Avyakt BapDada 15th March 1999

Today, BapDada was seeing everywhere all his royal and specially loved (raj dulare) children. Very few children become worthy to receive God’s affection and love – on seeing such fortunate children, BapDada is very pleased.

To be a Raja Yogi means to be a child who is like a king. Are you a king? Are your servants working in your kingdom according to your orders? Do you have both ruling power and controlling power?

BapDada sees that the majority of you do not yet have a constant and undisrupted kingdom. Instead of ruling yourself, you try to rule others. When your physical senses become dependent on external things, this indicates that you are trying to rule others – that you are being influenced by the kingdom of Maya, and becoming dependent on others.

Sanskars from the copper and iron ages emerge and interfere with your original and eternal sanskars. Your own sanskars disturb your own kingdom, particularly the sanskars of waste thoughts, of wasting time, and having wasteful interaction, either in listening to others, or relating things to others. This is how Maya attacks you and tries to dishearten you. All your old sanskars have to be destroyed by the end, so do not be afraid, but understand the ways of Maya. Pay special attention to both laziness and wastage – negativity is included in this. Emerge the experience of the Father’s company and the combined form, and you will defeat Maya.

You know the Father is with you, and you know his power – he is the almighty authority, the one with all powers. So, experience this power to be with you.

The subtle power of your mind should be under your control – you have to bring it under control. As soon as you order it to stop, it should stop. As soon as you tell it to think about service, it should become busy thinking about service. When you tell it to go to Paramdham, it should got yo Paramdham. Tell it to go to the subtle region, and it should go there in a second.

To reach your karmateet stage, you must adopt controlling power. You have to become a good match with the Father, to return as his companion: a couple has to be a good match – or should one be tall and the other one short? They have to be equal, and similarly, you have to become karmateet.

To all the souls everywhere who are the rulers of the self – to the souls who remain constantly worthy of a constant kingdom – to those who reach their karmateet stage, like the father – to the intense, effort-making souls, who follow the father – to the children who are well wishers for others, and constantly give their co-operation of good wishes and pure feelings – BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

1 Comment

  1. George Stephen   |  

    OM SHANTI and Season’s Greeting.

    Please kindly upload all the Avyakt Bapdada English Murlis starting from 1969 onwards.
    The reason being after attending morning murlis and for better understanding and revision purposes.
    Please help me grow deeper in this spiritual knowledge.
    Nameste and Regards.
    Johor Bahru Centre,Malaysia.


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