Avyakt BapDada 14th October 1987

Today, BapDada has come to celebrate the meeting again with those children who have celebrated this meeting many times in numerous kalpas. This alokik subtle meeting cannot take place even in the Golden Age of the future. It is only now in this special age that there is the meeting between the Father and the children. This is why this age is called the Confluence Age, the age of celebrating a meeting.

Just remember how many memories Baba his given you from the beginning up to now. The speciality of bhakti is to remember, by singing praise. Whilst remembering and chanting they become so intoxicated that for a short period they do not have any other awareness, Whilst chanting they become so lost in love that they become merged in love. For them that short experience is os lovely and unique. Why does that happen? Because the souls whom they remember have themselves always remained merged in the love of the Father. When remembering those souls, those bhagats receive support from you souls, the bestowers of blessings. Just think how much you souls, who are the embodiment of remembrance, the bestowers of fortune, and the bestowers of blessings, have attained in your practical life. At every step continue to experience the different states of being the embodiment of remembrance. Remember you are the master bestowing blessings on many others. Then you will have the treasure store of unique happiness and attainments.

When you listen to the murli with the intoxication of being God’s student, you will experience an alokik intoxication. Move along, throughout the day, in the remembrance of Baba’s company. Sometime adopt the form of a friend of God, sometimes a life companion. At times let God be your child, that is he has the first right. Whenever you are lonely or sad on seeing the atmosphere of the world, or the situations, then play in the beautiful relationship with the Child or the Friend. When you get tired, have a relationship with the Mother, sleep in her lap and become merged. If you become disheartened experience being the embodiment of master almighty authority. So experience the different relationships and you will automatically experience the company of the Father, and you will experience the Brahmin life of the Confluence Age to be invaluable. And you will be so busy in fulfilling relationships that there will be no time for Maya to come. Celebrate a meeting even in your sleep – sleep in yoga – in the bodiless stage. Each human soul desires variety in his life – so have a variety of experiences throughout each day of different relationships in different forms.

A complete life means having all relationships. A complete Brahmin life means experiencing all relationships with God. if any relationship is missing, another soul will pull you with that relationship. Experience a life of pleasure.

To the elevated children who constantly experience all relationships with the Father in every action, and who are the embodiment of remembrance, and who live a Brahmin life of pleasure, accept deep love and remembrances from BapDada.

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