Avyakt BapDada 31st March 1986

Today, the master of all powers is seeing his master children – seeing to what extent the children have become the masters, equal to the Father and complete. A master will have the sanskar of being a world server. Some are still in the stage of the child, and only sometimes able to stabilise the consciousness in the powerful stage of being like the Father. Some reach equality in thoughts, some also in speech, some even in actions, but when they come into relationship and connections, either in service or with the family, there is a lower percentage of equality.

BapDada has a deep and constant love for the children. BapDada wishes to make the children strong and very firm through determined tapasya over a long period of time. BapDada is giving this year to the children for particular determined tapasya, so that every thought becomes imperishable and immortal. Time is being given to strengthen this. You have to accumulate the power of pure thought in particular, and fill yourself with it. Become introspective and finish all waste thoughts. Let the power of your pure thoughts be such that there is transformation in others also.

At present Brahma Baba in the avyakt form is sustaining all of you with the power of pure thoughts. So now become equal to the father, Brahma, and fill yourself with pure thoughts through tapasya. The very word tapasya indicates practice which is full of determination. Why is time being given now? So that you still have a long period of time to accumulate your stock. A time will come when you have to be bestowers – bestowers of the law, and bestowers of blessings. In a very short time you will have to give a great deal to many, so your account must become full and complete.

So become one who always gives. Give without the feeling of taking. And develop the power to merge all things – you are children of the Ocean and the speciality of the Ocean is to merge. If you can merge you will be able to have pure thoughts and feelings of good wishes and benefit for all, constantly.

You must be co-operative in finishing the obstacles of others, even if you have to bow down in front of them. To erase thoughts of the self, has greatness, so do not think “why should I bow down”.

As the anxiety and upheaval increase, the line of your intellect has to be very clear – you need the powers of touching and catching. You should be able to catch Baba’s directions, with nothing else mixed with them. If the line is not clear, dictates of the mind become mixed in and the soul suffers loss. And, with a clear intellect you will be more able to give all powers to all souls – the touching will come that at this moment, this is the specific easy method of serving this particular soul. Remember the one Baba and none other. To avoid attachment is one thing – attachment is wrong – but you must also avoid conflict, as when the intellect is influenced through conflict, Baba is not in the intellect at that time. Economise not just in wealth, but in thoughts and time – do not waste any of them. To economise is to increase the account of what you have stored.

You must practice touching and catching now so that you are ready at the time of destruction, at the time of need. If you are not ready, if you are still weak at the end, there will be a battle and you will enter the silver age. To labour means to hold the bow and arrow and to try to attain the target. To stay in deep love and happiness means to play the magic flute and to be in the sun dynasty. The flute makes you dance. So don’t be the one with the bow and arrow, be the one who holds the flute. Don’t complain later that you need extra time – you have to move now with fast speed. Understood?

BapDada is seeing the children in every corner of this land and abroad. There are many tiny places which are considered ordinary, and yet have children there overflowing with treasures. BapDada wants the maharathi children to go on tour to light the lamp of desires that these souls have placed with Baba – they desire to have this lamp lit, and so perform this opening. This is why BapDada is giving this time specially. Let the desires of the children of every village be fulfilled. Do not say that Dadi has to go everywhere – no, all the main maharathis should go. If one were to go everywhere, five years would be needed. Different people should go to different places, so that no-one is left out. Wherever you go let there be one day for the service of outside people, and one day for a special programme of tapasya for Brahmins. Refresh the Brahmins.

Be content, with a broad and unlimited intellect, and no desire for the self. Increase the power of the gathering – be subtle and generous, and renounce your own thoughts – do not separate yourself from the gathering. If there is separation the soul cannot enter the royal family or rule the kingdom, but there also you will be separate. To be within the gathering now means to be be in close relationship with the gathering for 21 births. So do what has to be done to create the power of the gathering. Do not just pull the quilt towards yourself, but give it to others also, and they will then let you share it too. The more you give to another first, the more they will give to you. So let there be subtlety and generosity.

The visible sign of contentment (santosha) and generosity (vishalta) is fullness and happiness (prashanta) visible on the face, with no questions arising in the consciousness.

This is then the end of the eighteen chapters. Understood? This is the result that BapDada wishes to see. Let there be tapasya for this result. BapDada will come especially on the 18th of January to tell you the half way result. There will not be a full season – the 18th and 21st of January (anniversary of first avyakt murli) are special dates and BapDada will come to celebrate the day of becoming avyakt.

The importance of Madhuban is eternal – Madhuban is Madhuban – the greatness can never be reduced, because this is where the great soul and the supreme soul have filed every grain of sand with powerful vibrations over a long period of time. God is not in every grain of sand, but every grain of sand here is filled with those vibrations. Madhuban is the Peace House of the world.

Renunciation for selfish reasons does not create fortune, but renunciation which is totally altruistic creates a huge fortune. When you have made everyone else happy, you receive a share of everyone else’s happiness.

BapDada knows the numbers, yet the children are not yet being seen numberwise – that will happen at the end. The last can still go fast and become first. Baba has this elevated hope and pure desire for all of the children that you should all be first. Achcha.

To all the constantly loving children of all the different corners; to the children who are constantly sitting on the heart throne, constantly showing the sparkle of contentment, constantly full and happy; to the children with unlimited generous hearts; to those who constantly develop an intellect which is unlimited, broad and subtle; to such big hearted special souls; Bapdada’s love and remembrance, full of affection, and namaste.

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