Avyakt BapDada 22nd January 1986

Today, the resident of the faraway land has come to meet the children who are residents of faraway lands. BapDada sees and hears the thoughts of love and enthusiasm for a meeting in the hearts of the double foreign children. Although they are sitting far away, yet they are close. BapDada sees how children stay awake all night and catch love and power through drishti and vibrations.

: Today Baba has not come to speak the murli. You have heard many murlis. This year BapDada wants to see in you the revealed form of BapDada’s love – the manifestation of you becoming close to full completeness and accomplishment. It is a form with elevated thoughts, elevated words, elevated actions, and elevated relationships. Such an elevated form has yet to be seen. BapDada wishes to see you become the embodiment of all that you have heard and are hearing now. Baba wants to see transformation in practice. BapDada wishes to create a garland of really flawless, invaluable diamonds – each sparkling with light and might that reaches out to the unlimited.

For a long time now BapDada has been seeing the children’s limited thoughts, limited words, and limited relationships. Become lighthouses and might-houses. Keep your vision focused on the unlimited. The world will be transformed when your vision becomes unlimited. The huge task of transforming the world has to be completed in a short time – the speed and method has to be unlimited. Let it echo in the atmosphere of this land and abroad: the unlimited masters of the world, the unlimited servers, the deity souls, are now here.

To those from all four directions who fulfil the elevated feelings and wishes of others; who are angels and deities; who are lighthouses and might-houses, and remain stable in the high stage; the special souls who understand the subtle signals, the children with far-reaching intellects – BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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