Avyakt BapDada 16th March 1986

Today, BapDada was seeing the stage of sweet silence in the children. Can you become stable in the state of silence in a second? Your eternal form is of sweet silence. Your original form is of coming into sound, but your eternal, imperishable sanskars are of silence. So, knowing your eternal form and eternal personality, are you able to stabilise yourself in that whenever you wish?

Because the cycle is finishing, you have to return to your home of silence. Now the time to return home is close. Now it is time to close your role of the three aspects of time – the beginning, middle, and end – so stabilise yourself in your eternal state and eternal form. Check yourself and see if you have conquered the senses. This is spiritual drill – spiritual exercise to make you powerful. No matter what the atmosphere there is all around – there may be disturbance – while living in sound, you now need to practice, over a long period of time, going into a stage beyond sound.

To become peaceful in an atmosphere of peace is not a big thing. You need the practice of being peaceful in the midst of disturbances, including the disturbance of your own weaknesses, waste thoughts from your sanskars. If it takes time to make yourself stable, then you may be deceived. At the end you will not have a lot of time. The results of the paper will emerge within a matter of a few seconds, or minutes, but your number will be fixed by your ability to remain immovable when there is an atmosphere of disturbance everywhere. So practice doing spiritual exercises. You should be able to stabilise your mind anywhere, at any time, in any state, for any length of time you wish.

The final paper is extremely easy, and you have been warned in advance that you will be tested in this way. The number will be received in a very short space of time. The stage should be so powerful that although the body, bodily relations, bodily sanskars, individuals, or wealth, vibrations and atmosphere may all be present, nothing can attract you. Destroy all attachment and become the embodiment of consciousness. Do you have this practice?

While people scream you remain immovable. At the end, the elements and Maya will come to stake their claim. No matter how much they pull towards themselves, you should remain absorbed in love, in the stage of being detached and beloved of the Father. This is called seeing and not seeing, hearing and not hearing. Let there be such practice. This is the stage which is called “being the sweet form of silence”.

Still BapDada is granting you time. You still have some time to deal with your defects. Will you be ready when the bell rings? There should not be the slightest fluctuation. Simply say ‘dot’ and at that instant become fixed in that stage. The dot should not waver – you should not be thinking “I am a soul”. The war will be taking place in every direction. Everyone and everything will have a final trial as you reach your final stage of having settled all karmic bonds. The scene will be of a very powerful battle on both sides – externally and internally. Maya and the elements will apply full force and your effort to complete will also be given full force. The victory within a second will be the victory that beats the drums of victory. Now do you understand what your last paper will be?

Everyone has, and must maintain, the positive thought that you are about to become number one. Only when you win everywhere in everything will you become number one. If you have the slightest waste thought or waste time, in even a single matter, your number will be reduced. So check everything and check in all four directions. To move forward with intense speed, make intense efforts at this practice, from this moment on. Understood?

Now you know the question, as well as the time allowed for it, so you should all pass. You are all going to pass, are you not?

What will happen in the future will be revealed later. The scenes of drama change continually. Everyone has come to eat the fruit of the season, have they not? Now you can enjoy yourselves, and at the end of the season you will be told of what is next.

You must not think “I am ordinary”. All are special. If any were not special, you would not come to the Father. You are all maharathis and mahavirs. If you were to see the shaktis, then each shakti would be seen to be a great soul and a world benefactor. You are all world benefactors, are you not? Achcha. Om shanti.

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