Avyakt BapDada 22nd February 1986

Today, BapDada, the world benefactor is seeing he children who are his companions in world service, from the beginning , through to the end, in both visible and incognito forms. In the beginning Brahma Baba and the Brahmin children became instruments for service in a corporeal form, a visible form. The children – the shakti army and the pandav army – are doing the task in front of the world now, in a visible form. There is love for service – Brahmin life is a life of service – Brahmin souls cannot survive without service – service is the elevated means of surviving maya – service makes you yog-yukt.

But which type of service. One is simply service through the lips, the service of sound. Secondly there is service through the mind, service by being the embodiment of those sweet words, service that is selfless, service through being the embodiment of renunciation and tapasya, service beyond limited desire. This is known as divine service, spiritual service.

Service through words is only the service of making the self happy. Service to make everyone else happy is done through the mind and lips together. Service through the mind means service through the lips while in the stage of manmanabhav.

BapDada is seeing both right hand and left hand servers. Both are servers, but there is a difference between right and left. Right hand servers are always free from desires. Left hand servers do service with the desire to eat some limited fruit of that service now. One is incognito, and the other wants a name. An incognito server is free from desires. Their name may be incognito at present, but they remain constantly full with the happiness of success.

Some children think – there is more fame for those who have a name and do service with a performance. But it is not like this. The sound from the heart reaches the heart. There are those who earn an internal name, for they are free from desires. The sound of their heart cannot remain hidden. The sparkle of being a true server is visible on their face, on their form.

If a name is earned, it is eaten and finished – the future doesn’t become elevated or eternal. BapDada has a complete record of all the servers. Continue, but don’t have any thought for a name. Claim the right to eternal fruit. You have come for an eternal inheritance. If temporary fruit is eaten, this lessens the right to an eternal inheritance. It should all be saved. So be right hand servers, free from desires.

There is greater value in incognito donation and incognito service – you are constantly full in the self – you become a free emperor, not caring for name or glory. You will be constantly seated on the eternal throne of self respect, not the limited throne of others’ regard. You attain success through renunciation and tapasya.

Real service does not make the stage shake. A true server is a true diamond, and a true diamond cannot hide its sparkle. No matter how great the sparkle of a false diamond, which one has more value? Service for namesake has the show of temporary sparkle. So do service for world benefit, true service, free from desires. They may not consider you to be anything now, but they’ll consider you something for 2,500 years. Go beyond limited thoughts. Become a free emperor and celebrate the happiness and pleasure of the Confluence Age.

If service makes you gloomy, then understand it is not service. If it shakes you and brings you into fluctuation, it is not service. Service should make you fly. Service should make you a carefree emperor. Such servers sill not run after success – success is right behind them.

Now you have made a good plan to make the world itself a great donor (Million Minutes of Peace Appeal). If only for a short while, either out of desperation or out of love, they will emerge sanskars of peace. Peace is their religion anyway. They are children of the ocean of love. They are residents of the land of peace. If someone experiences sweetness, the taste will pull them again and again. They will taste the honey of peace. World peace will be the basis of spiritual peace. The elements will become peaceful when the souls have the awareness of peace.

Peace is the breath of human life, but they have become unconscious of that. They are unconscious through peacelessness. And so the plan is like oxygen – a little bit of breathing will begin through it. All of you must become the houses of peace and give rays of peace. Your vibrations of peace will draw them to the true method, the method to bring hope into one without hope. When the sound echoes in all directions from the donors of peace, the angels of peace will be revealed.

: Today it is Europe’s turn. The spark of destruction emerged from Europe, did it not? Bombs were created underground and then put to use later, were they not? In the same way Europe will be specially revealed in the task of establishment. Underground incognito souls are now being prepared who will become well known. A weapon from Europe will be used to glorify the name. Europe will be very helpful to you for the preparation of the new world. Things from Europe are always very strong. Everyone gives importance to things from Germany. On the whole, the quality of Europe is very good. Increase quality as well as quantity – there should be the balance of both. How many are there from foreign lands out of 900,000? (5,000). At least the cycle of one kalpa is completed. Foreign lands have the blessing “last goes fast”. It takes less effort to prepare the land, than in Bharat, because they havn’t heard bad things, and wrong things are clear. Those from Bharat have to clean the slate first, and then write upon it.

To the elevated souls who are constantly true servers, instruments for world success, world benefactors; to the special souls who will always attain success as their birthright; to the close souls who give awareness of true form to others through their form; to the double light children who are constantly unlimited servers, free from desires, and continually flying, BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

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