Avyakt BapDada 14th December 1987

Today, BapDada is smiling seeing all his elevated children – the easy and natural yogi souls who constantly stay with him – the enlightened true servers who are constant co-operative companions in service – and the karmateet souls who are equal to Baba and will return with him. He was seeing to what extent they have become complete in all three aspects – being yogi, enlightened, and equal to the Father. If any speciality is lacking, the complete happiness and attainment of Brahmin life is not being experienced fully.

This is the one special time in the kalpa when the Bestower of Blessings comes to distribute blessings – to enable you to attain your complete stage. In the rest of the kalpa you attain the reward according to the action. At this time one step of action of yours brings multi-millionfold help from the Father. Even in satyug one step does not bring this return. There you consume that which you have accumulated here, and begin to descend – he degrees begin to decrease. When one age is complete the 16 celestial degrees are reduced to 14 degrees. Only at this time can the soul become 16 celestial degrees complete.

At this time Baba, with an open heart, places an open and overflowing treasure store of all attainments in front of the children. Blessings are given in the form of an inheritance. You do not receive reward only according to your efforts, because Baba is merciful, and He is a bestower. He gives wisdom and an experience of all relationships, and he helps at every second. Baba knows that the souls who have been stumbling for many years are weak and tired – this is why he helps – this is why he offers to carry the burden. He places a quill in your hand and enables you to draw the line of your fortune – you can draw the line as long as you wish.The key to open all treasures is placed in your hand. And if the storms of Maya come, Baba becomes a canopy of protection and keeps you safe.

Baba cares for you with so much love and attention that you constantly swing in many swings. Baba does not allow your feet to touch the ground. Sometimes you are in the swing of remembrance, sometimes the swing of Baba’s lap, sometimes the swing of happiness, and sometimes the swing of intoxication, bliss, love and peace. So keep swinging – keep experiencing pleasure.

At the end the companion who settles all karmic accounts will work (Dharamraj) – Baba is merciful now, but then the accounts will be settled. If you look now you are forgiven – even a severe mistake is forgiven – and Baba helps you to fly. If you have a realisation deep within the heart you are forgiven – you don’t need to ask for forgiveness in the way that people of the world do. Realisation brings forgiveness.

If you don’t claim blessings now, then when will you claim them? You will not receive this diamond chance again. Become yogi, pure, enlightened (gyani), and karmateet. Those who constantly stay with Baba will return with him. To become equal, place your hand in Baba’s hand – the physical body will not remain so there will not be a physical hand – it is the soul that returns. Those who follow are not companions – companions go hand in hand. So stay in Baba’s company for a long time – be companions and be co-operative. Be an instrument helper and stay busy, and Maya the cat will not come.

Because Baba is the Innocent Lord, some children treat Baba as though he were naive. Baba is the Innocent Lord, but he is also the Great Death. He does not show this form in front of the children, otherwise they would not be able to stand in front of Baba. Therefore he shows the form of innocence, even ignorance. This is to make the children complete. BabaDada smiles at all the scenes of the children’s games.

To the yogi souls in all four directions, to the enlightened souls, to the elevated karmateet souls who are equal to Baba, to the great souls who recognise the importance of the time and become great, to the sensible souls who constantly take the benefit of having all relationships with Baba, and have all attainments, BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

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