Avyakt BapDada 3rd February 1988

Today, BapDada, the one who fulfills all the hopes of all the souls of the world, is seeing His spiritual lamps of pure hope. Just as Baba fulfills the pure hopes of everyone, so the children also fulfill the pure hopes of Baba. Every Brahmin soul is a lamp for Baba’s hopes – a lamp is a constantly burning light – a lamp that is constantly burning is loved.

: Today Bap and Dada were having a heart to heart conversation about the children. Brahma Baba has to take you home with him and also has to stay with you. Shiv Baba will take you with him, but he will not be with you in the kingdom or through the rest of the kalpa. One will be with you always, whereas the other will observe with detachment. Pure hopes of making the children constantly equal emerge from Brahma Baba – in fact both the mother and the father are responsible. The mother’s love is pure and not one of attachment or viciousness. Brahma Baba has the pure hope that you will become a detached observer and companion like BapDada. Both Bap and Dada are completely satisfied with the children in one respect – all children have very good love for the father – the thread of love is strong. Souls are surrendered to BapDada’s love. Baba is satisfied with the rosary of love. However souls are number-wise in being powerful like Baba, and in being detached from the cycle of “ifs” and “buts”. When there is a need to become a detached observer, you become a companion, and when you need to become a companion, you become detached. To fulfill both needs according to the time is to become like Baba.

The rosary of love is ready – however BapDada has the hope that the rosary of victory will be just as long, not just of 108 – don’t be limited by 108. Brahma Baba has the second hope that there will be constant good wishes and pure thoughts, in action, for every Brahmin soul. You have deep love in the heart for Baba – you belong to Baba – this love is unbreakable. There should be such love for the Brahmin family as well. Become like Baba in this.

Love is so elevated, that whether you do something, or someone else does it, happiness is experienced equally in both. Baba was pleased to let the children move ahead in service – love removes the consciousness of “I”. Where there is love, there will be faith. Let there be as much love for the children as there is for Baba.

If Maya comes in service, the root cause is that there isn’t love in the heart – and so no feeling of renunciation. Don’t be happy thinking “I have 40 centres” – but how many centres are free from Maya? Samja (do you understand)?

Service means there is co-operation with the self and co-operation with others, and that the fruit of contentment is visible. So check – what is the reason – why is the fruit not received? Check the method and change it. This is true service – service should be from the heart.

To all the lamps of hope of the Brahmin family; to those who constantly fulfill BapDada’s pure hopes; to those who maintain the balance of love in the heart for Baba and for the family; to those who constantly accumulate the greatest account of service from the heart, to such lamps of Baba’s pure hopes, to the servers who do service with a true heart, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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