Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1987

Today, the trimurti Father is seeing three confluences. One is the confluence of Baba and the children, another is the confluence of the two ages, and third confluence is that of today and the new year. The confluence of the two years gives inspiration for newness. During this new year, let greetings and congratulations emerge from your heart all the time for every Brahmin soul and for those ignorant (agyani) souls who come into relationship or connection. To greet one another means to exchange happiness. No matter what their reaction is like, you, the elevated souls who receive greetings from BapDada at all times, should give happiness constantly to everyone. If they give you a thorn, give them a spiritual rose in return. Do not become as they are. Do not become ignorant with those who are ignorant, who are under the influence of their own sanskaras or nature. You are bestowers – you are deities – those who give. So in this new year keep giving greetings of happiness – throughout the year – not just for two days. Your greetings from the heart will make the hearts of other souls happy.

Distribute the sweet that brings happiness to the heart. Don’t eat or give this sweet to others for only one day. Eat the sweet that sweetens the mouth as much as you wish, and give it to others – feed many with sweets. You experience happiness just by hearing about sweets, aren’t you? In today’s world people are afraid to eat sweets, but you can eat this sweet that brings happiness to the heart as much as you wish, and you can give it to others. This will not cause sickness, because BapDada is making the children equal to himself.

This year become like the Father in front of the world and in front of the Brahmin family. Every soul experiences sweetness and happiness by saying “Baba” – the word “baba” sweetens their mouth – this is because there is attainment. In the same way every Brahmin soul should be happy as soon as they mention the name of another Brahmin soul, because, like the Father, you also have an exchange with each other through the specialities attained from Baba. You co-operate with one another, become companions, and enable each other to progress. Don’t be each other’s life companions, but companions in the task. Just as souls begin to dance as soon as they remember Baba, in the same way all Brahmin souls should experience spiritual happiness, and not limited happiness, as soon as they rememeber each Brahmin soul. Give greetings to one another at all times, with every thought.

Everyone’s aim is the same – to become like the Father – because without becoming equal you will not return with Baba to the sweet home, nor will you come into the kingdom with Brahma Baba. The soul will come down from up above, will it not? Souls will not only return together but will come down with Brahma Baba, and they will also become worshipped with Brahma Baba. So there is the companionship of many births.

The speciality of this year is the number 88. There is so much significance in the number 8. Look, the memorial of your worship worthy stage is that of 8 arms, 8 powers, 8 jewels, 8 kingdoms. The number 8 is remembered in many ways.

This year become equal to the Father. Become like Brahma Baba in your thoughts, and in the words that you speak while coming into connection and relationship. It is easy to become like Brahma Baba, isn’t it? He was corporeal, the soul who took 84 births. He is the soul who has the experience of being worthy as well as being worshipper. He has experience of everything, the old sanskars of the old world, old karmic accounts, and also of being in the gathering and working with others. It isn’t difficult to follow the one who has all experiences. So Baba says “place every footstep over the footsteps of Brahma Baba”. Follow the footsteps. What is diificult about that? You don’t have to find a new path, but simply copy – it is easy to copy someone else, isn’t it? Just copy Brahma – what else do you need to do? You have that much wisdom don’t you?

Both Bap and Dada are waiting to return with you. The incorporeal Father is resident of the supreme region, but at the confluence He has to play a part through the corporeal. As the part of this cycle of one kalpa draws to a conclusion, the part of both Bap and Dada comes to an end for this kalpa. The kalpa will repeat again – so the incorporeal Father is in bondage to play a part again with you children. It is a pure bondage, but it is still a bondage – the bondage of playing a part, the bondage of love, the bondage of service – it is a sweet bondage, not a bondage of the suffering of karma.

So what have you heard? The new year is that of constant greetings; of becoming like the Father; and of claiming the blessings of returning with Baba to the sweet home, and of being with Baba in the sweet kingdom.

Constantly be with Baba from now on. To be with Baba now means to be with Baba for all time. Otherwise you wil be part of the procession. Instead of being one of the close relations, you will be a distant relative, and you will meet with Baba only sometimes. You aren’t those who meet sometimes, are you? The sparkle and splendour of happiness of the first birth in the first kingdom, and of being one of the royal relations of the first numbered sovereigns, the world emperor and empress, is unique. There is still a difference in being part of the royal family of the second numbered world emperor and empress. There is a difference of one birth. This cannot be called being with Baba. What is said when something has been used even once? It is known as used object, isn’t it? It cannot be called new, can it? To return together with Baba, to come down together, to be part of the royal family and claim the fortune of the kingdom with Baba in the first birth, this is known as becoming equal to the Father. What will you do? Will you become equal, or become part of the procession?

BapDada was seeing the difference between the enlightened ones, and the ignorant ones – Baba was seeing this is in the form of a scene. What are Baba’s chilren like, and what are the ignorant ones like? What have the vicious souls of today’s world become? These days when a fire is burning in a huge factory, they build a chimney to let the smoke out – there is always smoke coming out, and it is always black. So, because today’s people have become vicious, under the influence of the vices, in their thoughts and words there is always the smoke of jealousy, hatred, or some other vice. From their eyes there is the smoke of the fire of vices, while you enlightened children are like angels filled with blessings. So never let the smoke of the fire of vices emerge – even in thoughts. Constantly let blessings emerge. Let there be this checking – does smoke emerge instead of blessings? An angel is the embodiment of blessings. If ever such a thought or word emerges then bring the scene of what you have become at that time in front of you, and ask yourself “have I changed from an angel?”. Waste thoughts are also smoke. The other is the smoke of an intensely burning fire, but this is smoke of a half burning fire. What happens when a fire is not fully lit, when there is just a tiny flame burning? There is smoke, is there not?

So, be master merciful, compassionate, a constant bestower of blessings – be like an angel. Have mercy on your self and on others. Don’t speak about the things that you see and hear – don’t think about them. Have compassion, good wishes, and mercy, for the souls you hear saying, and see doing, such things. Don’t have mercy in any other way – don’t give them blessings with your hand – but to not keep in your mind what you saw means to have mercy for that soul. To speak of wasteful things means to allow the seed of a wasteful tree to grow. When a tree of waste grows, the one who started it becomes even more stubborn to justify the waste. So what is spreading in the atmosphere? The waste has spread – it is smoke that is spreading. So merge the waste you see with love – while listening to i
t, merge it with the pure feelings of love. Don’t extend it further. This is known as having mercy on others, of giving blessings. So become master merciful, compassionate.

So this year make preparations for becoming equal to the Father, for returning with Baba, and for living with Baba. Don’t think it is better to stay behind a little longer. Even if you stay, stay after having become like the Father. Anyone who wants to stay has permission, but only having become equal to the Father. Are you are ever-ready? Whether it is service that is keeping you, or the drama that is keeping you, is something else, but don’t stay behind because of your own reasons. Don’t be the ones who stay behind under the influence of the bondage of karma. The book of karma accounts should be clean and clear. Do you understand? Achcha.

Let the greetings of becoming great in the great new year be with all the children of all four directions. To those who follow the Father with courage and constantly feed one another with the sweet that brings happiness to the heart, to those angels who are constantly giving blessings, to such children who are equal to Baba, to those who are merciful and compassionate, BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

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