Avyakt BapDada 18th December 1987

Today, bodiless BapDada is seeing his elevated children who have the aim of becoming bodiless – he is seeing to what extent each child has come close to the bodiless or karmateet stage – to what extent each is following the example of Brahma Baba. You saw sakar Brahma Baba become bodiless and karmateet while in the body. What is the speciality of being karmateet? While you have this body, and you are playing a part, through your sense organs, on this field of action, you cannot remain without performing karma, for even one second. Karmateet means to be beyond the bondage of karma even whilst performing karma. One is bondage and the other is relationship. The bondage comes when you are influenced by the limited fruits of karma – by external things. Those who come under the influence are like ghosts that are constantly wandering. What happens to the state of the human soul when an impure soul, and evil spirit, enters? He is under that influence and so is constantly wandering. If a soul is under the influence of desire for the perishable fruit of karma, that karma binds the soul, and causes distress to the self, and also to others. To be karmateet means to be a master, an authority, whilst having a relationship with the sense organs – to be detached from the influence of perishable desires, whilst making the sense organs perform karma. The souls should be the master, and not subservient to karma. Karmateet means to be beyond – to be detached. The soul instructs the karma to take place. When the soul is influenced by the sense organs that perform the karma, then that is the bondage of karma.

Relationship gives a unique and lovely experience – however the relationships of all souls today have been transformed into a form of bondage, and give distress in one way or another. One who is karmateet never becomes disturbed. You have to perform karma, but not by being under it’s influence – be the authority and master. One who is karmateet will be a karma yogi, while settling the suffering of past karma – will cheerfully change the suffering from a crucifix into a thorn, with yoga, and will burn it, and finish it. Even if it takes the form of sickness, that soul will not cry out, but will move along with it – the experience of being bodiless now and again takes him beyond takes him beyond the sickness, like a spiritual injection – the crucifix becomes a thorn. He also receives help from Baba, as the instant fruit of obedience. The suffering of karma is transformed into karma yoga.

It is all an attitude of mind – either you make an insignificant thing into something very big, thinking “why is this happening?”, or you make something big become insignificant with the thought “whatever happens is good”. Externally the curtain may appear to be of loss, but with patience, tolerance, and introversion, you will see the hidden benefit. While looking at the surface, you won’t see it. So, find the benefit in the loss.

Wasteful thought are the subtle strings of the bondage of karma. A karmateet soul would say “whatever happens is good – I am good, Baba is good, and the drama is good”. This works like scissors for cutting the bonds. Once the bonds are cut away you become karmateet.

Just as the significance of karma is very deep, the meaning of karmateet is also very great. Today you are only being told so much. Check this, then you will hear more later. Achcha.

Love and remembrances to those who remain in the consciousness of having all rights; to those who change the bondage of karma into the relationship of karma; to those who change the suffering of karma from a crucifix into a thorn, through karma yoga; to those who experience benefit at every second; to those who are constantly close to the karmateet stage, like Brahma Baba; to such special obedient souls, namaste from BapDada.

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