Avyakt BapDada 1st October 1987

Today, the Ocean of Love has come to meet his loving children. The love of the Father and the children is tying the world in the thread of love. When the rivers of love meet the ocean of love, they become the master ocean of love like the Father.

This is why the souls of the entire world are automatically coming close through the experience of love. Those who were like stone melt and become water – this is the wonder of the love of the Godly family. No matter how they try to draw away, Godly love pulls them close like a magnet. No matter how much they consider themselves to be on a separate path, Godly love makes souls co-operative and ties souls together to move forward in unity. You experience this.

First of all love makes souls co-operative, and in time it will make them easy yogis. This Godly love is the foundation for transformation. The seed of Godly love grows into the tree of co-operation, and in time the fruit of being easy yogis will emerge. Some fruits emerge more quickly than others. You world servers, the master oceans of love, are planting the seed of Godly love in all directions. Wherever you go, whether someone is an atheist or a theist, they experience Godly love through you, that cannot be found anywhere else. The rays reveal the sun. Godly love, spiritual love, selfless love, automatically reveals Baba, the Bestower. Through Godly love a relationship is formed with Baba, but they don’t know about it. The seed normally remains incognito to start with – but the tree is clearly visible. The seed of godly love is revealing everyone as co-operative, and so easy yogi, souls.

BapDada is pleased on seeing the various forms of service that were carried out. Whether giving lectures or doing physical service, success was achieved through co-operation. Those who kept watch, those who took care of the watch, those who cleaned, those who wiped the tables, all gave co-operation. Even those who were not here in the corporeal form gave co-operation through pure thoughts and pure feelings. This power of co-operation is very great, creating a fortress of pure thoughts and pure feelings. BapDada congratulates the children who became the instruments, but the most congratulations go to all the children. Those who gave lectures gave very good lectures, and those who decorated the stage decorated it well, and the food was prepared in a yog yukt manner, and those who served the food, and most of all those who chopped the vegetables – because the foundation is the chopping of the vegetables – if they are not chopped first then how can they be cooked? All departments have been spoken for have they not? If the one who does the cleaning does not clean well, there will not be a good impression. If each one’s face is not full of Godly love, how can there be success in service? Whatever task was carried out, each one carried it out filed with love, therefore the seed was planted in them as well. It was done with zeal and enthusiasm, therefore they were also filled with zeal and enthusiasm. Even though there was variety, the thread of love united them. This is the speciality of the canopy of the atmosphere. The atmosphere becomes the canopy, and so because they were under the canopy, no matter what their sankaras were like, they were merged in the atmosphere of love under the canopy. Samja?

Seeing your transformation others were inspired to bring about transformation. Practical proof is the greatest proof – so much more than the proof of the scriptures. All other proofs are included in this practical proof. With love and co-operation you will continue to bring them closer.

Now that the Golden Jubilee is over, you come even closer to the time of revelation. To celebrate the diamond jubilee means to spread the sound of revelation. The curtain of revelation has just begun to open. The day will come when people from all fields will meet together and say that the most elevated authority is the authority of God, the spiritual authority. This is why the plan is long term – so much time has been given for you to tie everyone in the thread of love and bring them here. When this love becomes a magnet then everyone will reach Baba’s platform and be together in one gathering. This is the plan, is it not? Achcha.

Baba wants to constantly meet the children. If the children have a desire, Baba has the desire first. Although the children have a desire, Baba has to see the time and the elements – when Baba has to come into this world, he has to consider everything of this world. Beyond this world, far into the subtle world, there is no problem with water, no problem with time, nor with accommodation either.

Those children with feelings for service remain light and constantly move forward with the experience of the flying stage. Where there is courage there is BapDada’s help at all times.

The constant victory of the pandavs is praised – there is a constant tilak of victory on the forehead of the pandavs. There s victory over the self and victory in service – a tilak of double victory. The speciality of the pandavs is praised every kalpa. The shaktis are co-operative, but the pandavs are the foundation – they enable the sun of service to rise. If Baba were to start speaking about the speciality of the pandavs, a whole murli could be conducted. In worship who is worshipped first? Ganesh (god of wisdom). So who is Ganesh? In sakar, BapDada gave this title to Jagdish – do you remember? The title given in the corporeal is not a small thing. So without Ganesh, that is without the pandavs, worship cannot begin. Samja!

There are no pandavs without the co-operation of the shaktis. Without the effort of the pandavs to bring about progress in service, there is no victory for the service of the shaktis. Both are one another’s companions. BapDada always calls the pandavs the companions, the equals of Brahma. The wonder of the pandavs is that they keep the shaktis in front. Achcha.

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