Avyakt BapDada 13th January 1986

Today, BapDada is seeing his gathering of holy and happy swans. To be holy is the sign of purity. To be happy is the sign of accurate thoughts and actions, and another indication of purity. Impurity is not just in the form of the five vices. For those who are to become deities, to have inaccurate, waste, or ordinary words or actions, is impurity. As you come close to your complete stage, check for waste or ordinary actions, and change them. If thoughts, words, and actions are powerful and elevated, there will be constant happiness. This will be experienced by others also. To become Brahmins is to live a life of happiness, not to labour, nor to experience upheaval. You have become Brahmins to experience spiritual, internal happiness, and super-sensory joy, which is not attained at any other time in the cycle.

You are children of the ocean of happiness, flowing with waves of happiness in every thought, at every second. Some children change their aim and go into the small streets of limited attainment. They leave the highway and aim for limited attainment or temporary success, on the basis of limited desires or personal pleasures. Today, if respect is received, or a task finished, they are happy. If there is anything lacking the aim finishes. When the limited support shakes, they shake. Today there is pleasure, tomorrow confusion and waste. The aim was limited and you were drawn away from unlimited happiness.

True service constantly gives the experience of the unlimited stage, of unlimited happiness. If there is not this experience, then such service is mixed service, it is not true service. When there is great contentment, there will be eternal attainment. To do service means to bring the garden of flowers into blossom, and not to become trapped in the jungle of thorns. Upheaval, lack of attainment, confusion of the mind, fluctuation: all these are thorns. To experience happiness, move away from these thorns, even if some limited attainments have to be renounced. You may let go of other things, but no matter what happens, do not let go of happiness. And don’t be fooled by temporary happiness – the side scenes may be very attractive, but do not consider them to be the destination. Don’t let the happiness of temporary attainment draw you away from the eternal fortune of happiness. You are not the ones who become happy with little things, are you? You don’t just make yourself happy do you? Don’t think “I am all right, but the others don’t know it”. Can the light of the sun be hidden? The fragrance of truthfulness can never be erased. Don’t be deceived. Keep this lesson firm. First there is your unlimited eternal happiness, and then there are other things. Those who are constantly happy are the ones with a happy fortune – all the attainments come easily, without labour and without desire, that is without asking.

BapDada is seeing what you have come for and where you are going and where you have to go. BapDada has love for the children. This is not mercy because you are not beggars, but children of the Donor, the Bestower. Mercy is normally for those who are experiencing sorrow. You are the embodiments of happiness, the children of the bestower of happiness. Those of the outside world say “eat, drink, and be merry”, and BapDada says: eat and teach others – be merry and make others merry.

To those who stay in unlimited happiness, who experience their happy fortune, who spread the fragrance of happiness, who attain the elevated aim, BapDada’s love and remembrance to keep you always holy and happy. Namaste.

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