Avyakt BapDada 22nd November 1987

Today, BapDada is seeing his courageous children from all four directions. From the beginning until now each Brahmin soul has become worthy of BapDada’s help on the basis of courage. One step of courage enables each child to receive multi-million steps of help from the Father. Whether you call this BapDada’s help, or an inheritance, it is given to every child, and due to this easy elevated attainment, souls who have been weak for 63 births become strong and are moving forward.

As soon as you took Brahmin birth, the first courage was that you made the impossible possible: you had the determined thought that you must become pure. Baba gave you mulit-million fold help by explaining that you souls were originally pure, you have become pure innumerable times before, and will become pure innumerable times. Even now the bhagats of you pure souls ask for the power of purity in front of your images. They sing songs of your purity. The sign of your purity is the crown of light. By giving you such awareness, Baba made you powerful. You have become so strong that you have become instruments to challenge the world, saying “we will definitely purify the world”. They say it is impossible to remain pure in the household, yet you speak about it in a natural way and say: “there is nothing difficult about this”. This is the original eternal form of the soul. This is the children having courage and receiving help from the Father. Baba transformed you through knowledge and remembrance, through the experience of the power of your pure stage.

Similarly Maya may have attacked you in a variety of ways from the beginning until now in a royal form, sometimes in a very obvious way, sometimes in an incognito way, sometime in an artificial Godly form. You may have been Maya’s companions for 63 births. It is very difficult for it to leave such close companions, so it is desperate to attack you in a variety of ways. Even after being attacked so many times, you children have courage, and so are worthy of multi-million fold help from the Father. Because of the help you challenge Maya saying: “your task is to come, and our task is to gain victory”. You consider attacks to be a game. You consider the lion-like form of Maya to be an insect. Why? You know the kingdom of Maya is about to come to an end, and victory is guaranteed. So when you have courage , there is the help of Baba the Almighty Authority.

Baba’s help is the gift of the Bestower. The blessings of the Bestower are like the ocean. Some children take from the Ocean, become full like the Ocean, and make others the same. Others fluctuate from fast effort to being disheartened – they sometimes take help, but other times they are careless and forget to have courage, and develop arrogance and don’t pay attention to the self. Arrogance divorces the soul from receiving help – they think: “we have already had a lot of yoga – we have become souls with knowledge – we are yogi souls as well – we have become very well known servers, centres in charge – we have established the kingdom of service, and even nature has begun to serve us – we are living our lives comfortably…”. This is carelessness in paying attention. You must pay attention to becoming complete and pay attention to keeping an attitude of unlimited distaste.

You saw Brahma Baba. Until he reached his final karmateet stage, he paid attention to himself, to service, to having unlimited distaste. He had courage from the beginning until the end. He became an instrument to give courage. He became number one in being worthy of help. Even though his future was guaranteed he didn’t become careless, but. He became so merged in the ocean of help, that even now, in the subtle form, he is, like Baba, the helper of each child in the subtle form.

If you do not use the method, you remain divorced from the blessing. Even though you are children of the Ocean, you become little ponds, sometimes standing still. Sometimes there is labour and sometimes pleasure – today you are very pleased, and tomorrow you are busy labouring to remove small pebbles – not even a mountain, but a small pebble… You are the mahavir pandav army but even a small pebble becomes a mountain! You even say to Baba: “you are incorporeal, what do you know?”. You say to the Dadis and the Didis: “you have become a Dadi – what do you know? – you have a lift from Baba”. They say very good things, but what is the reason? Just a small mistake. They forget this secret: that if the children have courage, God gives help.

You have had good courage so far – you have reached here because of your courage – you belong to Baba through courage. But your courage should be constant, and you will receive help at every step. Only the one Brahma will become number one, but there is a large number in the first division – this is why it is said: “become number one”.You can come into the first division, can’t you? This is known as becoming number one.

Baba constantly sees the children’s games – sometimes it is the game of fast efforts, and sometimes the game of carelessness. Later Baba will tell you about the children’s games of carelessness: they play very good games.

To the courageous children of all four directions, to the worthy souls who receive constant help from Baba, to those who constantly move forward until the final moment, like Brahma Baba, to the elevated, great children who are equal to Baba, BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

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