Avyakt BapDada 15th November 2005

Today, BapDada is seeing his elevated children from everywhere – those who have a right to self-sovereignty and who are stable in their stage of self respect. The respect the Father has given the children is even higher than that of himself. He has liberated every child from falling at the feet, and has made them the crown on His head. He has always called himself the servant of the lovely children. So, do each of you consider yourself to have such self respect? One with self respect will give respect to everyone – he will be humble, and will be loved by everyone, and will be loving to all – his love will be unlimited – there will be no arrogance, no body consciousness. Even the last number in the rosary of 16000 has received one or another speciality from the Father. One with self respect gives respect to others and sees their speciality. Anyone who belongs to the Father is a special soul compared to the souls of the world, he is one out of multi-millions.

Every child is loved by the Father. The Father’s love is a magnet, pulling you here. Love from the heart is the foundation of this Brahmin life. Just as the Father has love for everyone, the children should also have love for everyone. Do not look at the weaknesses of others – if you see something bad, step away from it – you are those who give the mantra that disciplines the mind – the mantra that liberates them form an influence – you liberate them, do you not? Love in the heart is the very easy method to become complete and perfect. No matter how knowledgeable someone is, if they don’t have love in the heart, they will not have an enjoyable Brahmin life – it will be dry and tasteless. If there is love with knowledge, then you remain absorbed in love. Someone who has love does not have to make effort to remember the one he loves. Knowledge is the seed and love is the water.

: Today BapDada was checking love in the hearts of the children. You have love for the Father – are you loving to everyone else? Does each of you think: this is my brother or sister – this one belongs to me? At this time the Father is establishing both a religion and a kingdom at the same time. There won’t be just the father in the kingdom, there will also be the family. Be loving to the Father, and also be loving to the family.

As soon as you children took Brahmin birth, the Father gave you respect, and this was how you became so elevated. You have to give respect in this one birth, and you will receive respect – the reward of that – throughout the whole cycle. For half the cycle, you have the respect of having a right to the kingdom, and for half the cycle you receive respect from the devotees. The basis of this for the whole cycle is to give respect in this one birth and to receive respect.

You double foreigners do double service – not even double, you do triple service – you have your lokik job, you give knowledge, and the majority of you also do karma yoga service at the centres. In order to increase the speed of your service, you have such a good Dadi – when she sees even a little weakness, she gives class upon class about that.

If you have to make effort, check the love in your heart – is there a leakage anywhere, attachment to a person or a person’s speciality, or to any facility – if there is a leakage there will not be constant contentment. Where there is contentment you will be constantly smiling like a spiritual rose – you will not have an off-mood – you will remain always double light. So save yourself from labouring – Baba does not like it when the children have to labour – you have laboured fro half the cycle – now enjoy yourselves. Remain absorbed in love. Experience the pearls of love at the bottom of the Ocean of Knowledge – do not just take a dip and come out again, but remain merged in it.

All of you have promised you will live with the Father and go back home with Him. Are you ready? Are you ever-ready? Those who are equal will go with him. If you are given the order tomorrow will you go with him? WIll the householders go with him? Will you not remember your children? Will the mothers go with Baba? Will you not remember anyone? Will the teachers remember their centres and their students? Have all of yo become free from attachment? Achcha. Then you won’t have to labour, will you?

: Today BapDada wants to make everyone free from labour – will you become that? From tomorrow, no-one will go to the Dadis – you won’t make them make effort on you will you? You will meet them for enjoyment. You will not go to the zonal heads. You will not complain. You will be complete. Is that OK? No one belongs to you , and “I” and “mine” have finished. You very quickly make a promise, but to take the benefit of it, have realisation every day, and revise it – what benefit are you taking? When there is a balance, it will be all right.

The success of service is through self service. Self service is the basis of world service. You are master almighty authorities and you can do whatever you want. Before you have a thought, word or action, check whether it is equal to that of the Father. Check first, and then put it into a practical form. Simply remember two words – “instrument” and “humility”.

Use everything in a worthwhile way – all the treasures you have, all the powers – thoughts, words and actions are also powers – time is a treasure and also a power. Whether it is physical wealth, or spiritual treasures, you have to use everything in a worthwhile way, and enable others to use everything they have in a worthwhile way. If someone is not using something in a worthwhile way, then do not say anything or give corrections, but do it with your good wishes, pure feelings, and pure regard. If you have to give correction then let it be with forgiveness and then correction. Give teachings through your form of forgiveness. Be merciful. Be merciful. When surgeons perform an operation they put you to sleep first – so you too have to first become merciful, and then give correction – otherwise when you begin to give correction, they are already cleverer than you – a teacher would not accept correction from a teacher.

Emerge your original sanskars, your deity sanskars, and the eternal sanskars of the soul. Have a cremation ceremony of the wrong sanskars. Make your original and eternal sanskars emerge. You just have to be the instrument. Achcha.

Seeing all the children, BapDada sings the song: wah children wah! Achcha. What are we going to do now?

To all the children everywhere who have self respect; to those who always have love for the Father in their heart; to the elevated souls who have love for everyone; to the intense effort-making children who always remain free from labouring, and who experience liberation in life; to the blissful children who always maintain a balance between the promise they make and the benefit they take from that promise; to those who always remain in pleasure, and who always enable others to stay in pleasure; to such Confluence Aged children who have a right to the elevated fortune, love and remembrance from BapDada and blessings from the heart of the Comforter of Hearts. Love, remembrance and namaste.

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