Avyakt BapDada 6th January 1986

Today, Baba, who is trikaldarshi (knower of the three aspects of time) is seeing the accumulation in every child’s account. The Confluence Age is the only time in the kalpa for creating and elevated credit account. The age is short, the life is short, but you can accumulate as much credit as you wish, in all of the accounts – the accounts of elevated actions, elevated relationships, elevated powers, and elevated virtues. From the copper age the credit gained through bhakti is temporary – you perform one moment, receive fruit in the next, and that is it, finished. Now is the time to accumulate in an imperishable account. Now is the auspicious age, the age of dharma (charity), the age of God’s incarnation, the age of receiving blessings.

Because of his love, Baba comes as the Innocent Lord of the treasure store and gives multimillion fruits in return for each single thing given. In other ages you receive as much as you give, but only now can you accumulate multimillions in return for one. In bhakti there is the fruit of good feelings, and now there is the fruit of inheritance and blessings. So recognise the importance of this period – the attainments and the potential for accumulating. Are you the viewer of the three aspects of time? One second of this time is so much greater than a period of ordinary time. Do you know clearly how much can be earned in a second and how much can be lost in a second? Those who are raja yogis, those who are self sovereign, claim a right to the kingdom. Now you become living models of your future form.

A self sovereign is king of the senses – the subjects. Does the king rule or the subjects? If the subjects rule, the dynasty of the king finishes. Even if only one sense deceives you, you are not self sovereign. Do not think there are bound to be one or two weaknesses, and you will become complete at the end – a weakness that continues of over a long period of time will deceive you at the last moment. The longer you are self sovereign in this age, the longer your future kingdom will last.

Only those who become equal to Baba now, and thus gain his heart throne, will then claim the right to the throne of the kingdom. Check your account – do not simply check your chart: “yes I attended class”, “yes I had yoga” – but was the yoga as powerful as it should be? Was the time well spent? Was there great pleasure? Was credit accumulated for the future, or were the earnings spent immediately? Are you crawling like an insect, or moving like a rocket?

This is the year of the golden jubilee. Your effort should be Golden Aged – satopradhan, and not silver aged – sato. Your service should also be golden. There should not be the slightest alloy of old sanskars – no arrogance, disrespect, jealousy, stubborn-ness, or other alloy. Mould yourself into real gold. Be loving, co-operative, and benevolent.

Embody solutions, not difficulties. When problems arise, this is the time to show the authority of self-sovereignty. Victory comes at the time of battle.

To all fortunate souls who have a double right to the inheritance and blessings – to elevated self sovereign souls – to real gold children who are always in a Golden Aged state – to special souls who, through absorption in self transformation, transform the world – BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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