Avyakt BapDada 29th March 1986

Today, BapDada brought all the double foreign children from all the different corners into the subtle regions, and was seeing their specialities. All were special though it must be said that all are number-wise. In a short time in all different corners, the children have come to accept one belief and to follow the instructions of One, though they come from a variety of lands and beliefs. Baba was seeing two specialities in the majority of the children . Firstly, they have come very quickly into the bondage of the relationship of love, belonging to Baba and to the Godly family. Secondly, because of love, there has been easy application of the power of transformation in their lives. Together with self transformation you are moving forward with deep love to transform others. So there is the power of love, and the power of transformation. Both have been imbibed with courage, and you are giving the proof of them in a very good way.

Bap and Dada had a conversation in the subtle regions about the specialities of the children. The experience of the subtle meeting in the subtle form will continue, but the time for the meeting in the corporeal form has to be fixed as there is a limitation. There is no time limit for meetings in the subtle form – each one can celebrate that meeting however much they wish. There can constantly be the experience of avyakt power for both the self and service.

According to the the time fixed for this year, this season has come to an end – it isn’t an end, it is a completion. The meeting means to become equal. You are becoming equal, are you not, and so it isn’t an end. Some double foreign children were able to come in corporeal form and some were not able to come and sent photographs and letters. So BapDada emerged all in the subtle form. In the subtle region there is no need for physical facilities. The subtle region is unlimited. All the children from Bharat would seem just a tiny gathering of stars. But today, only the double foreigners were emerged.

BapDada was seeing that the majority are moving forward with zeal and enthusiasm. Some children are still showing games, but overall there is a big difference from last year. Last year there was more confusion, this year the children are stronger. You are more experienced and more mature. It was seen that there is love for study, enthusiasm for remembrance, and love for service. It is easy for the people of Bharat to experience transformation because they understand the deities and they have the mixed knowledge of the scriptures, so the beliefs are not so new for them. But Baba saw children from all the different corners and they all had faith and were stable and steady. They had such faith they were encouraging others to have similar faith. Even whilst staying in the household there has been transformation of consciousness and attitude through powerful thoughts. Some thought of renunciation, and after that not even their eyes were distracted by anything else. And so the total result was being seen.

Brahma Baba was especially happy seeing the children. Seeing the powerful souls, Bap and dada were smiling and having a heart to heart conversation. Tow form of the creation of Brahma have been remembered. Firstly, Brahmins emerging from the mouth of Brahma, and secondly Brahma creating the world through his thoughts. Bap and Dada are together, but the creation is not called the creation of Shiva. It is called the creation of Brahma. Yes, here are the children of Shiva, but the terms shiv kumar and Shiv kumari are not used. Brahma has invoked you with elevated thoughts and has created this creation. The creation through thought is not a little thing – it is so powerful that children hidden far away behind a variety of curtains have all come into this family. Elevated powerful thought gave you inspiration and brought you close. Special inspiration touched the intellect. And because of Brahma’s powerful thoughts, even as you see the photograph of Brahma, there is a feeling of living quality in it. This living relationship moves you forward. And so BapDada smiles seeing this creation. As time goes on further the fruit of more powerful creation will be visible.

According to the time of service, the days of childhood finish and you become experienced. Now it is time for you to become steady and stable yourselves, and to give others the experience of becoming the same.
Now the time of playing games is over. Be constantly powerful and make weak souls powerful also.

You will have to give co-operation to those who come later, through your relationships and company, to enable them to move forward quickly in a short space of time. Give them courage and enthusiasm, so they can move forward easily. Be co-operative with each other, but don’t have yoga with each other. Don’t make others become like yourself – make them become like the Father. Be a powerful soul yourself and make others powerful. Constantly maintain this determined awareness.

Achcha. To the children from all the different corners, special love and remembrance, filled with all affection – to those who are always loving and always co-operative, to such elevated souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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