be introspective and fill your intellect with the jewels of deep experiences. Research into this. Be a search light. The time for revelation is coming very close. Become complete and perfect – the light of your perfection will part the curtains of ignorance that are in front of all souls.

This golden jubilee, everyone should experience the golden powers through your drishti, as though rays of light are giving power to make them golden. Let every thought and every action be golden. Take iron, and, through your company, make it divine. Let the whole world experience the sparkle of the holy stars. Let everyone say that the lucky stars have come, the stars of success, the stars of happiness and peace. Now they are still looking around with their telescopes but then they will see with the third eye, the divine eye.

This is the year for preparation. Prepare very well. Achca. What will you do in your programme for the golden jubilee? Let the time for lectures be less, and let the influence be more.

For half an hour one day let there be a group of different ages on the stage – a little child, a kumari, a pure couple, a couple who live in a household, and one mature person – let them be seated in the form of a moon – let the light on the stage be ordinary, not too bright – and then let each one speak for three minutes of his special experience of the golden versions that have made his life elevated – let there be special light on the one whose turn it is to speak, so that everyone’s attention is drawn there – and at the end let the slogan of the golden versions be repeated by the entire gathering. Let there be the influence of silence. Let the scene be created in this way, just as when you have dramas. They will be lectures, but in the form of a vision. Let there be preparations in advance. Let there be this special programme – one day, for half an hour.

The next day have the same format, but let it be people from different professions. It will become clear from this how vast and subtle Godly knowledge is, and how there is something specific for each profession.

The atmosphere should be of such silence that the ones who are listening will not have the courage to come into the upheaval of sound. Every brahmin must attend the programme, so that everyone creates an atmosphere of silence, just as you all create a powerful atmosphere when you play the record for the break in traffic (“traffic control”). Every one must give a lecture through silence. The atmosphere created by Brahmins will allow others to be brought into this experience. Nobody with duties still to perform should sit at the front – there should be no movement in the front at all. Consider it to be a bhatti. Every brahmin should be there to give co-operation. It should be felt that this is a gathering of angels. During the time of the cultural programs, let there be entertainment and laughter. During the time of the conference, let it simply be a powerful atmosphere, and the others who come will also speak in the same style. Those who come to speak will be influenced by the atmosphere. If BrahminsBrahmins speak softly then outsiders will also speak softly.

And so make a programme in which many treasures can be given in a short space of time, short and sweet.

So what will you do now? Reveal your own special star. Neither let yourself experience upheaval, nor cause upheaval for others. Nature is going to cause enough upheaval anyway. Nature is doing its own task. You must do yours.

To those who are always the holy stars who give peace and happiness to the world; to those who make the world divine and make all others divine; to those who go to the bottom of the ocean of experiences and fill themselves with the jewels of experience; to those who are the searchlights and remove the curtain of ignorance from others; to such special stars who reveal Baba, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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