Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1994

Today, BapDada, creator of the new age, is seeing his children, who have a right to the kingdom of the new world. In front of the new age, this new year is not a big thing. Everything and every being in this new age is new – there is no name or trace of old things – the beings are satopradhan, and nature is also satopradhan, that is, it is new. So congratulations for the new year and for the new age. The new year starts tomorrow, and it should be clear to you that the new age is about to come – both are a matter of tomorrow.

Can you see your dress, the new age body? You can see it in front of you can you not? You will just let go of the old dress and adopt the new dress. That dress is good, it is sparkling, it is beautiful. At present everybody has one or more fault – someone’s nose is crooked, someone’s eyes are crooked. In the new age every physical organ will be accurate.

BapDada constantly sees the sparkling eyes of each child – he sees the sparklng jewel on the forehead of each one, the elevated soul, and together with that he sees the elevated line of fortune of each one.

It is a common matter to bid farewell to the old year, but all of you have to bid farewell to Maya, to its every trace and progeny (creation). There should not be even the slightest trace remaining – Maya recreates its creation very quickly form the slightest trace. So bid farewell, and give greetings. Give greetings for the new year, and for the angelic form. You are angels – you come down form above, perform your task, and fly away again. The wings have been shown as the sign of the flying stage. Constantly stay in the angelic form, and see others in that form. The are angels, instruments for giving the message. So give congratulations for the angelic form.

No matter what someone is like, the world can be changed with vision. Brahmins can be changed. Your vision and attitude will change every soul. BapDada sometimes laughs at the children. You must also be laughing at yourself. On the one hand you say you are the world transformers, the world benefactors, on the other you come and say you are not able to transform another soul. Can you not change yourself? If you do not transform yourself then how will you transform the world?

Make this promise to yourself – you will never see anyone’s weakness or defects. You will not listen to them, you will not speak of them, you will not see them. Let this year become the year of good wishes and the embodiment of virtues. One who transforms everyone does not get coloured by the atmosphere and does not come under anyone’s influence. If the transformer becomes influenced, what kind of transformation will he bring about? So, celebrate this year by being the embodiment of virtues and having good wishes. You should take anyone’s impure aspects as something pure. Even whilst seeing anything impure, see it with your pure vision. When you are able to change nature, are you not able to change human souls? Are you not able to transform Brahmin souls? Finish the word “reason” and see only the word “solution”. Transform the reasons into solutions. Achcha.

Just look out! When BapDada watches his TV he enjoys himself a great deal. He does not see the iron aged TV, but the TV of Brahmins. You should not watch the TV. Baba has great pleasure when he sees the games of the children. You play Mickey Mouse games do you not? Someone becomes a lion, or someone becomes a dog for a little while. When you become angry, what are you at that time? When you discuss something continually, or wage war against someone, whilst trying to prove yourself right, what are you at that time? You become Mickey Mouse do you not? So, this year do not become Mickey Mouse. Become an angel. Celebrate this year as a powerful year. The time has to come close, and you have to bring it close.

In the new year, as well as giving greetings, you also give gifts. So in this new year whoever comes into contact or connection with you, whether they are part of the Brahmin family or are other souls, constantly give them the gift of sweet words of love, and the gift of one or another virtue or power. You can give a gift in one second – you cannot say that you did not have any time. With an attitude of elevated wishes and elevated feelings, then with your drishti and a smile from your heart, you can give someone a lot even in one second. Give a gift to whoever comes – don’t let them go empty handed. Do you have this many gifts?

Give love and you will receive love. If anyone does not give you love, then just take love from that person. There is no harm in this taking. Even if that person is angry with you, you should take that as a form of love. You are the transformers, remember – you can change the negative into positive.

Transform “I” and “mine” – they distress you a great deal. Whenever you use the word “I”, keep your original form in your awareness – “I am a soul”. When you use the word mine, think “my Baba”. Then you will become constant yogis. You have to go into the unlimited – you souls are to transform the whole unlimited world. When you think of “I” the soul, then the feelings and intentions change, and it is the intention and feelings that either deceive you or give you happiness.

The new year is for newness, so let there be newness in every aspect. Do not make effort that takes a lot of labour, but do it with enjoyment. Make your effort with great pleasure and enjoyment. Enjoy yourself. Remember only the one from whom you receive attainment. Merge all limited feelings of “mine” in just “my Baba”. Let “my Baba” touch your heart. Those who accept Baba in their hearts never forget Baba. Make the common words that you use, “I” and “mine”, inspire the flying stage. And let your effort be entertaining.

When many sit in remembrance they just remember “I am a point of light”. They cannot stabilise in the form of light – they cannot forget their body. Remember your titles, and your list of attainments. Each day, change one of your titles. Today you are the jewel of the eyes, and tomorrow you are the jewel of the forehead. Every day remember a different point of attainment. You experience happiness from attainment.

Let this year be the year of enjoyment. You are in the angelic form. You live in the world of angels. Wherever you look, you see only angels. Some angels are flying, some are giving a message, some are performing actions with their physical organs whilst having come down to earth. This is what should be visible. The world should change. Wherever you look, it is a world of angels. Let there be transformation of your vision, and transformation of your attitude. Achcha.

To all the elevated souls who have a right to the kingdom of the new age – to the special souls who are constantly instruments for self transformation and world transformation – to the souls who are loved by everyone, who constantly bring newness and greatness in their effort – to the worthy souls who constantly reveal the Father’s name – to the easy yogi souls who constantly use the accurate meaning of “I” and “mine” – BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

To all the children in all four directions, multi multi multi million-fold greetings for the new year. In this new year, have the determined thought that you will constantly remain happy and distribute the dilkush toli to everyone. No matter what circumstances may be, the circumstances will disappear, but your happiness should not disappear. Congratulations for having bid farewell for all time to the old things and the matters of the old world. Achcha. Greetings. Achcha.

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