Avyakt BapDada 1st March 1986

Today, BapDada is seeing the spiritual gathering of holy swans. BapDada is looking to see to what extent each has the “swan intellect”: pure elevated and good thoughts for every soul. A holy swan distinguishes clearly between pebbles and gems and takes the gems. You should never adopt a bad or ordinary attitude towards any soul – always have good wishes, a pure and benevolent attitude. Recognise the soul’s attitude accurately, and you will never be influenced by their ordinary or wasteful personality. A holy swan will, through their benevolent attitude, change the non-benevolent attitude of others. Your drishti should always be pure and elevated and loving, no matter what they are like. Bad words and waste words cannot come from the mouth of a holy swan.

So all of you should look at yourselves and see to what extent you are a holy swan. Constant attention to transformation, over a long period of time, gives you the right to the golden world. Effort is not required – simply imbibe the things Baba tells you and it will automatically emerge in a practical way.

The work of a holy swan is to imbibe. You have become knowledgeful – you have clearly understood what is wasteful and ordinary – this is the power of discrimination – discrimination comes from having a “swan intellect”.

A great deal of time is wasted when that which is waste, or wrong, is considered to be right. A lack of discrimination dissipates the power of the mind, and then a burden is accumulated through taking help from others.

Do not invert the inverted, but revert the inverted.

First gain victory over the self, then you will be victorious with everyone else and then with nature.


BapDada always sees the speciality of each child and praises them. What are the specialities of Australia? The pandavs are always greater in number, and it is mostly pandavs who look after centres. There are shaktis also, but there are more pandavs. The shaktis have given the pandavs a chance. It is right that such an example exists. It is not that the shaktis are behind, but the pandavs are in front. Thos who place others in front are always in front themselves. It shows the depth and breadth and maturity of the shaktis, that they have placed the pandavs in front and are urging them forward. Who are in the majority at the centres? It is the pandavs, isn’t it? This is a good example.

Consider yourself to be an instrument – through this you become incorporeal, viceless, and egoless. The attitude of being an instrument finishes the innumerable forms of “I” and “mine” very easily. This speciality is the basis of success. If there is a deficiency in this, there will be fluctuations in your stage, and you will have to make effort – effort to do service and effort to maintain a flying stage. In the beginning, because of immaturity, there is a great deal of fluctuation, but with experience you move towards a good immovable stage of upliftment.

BapDada is happy that each light is kindling another, so that innumerable lights are being kindled to make a rosary of lights. Actors on a stage pay so much attention to everything, whereas behind the curtain they do not. You are playing your part on the stage. Be a great hero actor. You should not spend your time on anything but service.

The accumulation of credit is automatic – it does not have to be calculated. Baba does not keep a register like you people do. He does not have to maintain each one’s account individually, otherwise the office would become a very huge one! Just look at those who keep accounts – they have so many files! Each one’s register, from the very beginning up to now, can be emerged within a second. It is magic. Whoever does what and in whatever stage, it is all accumulated and is in front of BapDada. Is that hilarious? Come and see in the subtle regions how everything operates automatically.

The courage of the shaktis, and the enthusiasm for service of the pandavs, are the two wings of Australia that have become very strong. On one side is courage, and on the other hope and enthusiasm, and so both wings have become strong.

The pandavs have been shown as tall and brave – your stage is like this, tall and strong. Australians are more merciful towards the wandering souls.

As much as we meet, we will want to meet more, because BapDada sees each child’s speciality. If a signal has to be given for a deficiency then he will do that, but, still, it is specialities he sees. When each and every speciality is seen, each seems more lovely than the next. You should also see each other in this way. If you have love for the Father then all Brahmin souls will seem lovely. In the rosary it will be Brahmin souls with whom you have relationship. Baba will retire and observe. In every birth you will come into relationship with each other. All are lovely because all are loved by the Father, and so you love them as well. Achcha.

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