Avyakt BapDada 23rd December 1987

Today, BapDada has come to celebrate a meeting with the loving and co-operative double foreign children from all four directions. All are moving forward with zeal and enthusiasm and hope. You experience the Confluence Age as a festival and are flying. Every day of the confluence age you eat sing and dance – you eat the nourishment of happiness, sing praise of the innumerable attainments you receive from Baba, become double light, and constantly dance with enthusiasm.

At the moment in the foreign lands they are preparing to celebrate Christmas. You celebrate every day as a festival. You do service – to do service means to dance the dance of knowledge. You sing songs of the virtues of BapDada to other souls. They give perishable gifts whereas your gifts are eternal. They decorate a Christmas tree with lights or flowers, while you become sparkling stars of eternal light and might. Their festivities are memorials of your elevated actions in this confluence age, and of your deity form.

BapDada is doubly happy seeing the double foreign children. Why is that? Firstly, because the children of the previous kalpa, who were lost in various corners, have been found again. Secondly, even though hidden behind a curtain of different religions, customs, and systems, they quickly drew the curtain back and belonged to Baba. To recognise the Father from even behind the curtain is a speciality of double foreigners.

: Today BapDada was seeing three varieties of children in the subtle regions: those who speak, those who churn, and those who remain merged in experiences. These three varieties were seen among the children of this land and abroad. Many were seen who just speak. Those who churn were in the medium number. Those who remain merged in experience were few.

It is very easy to speak – it is the sanskara of 63 births. It is one thing to speak, another to speak about what you hear – you have been doing this. On the path of bhakti they listen, and repeat through chanting and prayer. Together with that there are very firm sankars of speaking wastefully with body consciousness. While thoughts of the self make the soul introverted, waste thoughts about others bring the soul into the expansion of speaking. When a Brahmin souls comes into knowledge, they quickly become clever in speaking gyan – they experience happiness and power whilst speaking, but not all the time. They attain temporary instant fruit because they are speaking knowledge given by the Bestower of knowledge.

Those who, after listening, churn and become the embodiment of knowledge and virtue, will automatically become the embodiment of power and of remembrance. Because the intellect is busy with churning, they are liberated from many obstacles – Maya moves away when it sees the soul is busy. Through churning the soul imbibes the knowledge and become powerful, and will not be defeated by situations. So the one who churns is introverted and constantly happy.

The number one stage is to remain merged in all experiences. Rather than destroying obstacles, the soul who remains merged removes the obstacle, both for the self and for others. Experience is the greatest authority of all. Through experience the soul becomes like the Father – master almighty authority. Such a soul becomes an example, and on seeing them weaker souls gain courage and enthusiasm. The souls who remain merged are like the Father – easy and detached, unlimited servers, with the intoxication of unlimited attainment. They are constantly karmateet – detached from the bondage of karma – and constantly loved by Baba, constantly satisfied and contented. They are easy natural yogis. Their lives are elevated, detached, and loving.

The words of those who remain merged sit in the hearts of others, whereas the words of those who only speak sit just in the head. Those who churn are also victorious, but the difference is in being easy and constant. Those who remain merged are constantly in Baba’ remembrance. The power of churning easily brings about the stage of being merged in experiences. So increase the power of churning. Those who remain merged are worthy of worship. Those who speak are simply worthy of praise. All three are servers, but number-wise. So become number one. Achcha.

To the elevated souls who constantly experience being merged through the power of churning, to those who are to become master almighty authority like the Father, to those who achieve their powerful worship worthy stage, to such number one and constantly victorious children, BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

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