Avyakt BapDada 5th December 1994

Today, Baba the ocean of love is seeing his spiritual children who are merged in love. This Godly love is only attained by you children. The first stage is simply to have the attainment, and the second stage is to be absorbed in the experience of the attainment. Those who remain absorbed in Godly love cannot be separated from this love. Their sparkle, intoxication, and rays of experience are so powerful that, let alone something coming close to them, it doesn’t even have the courage to look at them, even from a distance. If you constantly had this experience, then you would not have to make any other type of effort, nor would you have to battle.

Some children have developed the nature of wastefulness – they listen to or speak or think wasteful things, and do not even realise they are doing it. Even if someone gives them a signal, because they have the wisdom of Maya, they consider themselves to be very sensible. Either they have the sense of Maya, or they develop carelessness. The sense of Maya makes them consider themselves to be right even when they are doing something wrong. They think there is no one else who is as knowledgeable, as yogi, or as much of a server, as they are. The shadow of Maya influences their mind and intellect in such a way that they are not able to decide anything accurately. The sense of Maya makes them move away from Godly sense. The cleverness of Maya is no less – those who have yoga with Maya are also unshakeable and constant yogis – therefore they are not able to understand the difference. They are intoxicated with (their own) words. This is why BapDada tells the children to be merged in the experiences of attainment – to be the unlimited embodiment of all attainments – and only then to come into action.

Due to the closeness of time, it is essential to have an atmosphere of unlimited disinterest, in a practical way. The correct attitude of disinterest is to remain loving to the same extent that you are detached. There should be this balance. To be loving includes having the feeling of being an instrument and being humble.There should be no consciousness of “mine”, “my task”, “my place”, “my fortune”. Your consciousness of mine has increased in royal form. Unlimited disinterest includes disinterest in the consciousness of “mine”.

Whether they are gyani or agyani, both say that the situations of the world are very bad. How much longer can this world continue? How can it continue? However, the world is still continuing. The foundation of the closeness of time is the unlimited attitude of disinterest. BapDada checked and saw that, instead of unlimited disinterest, the expansion of new types of small and big attachments is very large. This expansion has hidden the essence. These attachments seem very tasty – you have tasted them once or twice and the taste pulls you. You are doing service, which is good, but check whether you have the feeling of being an instrument, or whether there is any attachment. Instead of “Baba, Baba” do you say “mine, mine”?

BapDada has told you earlier that you make a very big mistake while moving along – you do not wish to make it, but still you make it. For others, you become judges, while for yourself you become your own lawyers. You should become your own judge, but instead you become the judge of others. What do lawyers do? They prove the truth to be false, and the false to be the truth. And no one else knows to the same extent as lawyers do, how to give proof. You make the mistake of not becoming your own judge. To make remarks about others is very easy, but first you must transform the self. Your slogan is “self transformation brings world transformation”.

BapDada continues to smile whilst seeing the ways of Maya. Maya is so clever. She even makes the master almighty authority souls belong to her. So now create an atmosphere of unlimited disinterest – this attitude should not just be intellectual, but it should be in the heart also. Create this wave in your heart.

With love you have reached here, and BapDada has also reached here. Look at how much power there is in love. Where there is love, effort is not felt to be effort, difficulties are not felt to be difficulties.

To the most elevated fortunate souls in all four directions – to the elevated souls who are constantly merged in the experiences of all attainments – to the close souls who intensify their powers of discrimination and decision-making – to the instrument souls who are constantly powerful and make others powerful – to the souls who are worthy to receive blessings through having the balance of being loving and detached – love, remembrances, and namaste from BapDada.

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