Avyakt BapDada 7th November 1995

Today, BapDada, the ocean of love, had come to meet his children, who are the embodiment of love. The Father’s love is merged in all the children. Love brings the children close from being far away. When you were a bhagat soul, you were so far away from the Father – this is why you were searching for him everywhere. Now you are so close that you say with sparkle and intoxication “my Baba is with me”. Furthermore, you cannot stay without Him.

The children don’t wish it, but every now and then they play the game of hide and seek with the Father – their eyes close to the Father and remain open to Maya. However Baba is merciful towards the children, and makes you move away from Maya in one way or another. Maya makes you unconscious, and Baba makes you conscious – he enables the closed eye to open with the magic of remembrance.

Do you have multi-millionfold love? The proof of your love is to become equal. One who has love for another will be ready to sacrifice their life for them. Are you ready to do this? BapDada does not take anyone’s life, because you have to do service with your life. The sign of love is to surrender yourself completely, meaning to do what you are told. Love means to do everything that the one you have love for likes.

BapDada is amazed at one aspect, even if only for a short while. You are told that you should not become amazed, but even BapDada is amazed. He has to play his part. Baba says that he only wishes you to surrender yourself in one aspect. So what does the Father like? Purity. Purity is the foundation of knowledge, and the special preference of father Brahma and Shiva Baba. The definition of purity is very deep, and includes faith, honesty, cleanliness, introversion, etcetera. However, BapDada sees that the definition of purity is not very clear in your intellect. To have waste thoughts, or to be an instrument to create waste thoughts in others, is not purity. So, all of you should put the significance of purity in thoughts into practice.

If you examine it, each of the five vices, from lust through to attachment, first enter through thoughts. These are waste thoughts. Anger also creates waste thoughts. Lust means to have wasteful vision. Even now, the majority of you have waste thoughts based on the five vices. And it is common for gyani souls to have arrogance of their virtues or specialities, and show weakness in terms of wanting name and fame. This can show as feeling insulted. So, these are just some of the main sources of waste thoughts.

Make the foundation of purity strong. Because of this newness of purity, father Brahma had to accept so many insults. The vow of celibacy is just the start – as you progress you must firmly establish purity in your vision and attitude – this comes from purity in your thoughts. Let your thoughts become filled with knowledge and power. Do not give excuses, but find solutions.

Even matter has become tired. All its energy is now finished. So matter and the elements are making a request to you souls, who are the masters of matter, to hurry up. Do not take so long! Achcha.

To the souls in all directions who are the embodiment of multli-millionfold love – to the special souls who constantly make themselves free from all obstacles and remain absorbed in the love of the Father – to all the souls who surrender themselves out of love for the Father – BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

There is a great need for maturity at present. Mother Jagadamba remained very mature. Even if she did less service than a lot of you, the virtue of maturity enabled her to accumulate in her account fully. Many people do a lot, but they lose half or three quarters, or all of the benefit from it. You give lectures, and have developed the habit of speaking a great deal, so you speak whatever enters your mind. However, the impact you create through maturity cannot be created through words.

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