Avyakt BapDada 20th January 1986

Today, the powerful father is seeing the powerful children who have the determined thoughts to create the new world and to make every soul peaceful and happy. The task is already done – the destination is fixed – you are simply the instruments to receive the fruit. It has happened many times before and it is happening again. You see the practical proof of self transformation. You have unshakeable faith. This is the task of God, and such is always successful.

People are afraid of destruction, but you are carefree because the new world will be established. In front of you the golden sun is rising for the golden world, and in front of them are dark clouds. The time is coming closer and so you are wearing the bells of happiness and dancing. The complete stage and the complete Father are both calling you “come powerful children – become equal – and rest in your home”. Become angels – angels bestow – bestow blessings. A deity always gives. Become the embodiment of the great mantra – hum so, so hum. From now on, over a long period of time, emerge the sanskars of being an angel, and so a deity.

When will destruction will take place? Don’t calculate a date for that. Don’t calculate towards 2000. Destruction is the very end period. By then, the chance to practice over a long time will be finished. Even now the long time is changing into a short time. Effort over a short time means fruit for a short time. For some there is still the account for a long period of waste thoughts, inaccurate action, and a backlog of sin. BapDada knows – he just doesn’t reveal it – he draws a curtain over it. Baba, the ocean of love, has love in all relationships, and though seeing carelessness and ordinary effort, it is as if he has not heard or seen them. With the extra help of love, he gives extra marks, and enables you to move forward.

It has been said that the 18th chapter has begun. The speciality of the 18th chapter is to become the embodiment of remembrance. Not remembrance one minute and forgetting the next, but remembrance over a long period of time, in an automatic easy way. Finish battling. Finish labour. Finish confusion. In the 18th chapter you become free from all attachments, by becoming the embodiment of remembrance. As yet the list of attachments is still very long. First is the household of the self, then the household of the divine family, then the household of service, then the household of limited attainments. You now very well the secret of how to isolate yourself from each one of these households. Become detached and loving.

To those who make elevated effort over a long time; who are the original jewels of the age of God, the Confluence Age; who are the first deities, the original jewels of the children of God; who are equal to the original , eternal Father, love, remembrance, and namaste from Baba the server.

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