Avyakt BapDada 26th January 1988

Today, the eternal Father and the original father are seeing the double form of the eternal saligram children and original Brahmin children. As saligrams you are supremely worship-worthy, and as Brahmins and deities you are worthy of praise and worship. Both fathers were pleased on seeing both forms of the worship worthy souls. The eternal Father makes the brahmin children, which includes the original father, that is Brahma Baba, worthy of worship in a double form, even more so than he is. The eternal Father is worshiped in only the one incorporeal form. However the Brahmin children, including Brahma, are worshiped in both the incorporeal and corporeal forms.

: Today BapDada was seeing the children’s specialties. Each child has his own specialty. Some, who have recognized the specialties of Baba and all the Brahmin souls, have imbibed all the specialties themselves, and so have become elevated special souls. Some are happy on seeing the specialties, but do not have the courage to imbibe them all. And some don’t see all souls of the Brahmin family with the importance of their specialty – the see each other with ordinary vision – they do not see or recognize the specialty – their intellect does not pick up virtues, so they do not recognize virtue. Every Brahmin soul definitely has one or another virtue – even the last bead of the rosary of 16,108 – this is why Baba’s vision has fallen on that soul. However souls become number-wise in constantly seeing and recognizing each one’s speciality. BapDada knows a soul may be weak in imbibing knowledge, in service, or in remembrance, but he has the speciality of recognising Baba, the broad intellect of belonging to Baba, and the divine vision of seeing Baba – they understand that which famous scholars of today are not able to recognise or understand – at least they are in the lucky handful out of multimillions – they have become special because they belong to the highest on high Father.

Every Brahmin soul has speciality. Some make use of it and they plant the seed in the ground – and it grows into a tree – and they receive the fruit. But sparrows and other birds come to eat the fruit, Maya comes in the form of “I am special – this is my speciality”. It is a speciality gained through Baba – Baba is the one who supplies the specialty – it came after you became a Brahmin – a gift in Brahmin life is a gift from Baba. So pay attention even after receiving fruit, that is even after achieving success in service. Otherwise Maya the sparrow, the birds will spoil the fruit and make it drop off. A damaged image is not worshiped – it is accepted as an image but is not worshiped. In the same way, those Brahmin souls who have received the fruit of service, but let the consciousness of “I” spoil the fruit, will not loved from the hearts of the entire Brahmin family, and nor will they become worthy of worship.

It is one thing to give regard from the heart, but another to give regard because of an external code of conduct. At the confluence, souls constantly sing songs and ignite the light of true love from their heart for the worship worthy souls who have sacrificed themselves to Baba – they light the incense and the lamps of pure feelings for those souls, and in the same way, sacrifice themselves. Such souls constantly wear the tilak of remembrance – they become worship worthy at this time with the alokik method. The worship at this time is more elevated than the worship on the path of bhakti. From now on you must become worthy of worship.

Brahma became number one worthy of worship at the Confluence Age, and also number one worthy of worship for the future – Lakshmi and Narayan are number one worship-worthy are they not? You can become the same, can you not? The elevated name and task of the Brahmins is famous, even in the last birth – it has continued for all time. Although it is your name, the ones who have that name now do their work.

In Brahmin life there is less effort for greater attainment – effort is nothing when there is love. So, constantly see the specialties in Brahma Baba, and of others, in front of you. Tell each one the importance of their own specialties, and make them special. To make others special means to become special yourself. Do you understand? Achcha.

To the number one souls of all four directions, to the elevated worship worthy souls of the Confluence Age, to the children who are to become equal by keeping Brahma Baba in front of themselves, to both forms of the corporal Brahmin souls: love, remembrance, and namaste from the original father, and from the eternal Father.

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