Avyakt BapDada 10th November 1987

Today, Baba the Jewel Merchant is seeing his special jewels who spread the light of the rays of good wishes for others around the world. In today’s world of artificial sparkle all souls are jewels of worry. You jewels of good wishes transform these jewels of worry with the power of pure thoughts. Just as the rays of the sun remove darkness even from far away, in the same way the rays of pure thoughts of you jewels of good wishes spread in all directions. Nowadays many souls feel that there is some spiritual light carrying out a task in an incognito way – this touching has started to take place. After searching they will ultimately reach this place. This touching is a result of your elevated thoughts for others.

All are the jewels who have good wishes for others, but the sparkle is number-wise. To have good wishes for others is the easy form of service through the mind. As you walk and move you can do this for every Brahmin soul and for unknown souls as wells. Your vibrations of good wishes will easily transform the atmosphere of worry. In the world of today, because of the selfishness of people, and the temporary attainments of possessions, elevated attainment is achieved for a short time only – temporary happiness changes into worry – possessions and people do not remove worry, but become instruments to create worry. Such souls who are distressed with worry see very few souls who have good wishes. Contact for even a short time with souls who have good wishes becomes a support for them and a means to remove worries. Therefore you jewels of good wishes are extremely loved by the world.

The one who constantly has pure thoughts will be the one with pure thoughts for others. If sometimes there are wasteful thoughts, or waste thoughts about others, then you cannot have constant good wishes for others. The souls with good wishes for others finish the waste thoughts of others, and also finish the waste thoughts they have about others.

If you are full of the jewels of knowledge, you can be a bestower and so have constant good wishes for others. So check throughout the day whether there are more pure thoughts or more waste thoughts about others. By being the embodiment of good wishes you give to others but also fill yourself. Those who think about others or have waste thoughts are constantly empty, and therefore weak.

All souls are on the pyre of worry and have weakened their wings of courage, zeal and enthusiasm. The pure feelings of you souls, your good wishes for them, will give them the wings of courage, and they will begin to fly – will become co-operative. Your stage of good wishes will give them hope, and will be a support to them. Give god wishes and you will receive co-operation and love from the heart. Wherever there is love, souls are ready to surrender time, wealth, and co-operation. So be full of pure thoughts, constantly.

Nowadays souls who have a good personality become well known – their name is glorified – they become worthy of praise. But you souls become worthy of worship. No matter how famous they may be in the fields of religion, politics or science, they have not become like you, the ones with a spiritual personality. The one who has good wishes is worthy of worship over a long period of time.

So make a programme for yourselves:
– transform all feelings into constant good wishes for each soul
– constantly give elevated co-operation to put others ahead and keep them in front
– have elevated feelings for all to create a better world, an elevated world
– finish all wasteful thoughts about others, finish the past,and become a dot
– give light to the world with the rays of elevated feeling, elevated thoughts, feelings of love
– bring power to others

Keep this foundation strong and the sound of revelation will spread automatically. Everyone’s finger is needed. There is importance in each brick. Some are bricks of the foundation, some are bricks of the upper part of the wall, but each brick is significant. In this land and abroad there is good zeal and enthusiasm for this huge task. Each Brahmin soul has this mercy, pity for every soul of the world. All our brothers and sisters should hear the sound of Baba’s revelation, and become worship worthy. If they become one of the 33 crore souls (330 million) whose names are praised, they must definitely hear the sound. As yet the 900,000 have not been created. You will create the world. Achcha.

The pure thought from the constantly living and co-operative children from all four directions is reaching BapDada. Bharat is Baba’s place of incarnation, and Bharat is the instrument land for creating a loud sound of revelation. The part of the beginning was in Bharat, and the part of the end will be in Bharat. Co-operation from abroad will bring about co-operation in Bharat, and the revelation in Bharat will reach foreign lands. Namaste from the unlimited Father to the children who are unlimited servers in this land and abroad.

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