Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1998

Today, BapDada, the creator of the new age, has come give you extremely co-operative and loving children greetings for the new age, for your new life, and for the new year. All of you have very good zeal and enthusiasm in your hearts to bring about some newness this year. You also have courage, according to your capacity. BapDada gives multi-millionfold help in return for one thought of such children. So have the courage to keep moving forward – this new age is for flying, with your courage. This is the most auspicious Confluence Age, when you are given all powers directly by the Bestower, as your inheritance. Have faith – success is guaranteed – this is the age of success, the age for the impossible to become possible. Success is written in the horoscope of you Brahmins: success is your birthright. So, in the new year, let this awareness emerge. Continue to fly with this faith and with spiritual intoxication.

The line of victory is constantly seen on the foreheads of Brahmin souls who have faith: the tilak of victory is constantly sparkling. So, experience this year as the year of victory. You are victorious and will always be victorious.

The sign of faith is spiritual intoxication – not intoxication filled with arrogance, but spiritual intoxication. If you have this intoxication then you definitely have faith – the two are interconnected. So now, in 1999, let your intoxication emerge, and you will become free: neither will you make mistakes nor will you have to labour. Stop thinking of your past – BapDada has put a full stop to the past of all of you children. Do you prefer to have pleasure in your life, or to labour? So, this year become free from having to labour, even in your thoughts.

How do people celebrate the new year? They give gifts and greetings. All of you eat and share sweets, and also sing and dance a great deal. You Brahmin children do not just celebrate for one day after midnight – for you, every moment of this new year is a new moment – every breath is new, and every thought is new. So continue to distribute the Dilkush toli constantly to one another throughout the whole year.

When some, because of their nature, sanskars, or problems, won’t accept your Dilkush toli, you must not become disheartened – it doesn’t matter – that one didn’t understand the secret, and therefore became upset – that person is under the influence of karmic accounts or some other problem. You should just continue being obedient.

Make yourself fly, and Maya will remain beneath you. When you fly up above, Maya will watch you from down below.

Give gifts to everyone. No one should return empty handed. You have many gifts – do not be miserly about giving them. Become generous hearted. Give vibrations of power, and give virtues, not through your lips, but through your face and behaviour. Even if no power or virtue has emerged in you, you can at least give them good wishes and pure feelings. See them as your long lost and now found brother or sister. Have the wish that they will also attain the flying stage. For this, together with your good wishes, you also have to give them co-operation.

If they give you back something negative, remember that you are world transformers. Transform the negative into positive, and give everyone a gift of good wishes and pure feelings. Become a master bestower and continue to give.

Each word you speak should be like a jewel – it should not be ordinary. Up to now your words have lacked love and discipline. Some children expand trivial matters a great deal, and a tree emerges from the seed. The essence of what they are trying to say become hidden in the expansion. They waste a lot of energy in these words. Remember two words: “short” and “sweet”.

Accumulate a stock of treasures – of thoughts, words, powers, time, virtues. Every night, check your savings account. How much did you accumulate? Did you perform elevated tasks through your virtues and powers? Did you use your treasures? This is how you accumulate.

To the extremely loving Brahmin souls everywhere, please accept greetings and congratulations from the creator of the New Age. Congratulations! This is the moment to share greetings and bid farewell. It is the confluence. Together with the old year, you are also bidding farewell to the old world, to old things, old problems, and old sanskars, and receiving congratulations and greetings filled with enthusiasm for the new year.

Celebrate this new year as the year of freedom from labouring. Celebrate this year for the self and others as the year that is free from obstacles. Celebrate this year as the year in which you gain victory as your birthright. Celebrate this year as the year in which you have faith and intoxication in every action your perform.

Now, in one second, with determination and a powerful thought, all of you should bid farewell for all time to the old objects, old matters, and the old year. With a determined thought in one second, you should all become stable, and realise that, with determination, comes success.

1 Comment

  1. devadas   |  

    send resent murli


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