Avyakt BapDada 22nd January 1988

Today, BapDada the Ocean of Love is pleased seeing his loving children. All the loving souls have the one elevated desire – to be equal to Baba, to be merged in love. To merge in love means to be equal to Baba. There is the determined thought, in everyone’s heart, to give the return of the love, the powerful sustenance, of the limitless imperishable treasures, that you receive from BapDada. To give this return means to merge in love and become equal to Baba – everyone can do this.

These days Brahma Baba’s remembrance emerges especially in everyone’s heart – not remembrance of the body, but of the activity, of his specialities – because of the awareness of knowledge, remembrance of the body does not bring sorrow. In lokik life, because of the relationship of the body, there is sorrow when someone is remembered – but you children remember alokik Baba and become powerful.

Some children reveal the love in their heart through the love in the eyes – the love of the meeting of the heart. Yoga makes the soul royal. True love in the heart brings power – and you are able to give the return to Baba. By giving a return – by becoming equal – you will return with Baba to the sweet home – you will return together.

Baba was seeing the specialities of Brahma Baba – how many are there? There are many – there was a speciality in every step, in every thought, at all times – he constantly had the zeal and enthusiasm to make everyone else special – to give everyone else zeal and enthusiasm. Every word was invaluable, yuktiyukt (accurate according to need), and filled with sweetness. The words gave courage and hope to those who and lost hope – they made weak souls fly in the flying stage – and made them worthy for service. He became the companion of the children in every action, and made them karma yogis – he was not simply a detached observer, but to teach the children the importance of physical karma, he became their companion in karma – he taught the lesson “as are my actions, seeing me the children will automatically do the same”. Within relationships and connections, even with little children, he became like the children and made them happy. With mature ones, in a mature form, and experienced form, he constantly brought them into zeal and enthusiasm. He adopted the form of a child with a child, a young form with a youth, and an elderly form with an elder, and he constantly made them move forward. Through relationship and connection he constantly gave the feeling of belonging. Even a little child would say “Baba doesn’t love anyone else as much as he loves me” – he gave that much to each one. He saw the speciality and virtue of each soul. All the children experienced such specialities. So to become like this, to become equal, is to follow the father – this is love – this is giving the return.

Baba was seeing how much return was given by each children – everyone has the aim of doing so, but in practical lie it becomes a different number. Everyone wishes to be number one – this is a good and powerful aim. But there is equality only when the aim and activity are the same. The first step of courage that Brahma Baba took for this was surrendering everything. He didn’t think about “what will happen, how will it happen” but within a second, as soon as Baba gave a signal, Brahma Baba took the step – this is the first step of courage. He surrendered his body, and he made his mind successful through the method of manmanabhav (fix your mind on me) – so every thought brought results. He became carefree and surrendered his wealth without any future worries – he had the faith that this is not giving, but receiving multi-millionfold. In the same way he surrendered relationships – he transformed lokik relationships into alokik ones – he didn’t leave them, but brought benefit to them. He surrendered the intellect of “I”, of arrogance, and so remained cool and clean, and gave happiness. He had no trace of doubt, even in dreams.

The wonder of Brahma was that he had no corporeal example in front of him, yet had unshakeable faith, with only the support of Baba’s divine shrimat. It is very easy for you people because you have many examples of transformation in front of you – it is clear what you have to do and what you must become, and what will happen, and how it will happen. Brahma Baba had one strength, only one support – on this basis he became faithful, the number one victorious soul. Because of his surrender, his intellect always remained light – there was no burden – his mind was carefree. On his face you constantly saw the clear signs of a carefree emperor – you saw this didn’t you? There were 350 children but no flour to prepare food, and the children had to be served on time – can anyone remain carefree in such a situation? The bell has to ring at one o’clock, and there is no flour until eleven o’clock. Who would remain carefree? He remained cheerful and unshakeable thinking “it is Baba’s responsibility and not mine. I belong to Baba and the children are also Baba’s, I am an instrument”. Who else would have such faith and certainty? He was a soul surrendered in the mind and intellect. There were only powerful thoughts – that Baba is the constant protector and Benefactor. This is surrender. And so there was flour in time and the bell did ring, and everyone passed. This is known as not raising a question mark, of not taking a wrong path, but of always putting the dot of benefit, a full stop. With this method everything becomes easy.

So today you heard about the wonder of Brahma – you heard about the first step of courage. So follow the father in this way. Become free from the burden of worry. This is giving the return of love. Achcha.

To those who constantly follow the father in every step, giving the return of love; to those who constantly have faith and remain certain and carefree emperors; to those who are to become equal to Baba in mind, words, actions, and relationships, with constant good wishes, constantly seeing the specialities of others; to those who inspire every soul to move forward, to such souls who are equal to Baba, love, remembrances, and namaste, from the loving Father.

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