Avyakt BapDada 7th April 1986

Today, the spiritual flame is seeing the spiritual moths. In the mind of each there are the waves of an ocean of love. This love has enabled you to become the destroyers of obstacles and the residents of Madhuban. You have shown a rehearsal of being ever ready. Love makes everything easy. You are loving souls, you are co-operative souls, you are server souls. – now you have to become the great tapaswis. Through the tapasya of the entire gathering together let spiritual flames emerge.

This is the time to liberate all souls from sorrow and anxiety. The souls of the entire world are now without comfort, disturbed by nature or the atmosphere, or the weaknesses of their own mind or body. Give them the experience of being stable for just one second, in the consciousness of happiness and comfort, and they will give thanks from their hearts again and again.

Now it is essential to show this form of the fire of yoga collectively. Be bestowers of wisdom. Bestow whatever treasures you have accumulated, and you will fill yourselves also.

Through tapasya, spread waves of peace and power in all directions. By serving others you serve the self. To be the embodiment of tapasya is to be a world benefactor. A great deal of time has gone by in bringing benefit to the self – now it is time to be a bestower. The rulers of the world are the parents of the world and parents are bestowers. Renounce taking. Become ignorant of any form of limited desire.

The specific obstacle to tapasya is limited desire. The sanskar of the bestower will automatically merge all other sanskars. So now emerge this sanskar.

It is good that you all have come – you all came running as if destruction were taking place now! All have come for the final meeting, the final dip. Did you wonder, since so many were coming, what the meeting would be like? You became detached, beyond the consciousness of this. You saw neither the place nor did you see the reservations for trains. Never again can you give the excuse that you did not get a reservation! This has become a rehearsal written in the drama. At the Confluence Age it is not our kingdom – there is the kingdom of the self, but not of the land – nor does BapDada have a chariot of his own! The kingdom belongs to others and the body belongs to another. And so this is the time to begin a new method of meeting. Here you even have to think about the water, whereas there you will be bathing in waterfalls. But however many have come, Baba is welcoming you with love in reply to your love.

BapDada is giving time before the final paper. Some of the significance is incognito, some is visible. But each one has to pay attention to constantly applying the dot, the full stop. Apply the dot and finish the past, and let it be past. Become the ocean filled with all treasures, the bestower, for all others and allow all others to become full. So remember the dot (bindu) and the ocean (sindu). Be the dot and be the ocean. Achcha.

To the children from every corner who constantly follow Baba’s instructions; to those with a big and generous heart who distribute treasures to all souls; to the children who are the great pure charitable souls, to the children who constantly fly in the flying stage through zeal and enthusiasm; to such children, love and remembrances and namaste from BapDada the bestower of wisdom, the bestower of blessings, the ocean of all treasures.

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