Avyakt BapDada 23rd December 1994

Today, BapDada is seeing the three forms of the children in all four directions. – the Brahmin form, the angelic form, and the deity form.

To be a Brahmin is to be a conqueror of Maya and so you must become complete with all powers. If you are weak in even one power, you become a warrior, constantly battling. The duty of a warrior is to battle, and the duty of a Brahmin is to be easily and constantly a conqueror of Maya. A warrior is sometimes defeated, because even though he receives the powers, that is the weapons, he is not able to imbibe them. There is fluctuation: sometimes he has all rights, and sometimes he is a royal beggar who asks Baba for power.

A Brahmin form means one who constantly has the crown of responsibility of world benefit, one who constantly and naturally has the tilak of awareness, one who is constantly seated on Baba’s heart-throne. A Brahmin constantly has a spiritual face and character.

A Brahmin will become an angel. A warrior will not become an angel. An angel is double light, and carries no burden. So are you double light? Or do you carry a burden? Maya places the basket load on your head. Maya shows her artificial and temporary power in such a way that even though you do not wish to carry a burden, you still carry it out of compulsion, because you are weak. Anyone who is weak is always dependent on others. So Maya makes you dependent. You forget that you have all rights. To have all rights is to be free. One who is under the influence of others can never have a life of pleasure.

To be an angel is to be double light – to experience lightness, to remain light throughout the day in your nature, sanskars, relationships and connections. The sign of being light is that you will constantly loved by everyone. You will be loving to everyone, and detached from them. Your actions will transform others. You should be liked by everyone – if they don’t recognise you, then give them your recognition through your own will power. For this you need the power to tolerate.

An angel has no relationship with the old body and the old world. You are loving, but have you become detached? You must renounce body consciousness and the arrogance of the body. As you become more knowledgeable, and more yogi, there are many types of subtle arrogance that emerge: arrogance of the intellect, of your elevated sanskars, of your good nature, of your specialities, your special talent, the success of your service. This subtle arrogance is even deeper than body consciousness. The consciousness of “I” and “mine” is the door of arrogance. Those who have arrogance very quickly feel insulted. You must remember the Bestower – the one who does and who gets things done through others.

An angel becomes a deity. A deity is adorned with all the virtues. A deity gives. So, just as you always remember the three relationships of father, teacher and satguru, so you should also remember these three form of yours. You have to become this. Today a Brahmin, tomorrow an angel, and then a deity. Just see your angelic form in the mirror of knowledge.

Angels always fly and give messages. You are these angels. You come, give your message, and then fly away.

So – you are victorious – not warriors. If you become a warrior again and again – if you keep on battling – you will be in the moon dysnasty. You would not like that would you? Are you the real Brahmins or are you a little weak? Are the shaktis strong? Are the pandavs strong? The shaktis have been made the instruments, and the pandavs are the backbone. Do you like being the backbone? Or do you like causing opposition? It is good to be the backbone. You remain very safe, otherwise you are beaten.

To all the Brahmins who are to become angels, and the angels who are to become deities – to the souls who are the embodiment of remembrance of all three forms – to the elevated souls who make themselves double light with the awareness of Karankaravnahar – to those who constantly give as the deities, the bestowers – to the souls who are complete with al treasures – to the karma yogi souls who put all blessings into practical action – BapDada’s love, remembrances, Christmas greetings, and namaste.

All of you have pure attachment to the dadis do you not? Not the attachment that gives sorrow, but attachment that gives happiness. The more attachment you have, the more free form attachment you are. You are loving and detached.

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