Avyakt BapDada 26th February 1995

Today, Trimurti Father Shiva, the creator of the three deities (tridev rachta), has come to celebrate the diamond jubilee and the diamond birthday with his spiritual diamonds. This is the diamond birthday because the Father incarnates to make the souls who are like shells become worth diamonds. This is the birthday, not of a bodily being, but of the incorporeal point. When you say Shiv Jayenti, the form of the point of light appears in front of you.

You have come to celebrate the birthday of the Father, and also the birthday of the Brahmin souls. In the lokik world the birthday of the father and the child would not be the same – the date might be the same but the year would be different. You give the Father congratulations, and the father gives you multimillion times congratulations. Each Brahmin soul is more valuable than a diamond. Compared to you, diamonds are worth nothing at all. Every one of you is in Baba’s heart.

There is unity in your diversity. There are all the different lands, all the different languages, all the different forms and colours, but amidst the diversity, what exists in each ones heart? There is unity, in there not? The one Father.

This elevated Confluence Age is the age of festivity. Each day for you is filled with enthusiasm. The breath of Brahmin life is zeal and enthusiasm. If there is no breath, there is no life.

Double foreigners give a course on positive thinking. Make yourself a student, be your own teacher, and give this course to yourself. Let it become your natural stage to see, to listen, and to think of any person or matter with a positive attitude. When you come into any fluctuation, the reason is because of listening to, thinking of, speaking of, or doing, something negative. The power of silence can change the negative into positive. There should be transformation in a second.

If you want to live, then live with enjoyment. To live with a lot of thinking is not living. You tell other people that Raja Yoga is the art of living. You are the Raja Yogis, are you not? So stay in pleasure – the mind is in pleasure, the body is in pleasure, the relationships and contacts are in pleasure.

Many children say “I am OK by myself, I am enjoying myself, but with relationships and contacts there is enjoyment only sometimes”. These relationships and contacts are a test of your stage. So pass with honour. Have you passed? Baba is not receiving an enthusiastic answer. Those who constantly stay close to the Father have passed. If you do not stay close, you have not passed. You are thinking too much – you are not giving the correct response.

At present you are incognito servers. At the Confluence Age, this effort is only for a short time, and then matter will be your servant, and you will have other servants too. Now you are servers – then you will be rulers. The more service you do now, through your body, mind, wealth, and relations, the more servers you will receive. First of all the five elements of matter will become your servers. You have the fortune of your kingdom in your awareness, do you not? How many times have you become such great rulers? You have become this countless times, and will continue to become this. However, the life of being a server now is even more elevated than the life of a ruler. Now you receive the practical, visible fruit of service: the Father’s love and co-operation, and the treasures he gives you. Whenever you do service whilst in accurate yoga, there is so much happiness.

Sometimes there is fluctuation, but this fluctuation makes you strong – it makes you experienced. You come into fluctuation when you only see the present time – and situations always come in new forms of Maya – if you have become a little careless in your life today, then Maya will come into a situation in that form – so see what is in front of you, what is behind you, and what is beside you.

You should be able to adjust to everything. The power to adjust constantly makes you victorious. You saw father Brahma: with the children he would become a child and adjust himself, and with the adults, he would become an adult. You should be able to adjust yourself with happiness, without thinking of it, whether to a beggary life or a life with all the comforts, whether to a single room or to sleeping with ten others.

Time is changing and it will continue to change. The situations of the world are becoming more and more delicate, and they will become even more delicate. This has to happen. At present, something happens in one place at one time, but at the end it will happen everywhere at the same time. The delicate time has to come. Time may be delicate, nut your nature should not be delicate. Many people have a very delicate nature – when something little happens, even a little sound, they become disturbed. You should not have a delicate nature. You should be able to adjust yourself according to the time and situation – this practice will be very useful to you at the end. Your final test will take place during a very difficult time, a delicate time. It will last for a very short time, but there will be delicate circumstances in all four direction. So make yourself powerful in your nature. Have the power to adjust.

Wherever you may be living, all supports have to be broken, except the support of the one Father. All of you are very very lucky to come at a time when you have all the facilities easily available. With the facilities, let there be spiritual endeavour. Whilst seeing the facilities, do not forget your spiritual endeavour, because, at the end, only the spiritual endeavour will be useful. Do you understand?

To the special, invaluable jewels in all four directions – to the elevated souls who celebrate each day with festivity – to the souls who have a right to blessings by maintaining the balance of their own stage and service – to the unshakeable, immovable, mahavir souls who easily overcome all obstacles, BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

(flag hoisting)
Before hoisting this flag, BapDada is happy to see the flag of love hoisted in everyone’s heart. First there is the flag of love and service in everyone’s heart, and this is then the sign of all of you. The happy faces of all of you are bringing about happiness in the entire world. Vibrations of happiness are being spread around in all four directions of the world. Continue to give vibrations of happiness at all times, and let the flag of the practical glorification of BapDada remain always hoisted. Achcha.

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