Avyakt BapDada 18th November 1987

Today, BapDada the Almighty Authority is seeing his shakti army. This spiritual army is a unique army – it is called an army but its special weapon is the power of silence – it is an army that brings about non-violence and peace. So today BabaDada was seeing those who are the bestowers of peace – he was seeing to what extent each one has accumulated the power of silence.

The power of silence transforms the entire world, both human souls, and nature. The power of silence is more powerful and more elevated than the power of speech and physical instruments for service. The instruments of physical service are pictures, projectors, videos, while the instruments of the power of silence are pure thoughts, pure feelings, and the language of the eyes. Just as an image is visible through a projector, in the same way through the power of silence, your image and the sparkling image of the Father can be shown clearly on your forehead. Your face can automatically give an experience of the different stages of remembrance through the power of silence – they will experience the seed stage or the angelic form, and will experience a variety of virtues through your powerful face. Your pure feelings of love and co-operation will create pure feelings in others, just as one light is able to ignite another.

With the power of silence, of pure thoughts, you can easily carry out physical tasks, and even inspire others to carry them out – just like the telephone and wireless of science, through pure thoughts you can communicate personally with others. These are the specialities of the power of silence. At the moment you make greater use of physical speech and instruments – you have not yet made use of the power of silence – but as time changes you must bring this power into use. With practice you have become powerful in your speech, so in the same way practice the power of silence. As time goes by you will not have time to do service through speech or physical instruments, and the fast instruments of the power of silence will become necessary. That which is extremely subtle is very powerful – pure thoughts are more powerful than words. Where words cannot do the task, the instruments of the power of silence – pure thoughts, pure feelings, and an experience of mercy and love through the language of the eyes – will accomplish the task.

As yet there is a lack of the experience of the power of silence. The majority have only had a slight taste of an experience of the power of silence. One needs to be introvert and in solitude. To be in solitude does not mean to draw away from everything – it means to be stable in any one powerful stage. Stabilise in the stage of being the seed, stabilise yourself as a server in the stage of being a lighthouse and might-house – give light and might to the world. Stabilise yourself in this experience.

Through the stage of being an angel, give an experience of the subtle stage to others. Become concentrated and subtle in this stage, even for one minute or one second. This simply requires practice. Is there anyone who cannot spare a minute? The programme for traffic control is already a system, a rule, of the Brahmin family. No matter how busy you are, if with deep love from the heart you wish to make time in between, you can do it – those who recognise its importance automatically find time.

To be in solitude means to stabilise your mind and intellect in one powerful stage. You saw sakar Baba. Even while listening to the news of service he used to be in solitude – he would listen to one hour’s news in five minutes, and also give them the experience of introversion and of being in solitude. So you experienced his complete stage of introversion and solitude while moving, listening, and eating. Are you not able to follow the father?

The power of silence gives experience – mostly the arrow of words only reaches the head. According to time they will become tired of listening and speaking – you will then take them beyond with a glance, through the instruments of the power of silence. With your pure thoughts you will finish the waste thoughts of other souls. With your pure feelings you will create in them feelings of love for Baba. In this way you will make souls content with the power of silence, and they will sing praise in front of you souls, the living bestowers of peace – because they take these last sanskars with them, they will become the bhagat souls in the copper age and sing the same praise of your non-living images.

Baba will tell you some other time how great is the importance of traffic control, and how necessary it is. However, today understand the importance of the power of peace yourself, and use it in service. Do you understand?

To the elevated and introverted souls from all four directions who are bestowers of peace, to the elevated karma yogis souls who perform action in a constant stage of solitude, to the elevated yogi souls who constantly use the power of silence, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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