Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1995

Today, the one who makes the world sparkle like a real diamond – the one who makes his children like diamonds – the Father who establishes the new world together with the new age – is seeing his children who are about to become diamonds. So many diamonds are sparkling in front of BapDada, in the corporeal form, and in al directions. The soul, the diamond sparkling in the centre of each one’s forehead, appears to be so beautiful! It is such a lovely scene of souls, the diamonds sparkling in front of Baba, and the beautiful scene of all the diamonds in all directions
sparkling together! It is a gathering of diamonds – even though they are number-wise, they are still sparkling. Are you seeing the diamonds, or are you seeing the bodies? For 63 births you have been seeing the bodies, but can you now see the sparkling diamond that is hidden within?

This is the Diamond Jubilee, a diamond year for you to celebrate. May there be a gulub jamun in your mouth. To celebrate means to become – so will you become a diamond throughout the year, or will there sometimes be a little flaw in the diamond? Today it is a double celebration: the New Year and the Diamond Jubilee. Will you become diamonds for the whole year? Will you see others as diamonds? Even if a soul is black as coal, completely impure, will you see coal or will you see a diamond? As soon as your vision falls on that soul his darkness will reduce. So, have functions, give invitations, awaken others – you have to do all this anyway, and you are doing it – but every day’s function is to become a diamond, to see others as diamonds, and to make them into diamonds.

No matter what happens, do not allow any flaw in your diamond. If you are influenced by any obstacle, or by anyone’s nature, then there will be a flaw. Obstacles will come, and you will destroy them. How can you be victorious without an enemy? You are such powerful diamonds that flaws will not influence you. Is this possible? Some flaw will remain, will it not?

This year, BapDada wishes to se everyone as walking , moving angels. Many say that they try to look at the soul, but as the body is big while the soul is a tiny point, they can only see the body. Yes, the soul is a tiny point, and BapDada agrees that the point may slip away, but the angelic form is still in the shape of the physical form of the body – it is not in the form of a point. An angel means one with a body of light. SIxty years of establishment have now been completed, and all of you have a lot of love for Shiv Baba and Brahma Baba. The meaning of love is to become the same, and Brahma Baba has the form of an angel, so perform every action whilst being stable in the angelic form. It is possible to perform actions in the angelic form. You had love for the corporeal body for many births, so even though you wish to forget it, you are unable to do so. So Baba says – O.K., since you have the habit of seeing the body, it doesn’t matter – now simply look at the body of light. You remember a body easily, and an angel is also a bodily form.

Father Shiva is instrumental for the establishment, but Brahma Baba was THE instrument. You don’t call yourselves Shiv Kumars or Shiv Kumaris do you? You are Brahma Kumars and Brahma Kumaris. So you are celebrating the jubilee of the task of establishment by Brahma Baba. Will you bring gifts? Will you bring a rose, and say that this is sufficient? Someone may bring an elephant, someone may bring a horse, but these gifts are just for entertainment. This entertainment is good – everyone is happy to see them – here, a horse is dancing, there a doll is dancing – everyone is happy to see the toys. You may bring them, but what gift would father Brahma love? That you become like angels. The gift that the father would like is the walking, moving, angelic form. In your angelic form, no type of obstacle should influence you. Your thoughts, attitude, and vision, should all become double light So, are you ready to give this gift? Just be careful, because all this is being recorded. In order to bring about the golden world, you will become angels. Just a diamonds sparkle, in the same way your angelic form will sparkle. Continue to practice this well.

What awareness should you have as soon as you wake up at amrit vela? “I am an angel – I wish to become this”. If you pass fully, Brahma Baba will merge you in his arms, every day at amrit vela. You will feel that you are swinging in super-sensuous happiness in Brahma Baba’s arms. You will receive a big hug from him. Just as they show a picture of Krishna, where a storm came, and the flood water overflowed, then a snake became a canopy of protection

Those who are celebrating their Diamond Jubilee, raise their hands! You did yoga an tapasya for 14 years, and how many obstacles came in the way? Did anything happen to you? So, BapDada became your canopy of protection. So many big things came your way – the whole world, the leaders, the rulers, the gurus, all became anti, and you Brahma Kumaris remained so firm. You even experienced the “beggary” life. At the time of tapasya, you also witnessed different obstacles – there were guns as well as swords – all sort of things came in front of you – but there was always the canopy of protection. Was any damage done? The people of the world left everything behind, and ran away during the upheaval. What happened at the time of the partition of Bharat? Everyone ran away, and your tennis court was filled with so many things that it became full. They had to leave the things they loved, because of fear. At that time, the Sindhi community was against you – they insulted you, but they also gave you their belongings and begged you to use whatever beautiful things they had. For the people of the world it was upheaval, whereas the Brahma Kumaris used to get a whole bullock-cart of vegetables for five rupees. All those vegetables for just five rupees! You used to eat those vegetables with so much pleasure. So the people of the world were afraid, and you were dancing.

You saw practically how both Bap and Dada carried out the task of establishment as your canopy of protection with such safety. Now you can experience this also – you first! Whatever you want, to whatever extent you want, you can have the practical experience of Brahma Baba’s love, and the canopy of protection in this year of the diamond jubilee. This year has this blessing and easy attainment. You will not have to make a lot of effort – you get tired of making effort. You will become an angel. To move and walk in the angelic form is to become a diamond, a flawless and invaluable diamond, one which sparkles brightly in the light, and emanates rays of many colours. When you become real diamonds, when you become angels, the eight powers will be visible from your angelic form. As you walk and move, others will experience these rays of power. Some will feel the power of tolerance form you, others will fell the power of decision making – some will have one feeling, others will have another feeling. The more you practice this, the more others will get the feeling. Will all of you give this gift?

So today, Brahma Baba especially gave a lot of love and congratulations to all the children. No matter how many of you there are, whether you are 400,000 or 1.4 million, Brahma Baba’s arms are so big that all of you can merge in his arms at the same time. This is why, on the path of bhakti, they show the huge-form image of God in which everyone is merged. So, all of you are merged in Brahma Baba’s arms no matter what happens. Just as a little child goes and hides in his mother’s or father’s arms, so you should do the same. You are still children are you not? Or have you grown up? In front of the Father, someone who is a hundred years old is still a little child. So, no matter what happens to you, just go and merge in Brahma Baba’s arms – that is all. This is easy, isn’t it?

You are sitting here in the old year, but are celebrating the new year. How will you bid farewell to the old year? Will you
just sing songs, dance, and have fun? The year is finishing – it is taking its leave from you – it will come back after 5000 years, and not before that. Generally you give a farewell gift to whoever takes leave from you, so what will you give? Your old things – your weaknesses? BapDada has seen that you give your weaknesses, but you then take them back. Look – the year doesn’t return – it is very wise – it doesn’t come back for 5000 years. So why do you take back the old things? You say “we let go of them but they don’t let go of us”. If a thorn came at you, flying through the air, would you keep it or would you throw it away? Would you keep it as a decoration in the cupboard? No – you would throw it away and would not want to see it again. So why do you take this back? Does BapDada tell you to take it back – do you have this shrimat? Bid farewell. If you let go, you will become free.

Don’t allow your faith to fluctuate. You say “so what if it happened? It will happen, because the 2000 years have not yet ended. Everything will be all right by 2000”. This is carelessness in faith. BapDada has not given you the date 2000. So do not keep waiting for the year 2000 – let the new world be ready before that time.

Why do you forget you are a soul? You begin something with good thoughts, but whilst working, the thought of the soul merges. You mind and intellect become very busy in your task. Your hands have to function anyway, but you also engage your mind and intellect, and make them busy as well. If not body consciousness, this is action consciousness. If something happened at that time what would the result be? Being action conscious is not the same as being soul conscious. So revise your consciousness again and again, until you become naturally soul conscious. Check – “what have I accumulated?”. At least accumulate enough to go into the Golden Age. The sun dynasty souls will take the first period of happiness, and those of the moon dynasty will receive the left-overs later on.

BapDada checked everyone’s chart. Totally, 50% of the children have been seeing others, and have been careless. In some cases, even very good children become careless. BapDada is amused on seeing how if one person stumbles, the other also becomes careless and experiences the same thing. Is this being sensible? The repentance for being careless is very very severe. BapDada sees everything – how you follow others in going down. BapDada feels a lot of mercy – the moments of repentance will be so difficult. So, in this old year, bid farewell from your heart to the wave of carelessness, and the wave of looking at others.

It has been seen that the older ones have greater carelessness. The initial force and enthusiasm do not last long. There is carelessness in the study, also – you feel you have heard and understood everything. Just think about it – if you had understood everything, BapDada would have finished the education – you would have finished the study. Bid farewell to this carelessness for good. Do not look at others, but look at the Father. Look at father Brahma.

To all the real sparkling diamonds in all directions – to those who make themselves and others into real diamonds, with faith and determined thoughts – to the elevated souls who stabilise themselves in the double-light angelic form, the same as BapDada – to the conquerors of Maya, and so the conquerors of the fortune of the world, who remain busy in remembrance and service – to such confluence-aged diamonds, love, remembrance, and namaste from BapDada.

Double greetings and congratulations, for the New Year and for the Diamond Jubilee. Constantly have the aim for this year to remember both your forms – the double-light angel, and the real, flawless, invaluable, diamond. Become a diamond and make others into diamonds. Diamond good night and good morning.

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