Avyakt BapDada 19th March 1986

Today, the spiritual gardener is seeing his spiritual rose garden. This spiritual rose garden is only established by BapDada, only at the Confluence Age. BapDada is seeing the splendour of the fragrance of spirituality, and the fullness of the bloom of spirituality of each spiritual rose. All are fragrant, but the fragrance of some is permanent, but of others it is temporary. Some roses are always in full bloom, whereas some reach full bloom but wilt under a little sunshine or weather. But all spiritual roses belong to the spiritual gardener’s garden. Some have the special fragrance of knowledge, some the special fragrance of remembrance, some of dharna, and some of service. Some are complete with all fragrance. So where in the garden will attention be drawn first? Those that have a fragrance that attracts from a distance will draw everyone’s attention first.

The spiritual gardener always looks at all the spiritual roses, but number-wise. He loves them all because within each rose there is intense love for the gardener. The flowers love the master of the garden and the master of the garden loves the flowers. But the roses that are placed in the showcase will be those with permanent fragrance, always in full bloom – it will never be the ones that have wilted.

Every day at amrit vela , BapDada celebrates a meeting with all the spiritual roses, and sustains them with special love and power. Amrit vela is the time of special sustenance from God. Amrit vela is the special time of the meeting with the supreme soul. It is the time for spiritual conversation. Amrit vela is the time when one can easily, without effort, attain blessings, and limitless treasures, from the open treasure stores of the Innocent Lord. You experience this auspicious period do you not? Only the experienced know of its elevated happiness and elevated attainments. So, BapDada smiles on seeing all the spiritual roses. BapDada says “my spiritual roses are so wonderful!”. You sing the song “wonderful, wonderful”, so BapDada sings that same song.

You have heard many murlis. You have become complete by hearing them, and now, as great donors, you are making plans to donate the treasures to all. This enthusiasm is very good.

: Today it is the turn of the UK. The UK has been instrumental for bringing together people who have different types of limited powers, from a variety of lineage, from a variety of religions, and who speak a variety of languages., to the one Brahmin religion and to speak the one Brahmin language. You have your own language such that anyone new does not understand what is being said. The language of the Brahmins, and the dictionary of the Brahmins are their own. So the UK is busy uniting all into one, are you not? The numbers are also good, and your love for each other is also good. The speciality of love for the yagya, and co-operation with the yagya, is clearly visible. By setting aside a portion for the yagya, that is Madhuban, at each step, you are claiming a good number. Remembering Madhuban directly becomes a special lift. At each step in each task there is remembrance of Madhuban, that is, of Baba. Madhuban automatically inspires remembrance of Baba. Wherever you live, to remember Madhuban is to get a special lift of love. You are liberated from the effort of ascending. Within a second, you can switch on, and arrive.

BapDada does not want any diamonds and pearls. Anything of love is a diamond to Baba. Love has value whereas articles do not. No matter how many things a person gives, if he gives without love, he accumulates nothing. If you give just a little with love, that accumulates multi-million fold. So Baba likes love.

Co-operation make yoga easy. The thought of co-operation will automatically bring remembrance of Baba. The Father likes co-operation from the heart. Baba, the lord of hearts, loves love from the heart, and co-operation from the heart. Those who have a small heart are happy with a small deal, and those who have a big heart make an unlimited deal.

As the foundation is of a big heart, so the growth is also huge. Just as some trees have branches that have become trunks too, so in the UK trunks have emerged from the foundation, and branches have emerged which have become trunks, and from these trunks more branches have emerged. Australia, America, Europe, and Africa have emerged like this. All have now become trunks and more branches are emerging from these trunks. Because the foundation was made strong with the water of love and co-operation, the growth and the fruit is good. Achcha. Om shanti.

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