Avyakt BapDada 14th December 1994

People of the world speak of being the richest in the world, but all of you are the richest in the kalpa. Throughout the entire kalpa, you would never find any one who thinks that not only is he the richest in the birth, but that he will remain the richest of all in his many future births. So today BapDada is seeing his children who are the emperors of emperors, the kings of kings.

The easiest method to accumulate an income is to apply a dot. You are a dot. Baba is also a dot. You must continue to apply a dot to the past, to whatever has happened in the drama. There is no need to use any question or exclamation marks, because you have become master knowledge-full. So “how” has changed to “like this”. It is easy to apply a dot. How long does it take? Less than one second. If you apply any other kind of mark, you lose your treasures of knowledge, powers, virtues, thoughts, and you waste energy.

Instead of your breath being used in a worthwhile way, it goes to waste. Your thoughts are wasted and your time is wasted. So you lose so much. Do not ever think that you lost only one or two seconds. How much did you lose in those one or two seconds? Even one second is important. What did you earn and what did you lose? If you want the full inheritance you must make full effort. Those who maintain courage receive help.

The majority of you waste your time and waste your words. Check if there was soul consciousness and pure feelings in every word you spoke – if not, then those words are definitely filled with the feelings of Maya. There are many of them – jealousy, envy, dislike – these feelings are merged to some extent. Many times your words are weak – this is waste. Powerful words make others souls experience the feeling and strength of attainment.

Your attainment is so great, in three forms – the form of inheritance, the form of study, which is the source of your income, and the form of blessings. You have an unlimited inheritance, the income is unlimited, and the blessings are also unlimited. Did you ever think that you would receive God’s blessings every day?It is your right. You have a right to the inheritance, the study, and the blessings. You have such a huge right! It is very ordinary to say this in words – so constantly keep your rights emerged in your awareness before you take any step: “I belong to Baba – I am this”. Let there be this awareness in your intellect, and let your every action be filled with the intoxication and faith of being one who has a right.

Increase your effort now, because time is waiting for you, the master creators. If we were to order the elements now, what could they not do? What would not be possible if all the five elements were to begin to create upheaval now? And how long would that take? Time, the elements, and Maya, are waiting for you to bid farewell. If you celebrate your completion and perfection, then they would bid you farewell as they go. Maya also sees that you are not yet ready, and so she continues to take her chance. Should we order the elements? Are the beings, the people ready? The elements will then be ready. Should we order them? Or should we order them after Gyan Sarovar is ready? Are you ever ready to this extent, or are you only ready? Are the shaktis ever ready? If only a few are ready, then that is not being ever ready, is it?

Just think about this and check: if the great destruction were to take place now, and you looked at your picture in the mirror of knowledge, what would you become? Look at the picture of your fortune. Since it is remembered for Brahma that he created the world with just one thought, then can destruction not take place with just one thought? Baba knows that the kingdom has to continue, but what would Brahma alone do in a kingdom? He needs companions, does he not? So father Brahma is also waiting for his companions. Baba is asking the children a question. Children have already asked Baba many questions. Now Baba is asking the children to fix a date. Fix a date for this – the inauguration for this has to take place. The date for Gyan Sarovar is fixed, the date for the hospital is fixed, so what is the date for this? Who has to fix this? Does anyone want to fix it? Baba does not have to fix it. Baba has left this in your hands. You will also do something, will you not? Or will Baba do everything? You will create a programme, will you not? Make a programme to fix the date. Achcha.

You have to create a kingdom. Create such a powerful atmosphere that the elements become your servants – instead of creating upheaval, they will serve you as your servants.

The kingdom is already ready, the subjects are also ready. What do you have to do? Simply put the seal. Achcha.

Pandavs are always shown in an incognito form. They carry on with their task, but keep their form incognito. They stayed with the king in an incognito way. So here also, our kingdom is to be established in an incognito way. Achcha.

To the highest and richest elevated souls in all four directions – to the souls who are masters of all treasures – to the intense effort-making souls who constantly keep themselves ever ready – to the extremely close souls who constantly accumulate their account of elevated income through their time, thoughts, and words – BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

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