Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1988

(18 Jan)

: Today Baba the powerful One is seeing the powerful children from all four directions, those He has inspired to become the embodiment of remembrance. Today is the day to experience the balance between love and power. Today you stay merged in the remembrance and love of Brahma Baba, who is the elevated symbol of equality in love and power. One minute there is immense love, the next there is elevated power. With love and through love he made all the children constantly powerful. He didn’t simply attract them towards himself with love – through love created a powerful army and made them instruments for service in front of the world. He made them constantly loving and taught the lesson of becoming free from attachment, karmateet. To the end, through drishti, he gave the blessing of being constantly detached and loving.

: Today children from all four directions reached the subtle regions to celebrate the meeting with BapDada, in different forms, with the love of different relationships, and with the experience of the stage of being equal to Baba, some through the intellect, and some through divine vision. BapDada knows that he children have deep love for Brahma Baba – whether you took sustenance through the corporeal form, or are taking sustenance through the subtle form, he is the great mother, and children have natural love for the mother. Baba knows this is the reason the children remember Brahma the mother – however the love in the heart should be equalled by the visible love of zeal and enthusiasm. The spiritual love of the spiritual mother does not divorce your yoga, but makes you an easy yogi, a raj yogi, a king. The spiritual attachment of the spiritual mother is that of wishing every child to become a king, not a subject. Are you those who create subjects, or those who become subjects?

: Today there was a spiritual conversation between the mother and the Father. Baba asked Brahma the mother: “what is remembered on this special day of the children’s love?” Brahma said: “at amrit vela the children who are equal were remembered – those who are loving and those who are equal”. The loving children have the desire and elevated thought to become equal, but there isn’t constant power – obstacles make them weak and distant. Due to their love they don’t forget Baba, they are firm Brahmins, they don’t step back, they are immortal, but they become frightened on seeing the obstacles at the time.

You have experienced the knowledge-full, powerful and successful stages over a long period of time – you are the souls who have experienced the difficulties of Maya, of nature, and of other souls who have become instruments in bringing difficulties, many times before – it is not a new thing. You know the beginning, the middle and the end of difficulties. Forget about the innumerable kalpas, in the Brahmin life of this kalpa you have become experienced in overcoming difficulties, through understanding and applying knowledge. You are not new in this – you have become old – even those who have been coming for one year are old in this experience – this lesson is taught to everyone. So don’t lose time through fear of obstacles.

Some have reached the stage of being equal, but the majority have still to come close to being equal. You are remembering the day of remembrance and Brahma the mother is remembering the day of you becoming equal. Turn this day of remembrance into the day of power. Brahma the mother cannot bear to se the weaknesses of the loving children – so quickly come close to the stage of being equal. This is the love of the mother. Follow the father in every step. Brahma is the only special soul whose part as a mother and a father in a corporeal form is fixed in drama. The children remember the double form of the great soul who has a double part – but when you remember him, remember the elevated hope in the heart of Brahma the mother and father, that everyone should become equal. Do you understand? Become equal in thoughts, words and in relationship and in connection. To become equal means to become powerful.

The Lord is pleased with an honest heart. If the Bestower is pleased, what could be lacking? So it is very easy to please the Bestower of Blessings, the Bestower of Fortune, the Innocent Father. If God is pleased, you will be free from Dharamraj the account keeper, and you will also be free from Maya. Achcha.

To the children from all four directions who remain stable in the stage of being equal in love and power; to those who constantly fulfil the elevated desire of the mother and father; to those who recognise the lamp of hope, and the importance of service, and constantly follow the father at every step; to such children who are the embodiments of remembrance, to all the powerful children, love and remembrance and namaste from the powerful Father on this powerful day.

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