Avyakt BapDada 7th March 1986

Today, the Father, the Innocent Lord, the Giver of Knowledge, the Bestower of Fortune, the Bestower of blessings f all powers, the One who fills you with all treasures, has come to meet his extremely loving, co-operative, and close children. All those sweet meetings between the Father and the children at this time, become the special occasion that are celebrated in the future. For you children, every day, every moment is filled with happiness and enthusiasm. The spiritual life, spiritual attainments, and spiritual experiences of this short Confluence Age are made into various memorials by the devotees from the copper age. Your life in this one birth become the means for hope and enthusiasm for 63 births on the path of devotion. You are such great souls.

The image and life history of the memorial, over the full 5,000 years, of what each one did, what they attained, what they became, and how they became it 5,000 years ago, is now clearly known. Your hear it, and seeing it, you smile, thinking “they are singing about us and worshipping us – they are speaking about our life history”. Everyone has seen there memorial haven’t they? They cannot make exact images of you – with loving feelings the devotees have made images in whatever way they have been touched.

: Today you are all celebrating Shiv Ratri – in reality you celebrate it every day, because the Confluence Age is the age of the incarnation of God, and, having incarnated, it is the age of the elevated task and the divine, elevated activity.

They call out “come”, whereas you say “he has come, we have found him”. This is such a huge difference – the difference between the memorial and the reality is the difference between day and night. This is the day of the Innocent Lord – why do they call him the lord of the innocent? Even though he is knowledge-full, he is innocent. He is also remembered as the Lord of the overflowing treasure store.

The four main subjects of the Confluence Age are remembered on this special day. There is importance given to the dot and the drop. The dot is the memorial of the subject of remembrance, the yoga of this time, becoming stable in the state of a dot. The drops are of knowledge, the memorial of the subject of knowledge. The memorial of dharna is the special fast they have on this day – you imbibe determined thoughts. The memorial of service is staying awake through the night – your service is to awaken people from the sleep of ignorance.

So the four subjects are remembered – they have changed shape into physical form, because no-one had the divine intellect to appreciate the subtle significance. The devotee intellect is not a subtle and refined intellect, but what BapDada refers to as the gross intellect. Although they have given it an ordinary form, God is pleased with the devotees – they are full of loving feelings, and remain single minded in any decision they make.

Also on this special day you celebrate the surrender ceremony. They surrender goats, and you surrender yourselves, the limited “I” and “mine” – this is the greatest sacrifice.

They have created a good memorial, have they not? You also say “well done” to the bhagats from your hearts – after all they are your bhagats. They are the Fathers and they are yours. It is your reign for half the kalpa – not just Laksmi and Narayan’s reign. In the same way they are your bhagats, not just BapDada’s. If you watch the devotion, you will enjoy it very much. Baba thanks the bhagats for spreading hope and enthusiasm, even if it is only for one or two days – even if it is temporary, the attention of the majority is drawn to the Father in a special way.

When you are at Madhuban your feet are not on the ground. When you return abroad, will you come down to earth, or will you always descend from above to do your work? “Above” means an elevated stage – be stable in a high stage and then do ordinary work. Baba takes an ordinary body, does he not – he performs ordinary actions, he speaks as you people speak, he moves as you do. The actions are ordinary and the body is ordinary. But while doing ordinary work, the stage remains high. You must do the same.

Every day at amrit vela, you should think that you have emerged from shantidham to do your work. At night, having done your work, you should return to shantidham. Having incarnated, you come as avatars (incarnations). Avatars incarnate to do elevated work. It is not called a birth, but an incarnation. From an elevated stage you come down. When you perform work in such a stage, ordinary actions become unique spiritual actions. Just as other people eat, you also eat – but they are said to eat food, whereas you dine on Brahma Bhojan. You move, but you move like angels – you move in that state of being double light.

The entire Confluence Age is a day of incarnation for you. BapDada receives congratulations from all four directions, and BapDada gives countless congratulations in response. You are first congratulated for recognising the Father, then there are congratulations for becoming the Father’s heirs, then congratulations for becoming tireless and unlimited servers like the Father, then congratulations for the constant and determined thoughts and elevated actions to become angels and then deities, like the Father. There are congratulations for every step, for every moment, and for every thought. You congratulate BapDada, but BapDada says “you first”. You sing the birthday song, and BapDada says “happy birthday” to you. You are being sustained by congratulations – the encouragement of the Father and of the family. With encouragement you dance and sing and fly. You encourage each other.

If someone is doing something wrong, never tell them straight out that they are wrong – you will never change them like that. You cannot extinguish a fire directly with another fire – you must apply cold water to it. First tell them what they have done right, and bring them within reach. First apply cold water and explain how they have caught fire. Then they will feel the reason for catching fire, and the method for extinguishing it. If you say straight out that something is wrong, and refer to some wrong action, you are adding fuel to the fire. Give them encouragement. Even if someone were to ask BapDada directly “am I wrong” He will not tell them – he will say “you are right” – because at that time they will not have the necessary courage. If someone’s heart is weak, and you tell them “you are dying”, they will suffer a heart failure! At that time they do not have the power to change their efforts.

So the Confluence Age is the age of expansion through encouragement – this encouragement is the elevated sustenance. To give each other encouragement is to have a large heart. It is not that you are explaining wrongly about their wrong – have some patience. An indication will have to be given, but look at their courage and find the right time. Congratulate them with loving feeling – say it with the heart. Touch them with mercy. Always give encouragement, and take encouragement – this encouragement is a blessing.

On this day there is praise of Shiva as the Lord of the overflowing treasure store – this is also your praise, not just the Father’s. As children of the Bestower, you become Bestowers and give constantly. Deities give. Give without taking. First give them courage, enthusiasm and happiness, and you will be able to persuade them to do whatever you wish.

Every day you must celebrate the auspicious occasion of meting with the Father. Achcha.

To the children from all four directions, imperishable congratulations for every day of the confluence age. To those who become bestowers of blessings like the Father, and who fill every soul; to the children who are the master lords of innocence, who perform all actions while staying in remembrance, making them into memorials; to the elevated children who move forward with hope and enthusiasm, congratulations for the birth worth diamonds, in which you beco
me complete, and congratulations for making everyone happy – love, remembrances and namaste. Om shanti.

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