Avyakt BapDada 31st March 1995

Today, the unlimited Father is seeing all the children in the unlimited form. The Father is unlimited, and all of you are also the unlimited masters and also the children. BapDada is happy to see you, and you are happy to see BapDada. Many melas take place, but the mela of a meeting with God takes place only at the Confluence Age. You never dreamt of your elevated fortune, but you are now experiencing it in a practical form. The line of elevated fortune is sparkling on the forehead of each one of you. All of you are sparkling stars, are you not? All of you fortunate souls have taken a divine birth through the bestower of fortune. Baba is called the bestower of fortune, and Brahma is also called the bestower of fortune. The birth of all of you has taken place through BapDada, and so your fortune is so elevated. You have the supreme soul as father, teacher, and satguru, and as the one who fulfils the responsibility of all relationships. God is sustaining you. Do not take it for granted – it is elevated but you consider it to be ordinary, and so you lose your sparkle of intoxication and happiness.

Nobody else has ever received such an education. No matter how much experimentation scientists do, they still cannot attain knowledge of all three worlds. And amongst you, even five year old gives the knowledge of the three worlds. The supreme soul has enabled you to attain this degree with his elevated teachings. But the greatest status in the world is the ruling status. You receive a status through your studies – he has made you into kings. You are a king now. You are a king and yet you are sitting on the floor – you don’t even have a proper building – you are sitting in a tent. But you have ruling status – you are self sovereign now, and also in the future, and you also have to become world ruler in the future. The supreme soul is your teacher, and he gives you ruling status.

And then, as the satguru, he gives you the mantra of manmanabhav: “fix your mind on me”. You also receive all blessings. No guru can give so many blessings to his followers. Keep this intoxication with you.

All of you are lucky that you have a chance to have this meeting. What does it matter if you have to stay in a tent? At least you are not sleeping in the mud! You are sleeping on mattresses. You are eating good Brahma Bhojan, not filled with dust. You eat with love, do you not? There will be some difficulties – there has to be – the game between May and God takes place at the same time – Maya creates a confusion (jamela). Your duty is to have a mela, and her duty is to create a jamela. There was a cyclone – this does not matter – this is the cyclone of your effort, and that is the physical cyclone. Whether storms come or rains come, no matter how much fluctuation there is, your mind should be unshakeable. Tents have blown away, but you are not afraid are you? You are enjoying yourselves are you not? BapDada tours around seeing the jamela of Maya. He sees the game of what the children do and what Maya does.

BapDada is happy to see the love of the children – your love has created this mela. Did you ever think you would have such a huge family? Each if you has arrived at the Godly mela through your own fortune. This is your unlimited home.

BapDada has called all of you children the crown princes. All of you are kings. All of you sit on a throne, with a tilak and a crown. Your tilak is of self awareness: “I am a self sovereign soul”. Your crown is of the responsibility of being a world benefactor. And you are constantly seated on Baba’s heart throne. So do not step off your throne and put your feet on the ground of ordinary form and ordinary thoughts. You are the children of the Supreme Father. You are Brahmins. You are not warriors. Brahmins are victorious over Maya, whereas warriors have to battle. Warriors cannot be called yogis. BapDada does not like to see the children battling. So are you yogis, or do you battle a little?

You should all be rulers. Everyone’s dependance should finish. You remained subservient for 63 births, and now you have received this one birth to claim all rights. Now you must change from golden to diamond. You have all made promises that you will return home together. You do not have any golden, silver, or copper strings, do you? You may try to fly, but the string will hold you down. To be bodiless means that no physical attraction should pull the soul – even whilst you are alive, it is as though you have died. In fact all of you do not have a body of your own – it belongs to the Father – so why is it difficult to become bodiless? If you are still battling at the final moment, you will be gone to the silver age. Say “yes lord” and you will become Brahma Baba’s companion.

To all the souls from every direction who are observing this scene in their subtle form – to the souls who are sustained by the elevated sustenance, and those who claim a ruling status through the most elevated study – to the souls who attain all blessings from the satguru – to the constantly victorious souls who are the conquerors of Maya – to the most elevated souls who have stopped battling constantly, and are stabilising in the stage of being Raja Yogi souls – BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

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