Avyakt BapDada 9th October 1987

Today, BapDada is seeing the royal court of his self sovereign children. This unique, elevated, and beautiful spiritual court of the Confluence Age is the most unique and lovely of the entire kalpa. This atmosphere of spiritual glamour, the spiritual lotus seat, the spiritual crown and tilak, the sparkle on the face, and the elevated consciousness of the stage, is filled with spiritual fragrance, very entertaining , and very attractive. If all the Brahmins were gathered, this court would be so huge. There isn’t such huge royal court during any other age. Every child has become a sovereign of the self.

The crown is the sign of purity. The sparkle on the face shows stability in a spiritual stage. Your face mirrors your attitude and your stage. BapDada sees that everyone has that sparkle – however some have an easy stage, while others are stable only after tying. One has natural beauty – the other has beauty through effort. Natural beauty is constant, while beauty through effort will fluctuate. The constant stage of the easy yogi creates self sovereignty.

Since all Brahmins have promised that Baba is their world – one Baba and no other – there is bound to be an easy and natural stage, is there not? Or do you have to labour? If Baba is everything, then where else would the intellect be drawn? An easy yogi does not have to labour. An easy yogi has a unique sparkle on their face. Just as the attainment of physical wealth or status is visible on the face, so the intoxication or sparkle of the attainment of the elevated kingdom, is visible from the face. Which face do people like? The face of attainment or the face of labour? The faces of some show their elevated fortune, while others show renunciation but the fortune is not visible. BapDada wishes to see, on the face of every child, the sparkle of an easy yogi. You have the right to all attainments and blessing of the Confluence Age. You should not still be labouring.

So have you claimed the right to the kingdom? Don’t spend time in battling. One who battles will go to the moon dynasty. You are to come to satyug – you will come into the sun dynasty. Those who belong to the sun dynasty are constantly master bestowers of wisdom and bestowers of blessings. You are not those who desire to receive. Help will be received – have the consciousness that it is happening. Such children are self sovereigns.

The easy path to go ahead is to be an easy yogi and a natural yogi. Since you have only one Baba and no-one else, where else can you go? So why does it take effort? It should not take effort – then there is nothing but attainment. Become the embodiment of all attainment. Don’t be a subject. Become a king. Subjects will be created very quickly – it will not take long. Achcha.

To all elevated souls in all directions who are the embodiment of all attainments; to all the great souls who have a right to be in this Godly court; to those who sparkle with spirituality, and are constantly natural and easy yogis; to the highest souls of all; accept love and remembrances filled with love from BapDada the highest on high.

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