Avyakt BapDada 9th January 1995

Today, BapDada, the protector and teacher of all the children, is seeing the foundation of all his Brahmin children. All of you know that the foundation of your present elevated life is faith. To the extent your faith is firm, to that extent you you experience being a natural easy yogi, having a gentle and pure nature, an attitude of good wishes, and soul-conscious vision. At every moment, this is experienced by others, from the sparkle on your face, and from your activity. In Brahmin life it is not enough to know “I am this, the Father is this”, but you have to accept what you know, and move along according to it, so that your face and activity give this experience.

The sign of having faith in the intellect is to be victorious, with no fluctuation. The foundation of faith has to be strong on all four sides – faith in the Father, faith in the self, faith in the drama, and faith in the Brahmin family. You must have faith, not just in knowing all four of them, but in accepting and moving along with them. At the time when there is fluctuation in your victory, check which of the four sides is fluctuating.

You think you are the master almighty authorities, and yet your are not able to attain victory over a small situation. You say and think you are world benefactors, but find self transformation very difficult. You should be the embodiment of faith, and victory is guaranteed.

The faith should be firm in all four aspects simultaneously. If you have faith in thee, and not on one, then victory is not guaranteed, but you would attain victory through having to make effort. Those who have guaranteed victory will not have to make any effort. Many times, many of you say”: BapDada is very good – we have a relationship with the Father alone, but there is conflict with the divine family. Your faith fluctuates in this, and therefore you leave the family aside. You become slack in that, and make the relationship with the Father very strong. But do you wish to come into the rosary without the family? A rosary is created when a bead is close to another bead, and they are threaded on the one thread. If they are separate beads on separate threads, would you call that a rosary?

If you leave the family aside, victory is not guaranteed. Baba is your support – you receive your inheritance from the Father, not from the brothers and sisters. However, it is the uniqueness of Brahmin life that both the religion and the kingdom are established. All other religious founders simply establish a religion. The Father’s speciality is that he establishes both a religion and a kingdom. This is why you call it raja yoga. What would one king do alone in a kingdom? Even if he has a very good throne and crown, what could he do? A kingdom needs a ruling family. When you have faith in every situation within the Brahmin family, you have a right to the fortune of the kingdom.

So BapDada sees that you are not able to have all four types of faith constantly. Do not tgink that it doesn’t matter if you are not able to get along well with the family. Sometimes you forget the drama. Sometimes you become weak in your own stage, that is, weak in having faith in yourself. When there is fluctuation, the amusing thing is that you say that it is the drama. Sometimes there is fluctuation in your thoughts, sometimes in your words, sometimes in your actions. You say it is the drama, and yet you are also fluctuating a great deal! The sign of faith is guaranteed victory. If the method is accurate, it is impossible to fail. When you fail in any task, understand that you are lacking in faith. Check all four sides, not just one side.

Just as the sign of faith is guaranteed victory, such souls will also be carefree – they cannot have any type of wasteful thinking. It is not that they chase away wasteful thoughts, but such thoughts do not come to those who have faith. When you now the significance of the drama, when you know the beginning, middle, and end, then how can you not know the beginning, middle, and end, of a small situation? So there are no wasteful thoughts of “how?”, “why?”, “what?” etcetera. Those who are sitting at the roots of the kalpa tree know every leaf of the tree. So you know every small thing. So experience the carefree stage, the sign of faith.

Check which faith you are weak in, and then change it. Do not just check, but change yourself in one second. Otherwise you will develop sanskars of being disheartened, and these will come to oppose you at the end. You need to practice over a long period of time, so that there is no battle with Maya at the end. You know what the aim of Brahmin life is, what your final moments should be like. Only if you are carefree will the final moments be easy. Otherwise wasteful thoughts will come to you in the form of evil spirits and demons of death – these demons are your own wasteful thoughts and your own weaknesses. The demons will eat you. They will scare you. The others will experience the flying stage. So check yourself, and change yourself in advance.

You are the master oceans of love who belong to the Ocean of Love. Would you call someone who becomes forceful an ocean of love? The eyes, features, vision, and attitude of a master ocean of love cannot have such feelings. No matter what happens, even if the whole world becomes angry with you, a master ocean of love will not be concerned about the world. You are carefree emperors. You attained whatever you were concerned about. You will not be concerned about anything else. Be concerned about checking yourself. Be concerned about changing yourself. But become carefree of the wasteful.

However, do not become carefree in the code of conduct. You are the most elevated beings, who follow the most elevated codes of conduct. These codes of conduct are the steps of Brahmin life. If you do not place your foot in the footsteps, how will you reach you destination? Place your steps in Brahma Baba’s footsteps. These maryadas are the footsteps. If you move away from following these steps even slightly, then you become distant from your destination, and then you have to make effort. And BapDada does not like to see the children labour – you are easy yogis.

Are all of you alright? You are sitting in a corner and so you think that BapDada has not seen you! At least you are sitting warmly wrapped even in the cold. It feels good, does it not?

Are you ever ready? If BapDada were to tell you now to go, would you go? Or would you think “let me make a phone call that I am going” or “let me send a telegram”? What if you do not get a line over the telephone? Then the people at your home or office will wonder where you have gone. But it is good. The soul just flies within one second. Or will you remember that you are weak in a particular subject? Will you remember that you have to place all your things in their place and then go? Will you not think “let me just inform them that I am going”? No. All of you will become free from bondage. This is why you must check from now that there are still no golden or silver strings remaining. Iron is gross and so it is visible. But gold and silver attract you. To be ever ready means that you go as soon as you receive an order. Are you free from the consciousness of “mine” to this extent? You have already been told that, together with body consciousness, the greatest consciousness of “mine” is that there are many golden and silver strings of the arrogance of the self. So, check with a subtle and refined intellect. Check that no type of temporary intoxication is a cord that becomes instrumental in holding you back.

In terms of following, constantly follow father Brahma. To pick up virtues from everyone is a different thing, but follow the father, and not your brothers and sisters. You may see their specialities, but follow the father. Have regard for them, but only God is the guide. No brother or sister can be the guide. And the sakar example is father Brahma. To follow means to place your footsteps in his footsteps.

The gathering of the pandavs and shaktis is very good. The pandavs cannot move without the shaktis, and the shaktis cannot move without the pandavs. Both are needed. Both have been needed from the beginning, and both will be needed until the end.

You are the Father’s decoration. The Father cannot do anything without you. This is why BapDada says “the children are first”. Does each one think that he is loved by the Father? Only the one unlimited Father can give love to everyone. Souls cannot give this, only the Father can give this, because he is unlimited. Achcha.

To all the elevated souls in all four directions who have faith in the intellect – to the souls who have guaranteed victory – to the souls who are constantly carefree – to the close souls who are constantly unshakeable and immovable in belonging to the one Father, and in having the strength of One and the support of One – BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

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