Avyakt BapDada 2nd November 1987

Today, BapDada, the World Transformer, World Benefactor is seeing his children who are loving, co-operative world transformers. Each one is busy in the service of world transformation through self transformation. Transformation is guaranteed – you are simply becoming instrumental by becoming co-operative easy yogis, and in making your present and future elevated.

The basis of being successful in self transformation, of being lived by the self and loved by the people, is the power of realisation. Your first transformation in Brahmin life was “I am a soul and Baba is mine” – this transformation didn’t take place simply by hearing about it, but through realisation – the realisation brings the experience and then transformation takes place. Until there is that realisation, in every respect, that it is the same period of time, the same yoga, that I am that same elevated soul, the activity will not be full of zeal and enthusiasm. The power of realisation brings about transformation for all time in an easy way. You need realisation of your own weaknesses, and realisation of the situations or individuals that may become a test, the desires and feelings of these individuals, their weaknesses, their dependancies. Understand the reasons for the situation, and be conscious that “I am elevated, my original stage is elevated, and this situation is only a test paper”. This realisation will bring about easy transformation.

True realisation comes with an honest and true heart, and not just through knowledge. Some realise that something is not accurate, and the conscience speaks out, but in order to prove the self a maharathi externally, or in order that the name is not weakened or reduced within the family, the kill their conscience. To kill the conscience in this way is a great sin of suicide, and is accumulated in the account of sin. BapDada continues to smile and listens to the dialogue of the minds – it is a very beautiful dialogue – but Baba knows every leaf, and not just what is said in words. Even though Baba knows, he plays at being ignorant – being the Innocent Lord – he makes the children progress through his innocence. Why does he become so innocent? Because he is the merciful Father – Baba has the mercy of not allowing you to increase your sin. Do you understand? Some children become very clever with Baba, who is the cleverest of all, and the also become clever in front of the instrument souls. So Baba becomes the Innocent Lord, the one with a merciful heart. Baba has a clear account of each child’s actions, and the thoughts of the mind. It is not necessary to know the secrets of each one’s heart, but they are clear. Baba can tell you the date, the place, and the time of all the things you have done – but even though Baba knows, he plays at being ignorant. You heard the reason for that. So, there is a lack of realisation with an honest and a true heart.

The power of realisation brings very sweet experiences. You understand this don’t you? Sometimes experience yourself as a soul merged in Baba’s eyes. You can only be merged as a dot in the eyes – you cannot merge the body. Sometimes realise yourself as a sparkling star. Sometimes realise yourself as a co-operative right hand of Brahma Baba. Be the corporeal arms of Brahma. And sometimes experience your avyakt, angelic form. With such power of realisation, have unique spiritual experiences. Don’t just speak about knowledge – realise and experience it. Increase the power of these experiences, then when a weakness shows even a small clear mark on such a powerful mirror, you will be able to transform it automatically. The basis of self transformation is realisation.

Some children ask what Baba does all the time, but what can Baba do? You are to return home with Baba as Baba’s companions, and so you have to become worthy of that. There will be many who will follow behind, but the companions must be equal. Are you the companions, or part of the procession? The procession will be a very huge one – the wedding procession of Shiva is famous. There will be a variety in the procession, but the companions should be equal. Achcha.

To the elevated, powerful souls who make use of all power at the time of need, to the fast effort makers, those with a happy heart, who transform the self and remain clear in front of Baba the comforter of hearts, love, remembrance and namaste, from the heart of BapDada.

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